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Everything posted by S-Westerly

  1. Well I hope he's not an engineering or mechanical apprentice!
  2. Dunno, reckon dynax is well into the running for twat of the year. From there it's but a short step to being a moderator. Didn't work for six but there's always an exception to every rule.
  3. We'd have to dig Ted Heath up to put him on it.
  4. I'm shocked at the amount of cynicism and hostility shown by so many towards our beloved leaders. I mean what have they ever done to us? Hmm on the other hand.....
  5. Lived in the Wear valley for nigh 20 years. The higher up the valley you go and the further from Durham the cheaper. Wolsingham and Stanhope are nice but getting more pricey. Cumbria outside of the actual Lakes isn't too bad especially out towards the Eden valley. The Lakes are eye-watering.
  6. Our dog was fine with fireworks and guns but vacuum cleaners and electric lawnmowers were to be killed on sight. The patterdale couldn't give a toss about anything except for ironing boards. One fell on him when he was a pup. Watching him trying to bite an ironing board to death is quite entertaining.
  7. Deeply depressed. Supposed to be coming home on November 19th after 4 months away. Should be traveling from Holland so there are options but whether they'll be running is still to be seen. Also of course my relief has to be able to get to Rotterdam from his home in Croatia. Ficking Chinese plague.
  8. Sounds a whole lot better when it's got a bit of load on it. Idling isn't it's best sound.
  9. Don't see why rifle stocks would be a problem. After all we've had pictures of dogs, cats, horses, Chinese motorbikes, push bikes, boats, all kinds of tools, garden sheds, knives and God knows what else besides.
  10. Well I don't know. Poor old six can't be the permanent TOTY the glory needs to be spread around. You've made some outstanding contributions to that effect this year and your enthusiastic championing of real Chinese motorbikes (as opposed to fake Chinese bikes like certain Beemers) has certainly put you in the running.
  11. The one big off I had I smacked my face on a rock and actually cracked the chinbar on my helmet. No damage to me but if I'd been wearing an open face? Different outcome I suspect.
  12. The Multistrada according to owners handbook is 35 psi front and between 36 and 42 for the rear depending on load. I find about 40 works for me.
  13. One for the American baggers among us. Didn't know that you could get a Harley that far over and live. Not quite WSB but good for a laugh.
  14. Do you find they make a real difference? Thought about fitting them to mine but haven't yet.
  15. Trouble is you get defined as right wing these days if you have the temerity to question any of the modern woke causes - BLM, XR, etc etc.
  16. Socially acceptable term of abuse for older white men apparently. Can't use pikey and other racially abusive language but because we're not wet we can take it. I'm off to cry in the corner
  17. A bit rich calling Six a gammon as the music on your (admittedly enjoyable) vids would be unlikely to meet the approval of anyone who wasn't a gammon. Personally I consider myself a bit more upmarket than a gammon, Parma ham perhaps?
  18. God that stuff makes them stink. The patterdale decided to show how much he missed me by jumping on my lap when he came in from a walk having writhed in fox shit. We both got a shower although I didn't make as much noise about it as he did.
  19. My MIVV came with a credit card sized homologation certificate to say it complied with whatever latest Euro standards. Given it replaced an effectively straight through pipe with another straight through pipe I can't see any issues. The baffles etc are still in place.
  20. Exactly. Puts things into perspective when you see how horrible a time some people have had. BTW welcome back.
  21. Schuberth C3 pro and I really like it. I find it more comfortable and easier to put on than a full face. Maybe a tad noisier but I wear ear plugs anyway. Like the built in sun visor as well. Like anything it's personal choice.
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