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Everything posted by SometimesSansEngine

  1. A previous owner fitted a healtech gipro gear indicator to my bike. This isn't done via a magnet, it is wired in. I have no idea how easy it is to fit but it works well. My 125 didn't have a gear indicator and I did eventually get a feel for what gear I was in based in speed and revs, but I do prefer having one versus not.
  2. Got home today and had to admit to [mention]Magpie84[/mention] that I'd got the first pub without her. I cannot repeat her reply here in case there's a swear filter (!) but needless to say out eldest heard
  3. Got off the mark before March. Took a pic of back of sign before quickly getting the front to prove the pub is called the Red Lion as getting the front of the sign involved standing in the car park entrance. No way to park at front of pub as it is right in the main road at a busy roundabout. So not lovely pictures but ho hum
  4. Hi Ben, agree with the others that it depends on you and any bad habits. Lots of videos on YouTube with some good advice on what examiners looks for. Check out RJH Motorcylce Training's vids - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiHVOZpzEyMTiCU0JNU9f0A
  5. Interesting what you say about glasses [mention]JRH[/mention], never had this problem and I have both rimless glasses with quite thin arms and full frames with quite chunky arms.
  6. As [mention]gogs01[/mention] says, it's worthwhile offering to take the pic so you can enter your details into here in front of them and view your full up to date entitlement? In effect that actually tells them more than just the licence as it will also show up any points etc. https://www.viewdrivingrecord.service.gov.uk/driving-record/licence-number
  7. 2usksy.jpg Don't forget the Boring Company.
  8. A friend of mine the other day posted on Facebook "is Tesla just a giant Ponzi scheme?" It's quite a strong statement but considering the financial history of the company it's an interesting point.
  9. Out of interest, what alternative do they have other than using the A272? Hi by the way.
  10. Some people are shits. I'm not the paranoid type but whenever I return to my bike in the public car park I visually look at each brake caliper and do a moving brake test just after setting off. I had someone loosen my quick release skewer on my bicycle once, I spotted it on returning to the bike. That would have been nasty.
  11. Not lurching up and down like you're on a bucking horse Easy roll off, squeeze the brakes, slowly release the brakes and smoothly roll the throttle on etc
  12. Racing will always improve the technology. Pretty much anything ever built that you can move ends up being raced And then of course the technology developed to win the race will eventually trickle down https://www.f1-fansite.com/f1-news/what-are-f1-inventions-on-road-cars/ So definitely worth following to see what we may be riding in a decade or so time
  13. Wonder if Ann Summers is in the market to make a bike? I was going to suggest it but was also trying to be polite We have Love Honey hq near us, maybe I should drop by and suggest they expand into new markets?
  14. I find the more I ride the more I enjoy it. There's so much to concentrate and think about in the early days if you're moving into middle age like us (might be the same for kids but I never did it when young, I'm just assuming they throw themselves into it a bit more) As more 'every day' riding becomes second nature you then start to focus on getting around corners etc better.
  15. Hi there [mention]Muty90[/mention] Location might help?
  16. Back on topic, half of the fun of motorcycling is surely the acceleration, the sensation of cornering etc Which can easily be replicated with an electric motor. I'm sure you lose some noise but I'm sure that can be replicated (I learnt not so long ago that some modern cars have exhaust noise played into the car as you drive along......) Heck if it's the vibrations as you accelerate that get you I'm sure they can shove some bolts into a cylinder that rotates as you pick up speed.... I'd happily give one of these a go to see what they're like.
  17. What do you mean when you say gay? ... I'm calling this out too. No idea what someone's sexuality has to do with this. Then to fall back on "snowflake" to try and claim that it's just other people being sensitive shows a complete dearth of brain cells. One day I'll understand why some heterosexual people are so threatened by the concept of homosexuality. It can only be that they feel threatened because I can't think of any other reason why they want to paint it as a bad thing. If all that doesn't make sense, I'll let Joe Root try to explain it for you. "> edit: people who just use 'snowflake' to try and justify a difference of opinion reminds me of:
  18. Is 45 middle aged? Bonus, I have some time to go.
  19. Aaaah I see. You realised if you could survive that you could survive the hood that is the Shire
  20. I always knew Wiltshire was proper dangerous
  21. Hmm I think that counts as a massive forfeit......likewise turning up in a car van or trunk unless you are bringing marquees or something but I'm sure you can get that stuff on a bike Shame, I would have worn my lycra and everything in hope that [mention]geofferz[/mention] would follow through with his usual offer to cyclists.
  22. Didn't realise there was a difference. I thought Cardiff was just a suburb of Swansea.
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