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Everything posted by SometimesSansEngine

  1. Through CBT, training and test days I had one day where it didn't rain at some point. On that day I failed my mod 1 so I think the rain was good for me In the wet, just do everything a bit more reserved. So squeeze the brakes a bit more progressively, be smooth as you roll on and off the throttle, don't lean the bike so much (but don't be afraid NOT to lean it). Try to avoid (or ride straight over) painted lines and drains. If wet ride where car tyres go as the oil would have been dropped in the centre of the lane, but you'll also spot this middle patch dries first as the conditions improve so then don't be afraid to ride on that. Yes, your instructor will help. Will you get a bit of leeway in mod 1 because it's wet? Yes, but the surface is pretty grippy anyway. On the avoidance you won't lose the bike even if it's wet, it'll cope. The vid you saw out of interest, was that on Roadcraft Nottingham's channel? If so that's because the guy went from 0 to 100% brakes straightaway with a panic grab. Instead you need to squeeze the lever on, then progressively keep braking to a stop whilst keeping your eyes up on the horizon. He has another video where he talks through this and explains why it's important.
  2. The problem is most do that wrong - you're meant to bring your hands up to 12 o'clock and then move them down to 6 o'clock. When you do it that way you can do many turns in minimal actual movements. But most people do something like 11 o'clock to quarter past/quarter to. My gran included.
  3. One thing I'd definitely change is my financial education. I left school and went to uni with no real idea of financial management and budgeting. Luckily I've never got myself into unmanageable debt but there's probably a few things and financial products I wouldn't have taken out. My uni overdraft(s), whilst always paid off in time probably would have been smaller if I'd been able to budget better. And yes, budgeting is as simple as working out what comes in and comparing it with what goes out, but I'd never had to manage money and expenses before yet suddenly there I was at 18 away from home with a student loan, rent to pay and books to buy finding a part-time job but not really knowing how much extra money I had to bring in. It goes beyond that too, to loans and interest rates and more. My folks don't like talking about debt and it's only now I understand who the lady who visited each week was and why she was there (Provident loans). All I knew was my mum would say "don't mention it to your gran". We're a lot more open with our kids, they're young so don't wholly understand but we've explained when we've bought things on credit cards and that it's money we need to pay back.
  4. I'm always confident in the width of my bike (the fairings on the ER6F are the widest part of the bike and I can see them clearly), it's always the bottom that I can't mentally picture . Logic tells me the kerb isn't higher than the pegs on my bike but I still have this mental hangup that I'll end up scraping the kerb if I'm trying to squeeze through a gap next to a kerb.
  5. Nope. And most people never read the Highway Code again after passing their test. Hell, most people (as evidenced by everyday life and youtube) don't even realise that the Highway Code says that you need to give way to a pedestrian already crossing a side road that you're wishing to turn in to, and to me that's a pretty basic rule.
  6. This doesn't change a thing Which they can't do Which just means the bike passed the test the day the test was done. Please don't think I'm just trying to be needlessly harsh on you. I'm imploring you to stay wary and also not accept any crap from the dealer if there is an issue with the bike.
  7. They're a dealer, they can't "cover their butts" in this way. Plus even if they could the original question that started this thread shouldn't apply, since they're claiming it's unrideable (whilst simultaneously also claiming it rides fine, it's like Schrödinger's Motorbike).
  8. ish Not so sure on this part of the listing: ...especially as further up they give an assessment of the bike as well as the fact it "runs and rides fine". Oh, and list a 14 day return policy on the listing Oh, and the Sales of Goods Act 1979 doesn't apply to anything because it has been superseded by the Consumer Rights Act. Sounds like they're trying to evade some liability here. Shoddy business practice.
  9. People have short attention spans nowadays [mention]learningtofly[/mention]. Hurry up and upload some videos of you dropped rev bombs rather than take avoiding action sharpish or your subscriber count will start to go down
  10. Also worthwhile ensuring they definitely have it and not assuming it's there. Lots of insurers are quietly dropping this cover now, I'll admit when I read reports of it happening I went to check my insurance docs because I knew it used to be there but it wasn't one of the things I checked at renewal (and had driven my Gran's car for her a few times with that cover in the back of my mind). If you're moving insurer check it's there if you need it.
  11. Feedback on the pilot was "too cerebral" so yes definitely needed the Shatner humour
  12. Yes, I couldn't quite tell if it was from a dealer or private, I lent towards private as I thought many dealers don't offer test rides to people with a CBT? (at least that's what I've heard) If dealer I've bought cars before where they've given me 7 days insurance as part of the sale, not sure if motorbike dealers ever do similar.
  13. I can't see how it would, the original poster wouldn't be a named driver on that policy, and normally it's your own insurance that covers you to use someone else's (also insured) vehicle with third party liability.
  14. Assuming you've only just done your CBT and have no other riding experience 100 miles is quite a way. I'd suggest looking at paying for someone to load the bike onto a van for you and delivering it to your house (most person with a van companies will give you a quote for this). Yes it'll be extra expense but you will have a lot to think about and get used to on your first few rides that my recommendation would be don't do such a big ride whilst you still lack experience. edit: but if you really were going to do this then I'd do what [mention]mikestrivens[/mention] suggests and get the quotes in hand first. Purchasing them whilst you're there if you do buy the bike won't take long. You can buy one day cover, I looked into it when I was selling my 125 in case the buyer wanted me to deliver but the cost of a van wouldn't be a huge amount more.
  15. I'm a lifelong Star Trek fan, it was my escapism as a child. One of my happiest memories (as sad as it sounds) was my dad agreeing to drive me to the cinema to watch one of the new films the day it came out (we very very rarely could afford to go to the cinema when I was a child). I mentioned how I'd love to see a Star Trek film at the cinema for the first time and he said out of the blue "we can go tonight if you want to see it" and before I knew it we were in the car driving to the cinema The new series would never have got made if Gene Roddenberry was alive as it's quite far removed from his vision of the future but the acting and storylines are fantastic, and like all good series are getting more intricate now as it goes on. Nerd alert: you only saw him as 'all damaged' but he was actually the original captain in the pilot, and in a way that pilot episode then gets retcon'd into the later episode you saw
  16. Every Friday is a good day when the next episode comes out. Thoroughly enjoying it. Also enjoying Vietnam on Netflix. Good place is gentle fun. Is that Star Trek alright for people who still miss William Shatners rendition?! It has Captain Pike in it. If you watched enough of the original series you'll know who that is
  17. Cheap Android phones work fine for me, and I work in the telecoms industry. Just depends on what you want out of your phone I guess. Admittedly many of my colleagues are different, but then I think they change their phones too often just to get the new shiny.
  18. Knowledge speaks but wisdom listens - Jimi Hendrix That's not to say that you have to agree with everyone else [mention]newbiker90[/mention], but there is definitely value in listening and considering.
  19. I bought a CBF125 from a dealer, put over 1000 miles on it and then sold it privately without losing too much.
  20. Would be shocking in a crosswind though [mention]fastbob[/mention]
  21. Just checked and my most viewed video on YouTube had 761 views, so that's a (crap) bar to aim for
  22. No, a dab is what kids do, and adults only do in a cringeworthy way
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