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Everything posted by SometimesSansEngine

  1. It isn't [mention]gsijay[/mention], but they may choose not to issue you with a certificate that day. The best schools will arrange for you to come back for a reduced fee/free for further basic training to get you to a safe level.
  2. I assume this newbiker has just found God mode Is there one with sleep mode too? Yes, you just get a bike with cruise control. More a power nap than a sleep mind.
  3. Which is also why my wife, who I have now known for over half of my life, has just admitted to me that she never had a dap bag for PE I DON'T KNOW WHO SHE IS ANYMORE
  4. DAPS! And just as I was starting to like you... It'll be worth falling out over. On this hill I stand
  5. Yes, if it helps he's relatively self-deprecating about it. Just the other day when I was proposing a desktop client for our product (which already has android and iOS apps) he asked if I'd considered a Windows phone version, but as you can imagine he did it with a smile on his face.
  6. Not quite, my CEO still has one. As an ex-Microsoft employee, he refers to it as 'drinking the kool aid'
  7. My neighbour dropped us off a bunch of old bike magazines yesterday. I can only assume he's saying "you've had your bike six months now, time to shop around"
  8. Make sure you complain about every little injury, when I was in all hospital cared about was obvious leg injury, I didn't bring up minor aches and pains elsewhere at the time but some of these have gone on to be more severe now and having to go through referrals via GP which takes forever, wish I complained more while at hospital and would had been more likely diagnosed and sorted earlier. True that, nowhere near as bad but when I had my incident I mentioned earlier when I was discharged I was still on the initial pain relief I was given at the scene and generally putting a brave face on things. My wife asked about pain relief and they glanced at me and said I looked fine. Until a few hours later and I was in agony, honestly every bit of me hurt. My wife called NHS non-emergency and was told I'd have to be taken back to A&E/minor injuries for a prescription as it was now past midnight. Cue ten miles of absolute agony in the car (by now I was classing any minor road imperfection as a craterous pot hole), for a doctor to ask me to go back over what had happened and then start lecturing me on the dangers of cycling. She got short shrift, pretty much "cut the lecture and just prescribe me something for this pain". Looking back I wish I'd been less stoic and been belligerent and asked to be prescribed something before leaving hospital, because that pain and then the journey back in was no fun at all. Make sure you do the same.
  9. I can see the argument with the benefit of hindsight that doing mod 1 stuff after several solid days on the bike probably isn't a bad thing. I did the 'day of training take your mod 1 test a week later' approach. It wasn't a day of *just* mod 1 exercises but it's definitely the sort of thing that can only get easier as you get used to the weight and feel of the bike.
  10. What was funny doing mine was all the words of my childhood coming back. I've definitely tempered a few things over time (I remember it being a source of great hilarity that I asked what time tea was going to be at a work thing in a different part of the country once) but I know I speak more like I did as a child when I'm around my folks.
  11. Why would that cause [mention]Slowlycatchymonkey[/mention] to skip a whole page?
  12. I've had this argument many a time and never been proven wrong yet ps they're daps
  13. Try not to sweat it. I did it so you don't have to. Learn from me Keep those arms loose. Remember to breathe (that may sound silly, but it amazed me how much I could tense up and hold my breath). Getting nervous is a self-fulfilling cycle so just focus on enjoying it.
  14. I'm the same. I was the second person in my whole family to go to uni. My brother was the first. My family is made up of farmers (admittedly more two generations back than now), manual labourers (gas works, coal mining), factory workers and people that went into the military. Nothing wrong with any of that but not for me, plus as standard around here there's not many factories left. Even my dad now has to commute for an hour as his factory moved out of the area. It meant I had absolutely no idea of most of the jobs I'm aware of now, even things like computing and software (no one in our school was into that sort of thing, which seems to be how many people my age got into it). No idea how you got into them. No idea what you could do with an engineering degree. Careers advice back then was basically helping you become a teacher, or a car mechanic etc.
  15. This has been doing the rounds today and for most people it seems quite accurate. You basically answer a load of questions about phrases you use and the way you speak and it tries to guess what part of the country you are from https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/02/15/upshot/british-irish-dialect-quiz.html I did the 25 questions version and it pretty much guessed at my West Country background Did the full version (about 95 questions, but doesn't take that long really) and it starts to scream ZUMMERZET
  16. A little... in the sense you already know about how important vision is. Not so much... in that on a bicycle we usually cut the power (freewheel) as we perform the manoeuvre to avoid pedal strike or toe overlap. Do that on a motorbike (pull the clutch in and the bike will visit the ground awfully fast).
  17. I hated mod 1 (passed second time, by the skin of my teeth) and really enjoyed mod 2 (passed first time). But I have a work colleague who loved the mod 1 (passed first time) and loathed the mod 2 (took 3 attempts to pass). It'll just come down to you. Funnily enough as I've spent more and more time on a big bike I think I'd enjoy redoing the mod 1 activities as I'm just more comfortable on it now. But on the flipside I wouldn't have the pressure of needing to pass I guess.
  18. Not saying you're wrong in what you just said, but can I just add for any new riders reading this who may misunderstand, keep the throttle open a little as you corner, then roll on more as you pass the apex as Bender says. If you close the throttle the engine will be braking and the suspension will be unsettled.
  19. Have they told you what the fee for retakes is? If you fail the mod 1 you will lose your mod 2 fee (and I doubt the school absorbs that cost), you also need to wait 3 working days before you can retake.
  20. Give Baby Jake a try too. If watching the first time ignore the first few minutes, then the magic mushroom trip begins
  21. Oh no [mention]emmajaneg[/mention] I'm so sorry to hear that. Hopefully you aren't too sore. As something to read as you heal. I'm lucky that I haven't had anything bad on the motorbike yet. But on my bicycle once I caused a road closure on the Mendip Hills after hitting a wall at 30mph. I got a speed wobble going downhill and got thrown off the bike, meeting the road and then the wall. It was embarrassing for four reasons: 1) the road closure. And later seeing my friend's post on Facebook about how they got caught up in a road closure there without realising it was me they were scraping off the road 2) my poor wife was in London and got a phone call from the mountain rescue chap that was called as a first responder to me, and had to rush home on the train worrying about me (at least she said she did) 3) my parents were at my cousin's birthday party and had to leave to come to A&E. That was embarrassing as I had lied to my cousin & uncle about why I couldn't go, when secretly I just wanted to go out on my bike. And rather than be honest... Well, they found out the real reason eventually eh 4) to get through A&E the ambulance had to drive right through the middle of the Bath Half Marathon which was on at the time I've still got a facial scar from it and had a week off work as my face ballooned and it took me about four days before I could see out of both eyes again. The absolute worst part was when I asked if my bike was ok, and everyone around me said "don't worry about the bike". So instantly I knew the bike wasn't ok I did get it fixed up though and still own it.
  22. May not fit the exacting criteria for this thread, but I'm laughing so hard at it I had to post it somewhere https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2362718510439805&id=922716137773390
  23. Loads of people I know with loads of different tastes were watching Russian Doll on Netflix, so we watched it last week. Definitely recommend.
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