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Everything posted by SometimesSansEngine

  1. Maybe I did choose quite a blunt word. But a DVSA examiner will not expect to see you moving around nearside to offside in the manner you may be encouraged to do so when doing an advanced course. I'm not talking about naturally moving around your lane, but what may be referred to as "position 1" for a right hander and "position 5" for a left hander. On a test if you're near the centre line when a truck comes past it's entirely possible you'll get a fault for it. If in doubt though, ask your instructor. They'll know what the local examiner is looking for.
  2. A DVSA instructor will take a dim view to someone on mod 2 hovering near the central line. Just stick to the middle of the lane and you'll be fine.
  3. If you read Roadcraft, ignore everything it says on line selection whilst cornering. If you haven't before, check out the DAS-releated content on these two youtube channels: RJH Motorcycle Training - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiHVOZpzEyMTiCU0JNU9f0A Roadcraft Nottingham - https://www.youtube.com/user/RoadcraftNottingham
  4. So technically a reverse suspender? A shirt pullerer? A shirt tugadowner?
  5. Well seriously - what the f*ck is wrong with these people? I get fed up of smiling politely when at the more extreme end of the spectrum you have people referring to their pets as their 'children' when they they really need is f*cking sectioning under the Mental Health Act. It could be worse, they could call them their "fur babies"
  6. Yup, and as I said to him he actually moved across the van which actually masked him for longer. Problem is people equate them seeing part of a vehicle to vehicle should know they're there.
  7. This is why I avoid YouTube videos! People can't see who is wrong and who is right and where they could improve! They are all too quick to pass judgement! I watch them for me, mostly. Quickly watch the situation, predict what is going to happen, consider what I would have done in that situation (usually... not put myself in that situation...) Very rarely you can have a grown up conversation with the uploader too. I stumbled on one the other day where the vid was originally uploaded two years ago, and now with the benefit of a lot more riding experience he admitted to me saw how he contributed to it as we traded comments. ">
  8. I find it consistently amazing people upload their dodgy riding to youtube. I'd have a lot of respect if they did it to say "this was a cock up by me, here's what you should take away from it" but no, even after editing the footage they'll STILL think they were not to blame in any way.
  9. I saw this video and wanted to retitle it on behalf of the uploader "how to sit in someone's blind spot". I was only about four seconds in when I started to clock what was likely to happen, although I admit I thought the silver car was going to move across two lanes. I was flabbergasted when the rider chose to move left then sit where he did. 20 seconds in and I was looking at the car that is now furthest left and clearly on a one way course to merge, making what the silver car is about to do pretty much guaranteed... yet still the uploader sat there. Yes the car could have prevented it by doing a shoulder check but why on earth put so much faith in strangers doing one when it's you that will get hurt? Drop back or get ahead of them. Don't sit alongside. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0op01DSlkI4 As usual sharing because it's useful for others as a learning experience.
  10. Since I started working closer with the marketing peeps at work I've got a lot harsher with what cookies I accept on my computer when browsing the net, and frequently clear them out too. This is despite the fact I had already ran a privacy plugin for years before. Many tracking cookies will tell a website what other websites that run the same tracker you've visited, and when. They'll report back yonks after you visited that one site. There's web software that will actually record how you interacted with a site, what you clicked on, how you scrolled, what you typed in forms. See two minutes 50s in here: "> First time they showed me 'recordings' of people using hotjar I said "oh, is this people we've got to test the site?" they responded "no, this is an actual potential customer" I think in the main people are pretty blase about how much they give up online. And I say that as someone who is well aware of how much personal data I give google and facebook.
  11. Dogs are big kids who do all the stuff kids do. Sometimes charming, sometimes embarrassing, a bundle of both good and bad personality. Sometimes frustrating, sometimes joyous. Sometimes impulsive, sometimes nervous, sometimes confident (even overly so). Complex ol' things. Cats are simple. Cats are just that 'friend' that take you for granted
  12. I didn't want to neg but I'm with [mention]mikestrivens[/mention] Do any of this if you personally want to, it's definitely not for me to be cynical/negative/a buzzkill about it, but always ally it constant learning, reflection and training I'm not a lucky charm type of person, but I also don't think keeping something from an experience of a reminder is a bad thing, especially if you later turned it into a positive
  13. Good, it'll save [mention]Magpie84[/mention] a job
  14. I started getting served funeral planning ads the day of my 30th birthday
  15. Not guilty, I only ever wear shorts. And I'm a terrible swimmer.
  16. Nice lab! Why thanks! She is a lab x springer http://i63.tinypic.com/px54y.jpg Here she is as a puppy for bonus pic: http://i68.tinypic.com/1070s35.png We have a lab x staffie with a similar white patch on his front, used to have a Perfect Fit harness just like that too. A rescue in our case though.
  17. I have a colleague who calls them speedophiles...
  18. I've just been able to watch the second. My main feedback is be harsh with your editing. For this one, I think you could have split it into two uploads, one being the story on getting the triple. Then the general one on going to the dealership with some of your thoughts on the slip road layout and the filtering (which I felt was very reserved and sensible, and a refreshing change from some of the stuff you see uploaded). edit: but what I forget to say was, I did enjoy it, I just felt as we moved on that you could have made the two separate videos.
  19. You might want to link directly to the URL, there's a lot of similar channel names on there
  20. Saw this and thought of this thread, as some good lessons: "> As I was watching it I clocked straight away where the sun was relative to the rider from the shadows, even before it's bouncing off his own mirror in the vid. Then was wincing every time I saw a gap on the road in front (way too enticing for a car to try to hop in to) Doing the best part of 40mph, so covering about 15-18 metres per second. This was all too predictable. Filtering is always context specific, personally I don't like to filter 10-15mph faster than what I'm passing, and I'd probably slow it down some more if in between two lanes that's moving like this. And the position of the sun should be a major factor in how quickly you do it too.
  21. Just watched it myself, must remember never to try and ride off with my paddock stand still on my bike....
  22. My even more dirty secret is I was going to also get a Kings Arms on the way home. But needed to stop by my mum's to get her to sign some paperwork for something I'm helping her with. And I was losing the light and it was raining so just came straight home. And said to my wife to placate her "but it's ok, there's a Kings Arms in Stratton we can get together" All's fair in love and war....
  23. The carrot for her is that the pub I bagged is on her commute, so when she next rides in it's ripe for the taking.... Nice ploy @sometimessneakyengine Yup, what others don't know is it was just the other day I confided in [mention]slowlycatchymonkey[/mention] via a private message that I feared [mention]magpie84[/mention] was going to secretly bag some points before me (I was suspicious of her telling me not to wait around for her since I said I thought we should get our first pictures together), so I decided to go on a pre-emptive strike. Aah, marital bliss
  24. Yes I'm the same with in ear headphones. My Shark helmet is meant to be specific for glasses wearers, but since it's the only helmet I've ever owned I can't say 100% that it definitely makes a difference
  25. As punishment you don't get your score added to the list until the next update The carrot for her is that the pub I bagged is on her commute, so when she next rides in it's ripe for the taking....
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