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Everything posted by S-Westerly

  1. Ditto with a MIVV end can and Bennett's.
  2. Dunno about that. Surely if you are battling zombies you need something more Mad Max like or at least a rat bike. Looks smart though so maybe the zombies will be awed for long enough for you to make your escape from whatever Dead Lands you're currently permitted to visit.
  3. Plan to buy new ICE machines just before the cutoff date which will probably then see out my time. Course might be difficult to buy the bloody fuel. Hmmm.....
  4. When my parents lived in rural Herefordshire their home was an old forge. There was a chestnut tree which had been planted by the then blacksmith after WW1. It was bloody enormous and eventually started growing into their house wall. Had to apply to the council to remove it and the total cost including repairs to the wall was about £3000. This was in 1997. Probably did well to get the pear when it was small!
  5. Have to say I've tried all kinds of base layers ranging from synthetics to Merino wool and silk and sadly you do get what you pay for. If you're just sitting around I guess synthetic stuff may be okay but if you are doing anything slightly strenuous then you'll end up sweaty and stinky in short order. I've used them for biking, hiking, skiing, fishing and sailing. Unless you're going off-road or racing then biking is probably the least sweaty. Tootling on a 125 probably isn't going to be sweat inducing!
  6. I utterly detest ironing. Unfortunately so does my wife and she refuses to iron my stuff. Fortunately I don't work in an office so crumpled shirts aren't an issue. If they were I'd seriously consider paying someone to do it.
  7. My youngest grandson really enjoys helping his dad do car maintenance. The elder doesn't. Personally I'd rather stick pins in my eyes than do anything mechanical. Detest housework but don't mind gardening. I think it all comes down to what you like to do but I don't think there's anyone who likes ironing!
  8. Can't stand Trump but before we get all holier than thou remember that almost 70 million people voted for him and they are not all brain dead. I've got some friends and family in the US. The family reluctantly voted Democrat as they really didn't like Trump but the friends voted Republican because they hated even the whiff of socialism associated with the Democrats.
  9. Put me in the class of caveman. I almost always ride alone. I never have a pillion. I have no desire whatsoever to communicate in any way with anyone whilst riding my bike. I do not wish to listen to music whilst riding my bike. So why would I want any kind of Comms kit cluttering up my helmet or my bike? Antisocial bast*rd? Yep.
  10. But less vroom vroom than when the sun is up.
  11. Some parts of Gloucestershire have roads that at times look mediaeval and you wonder where the tarmac has gone. Thick glutinous slippy mud does not stimulate the inner Rossi.
  12. Now that looks good. Might give it a whirl myself as I've been messing around with high strength bleach and ordinary metal polish. It works but not as well as what you've seemed to have managed.
  13. Ref Dynax as TOTY - he may be a twat or he could just be exceedingly eccentric. Being eccentric doesn't necessarily qualify for twatness. Psychiatrically seriously disturbed maybe but not necessarily a twat. He might not be able to help himself whereas Six has form for carefully crafted twatness.
  14. Anyone who eats cheese in bed, let alone grated cheese which is an abomination anyway, has to be in pole position for TOTY.
  15. Is it any good though? When I get home I'll be digging my bike out from Barnard Castle (don't laugh) and I'll be coating it with something before bringing it south.
  16. We've had it long before 5G. I think radio waves contribute to it, certainly radio and corrosion in motor vehicles seems to have been around for a similar length of time so they must be connected. Right?
  17. Never used the eBay ones but the Ear Peace ones have different levels of inserts which allow you to tailor the sound deadening to what works for you. I use the cheapo ones at work and I have hearing loss. Probably due to ULF vibrations though which are 24/7 when we are underway and obviously ear plugs don't work for that.
  18. Could never work out how his hat stayed on. Must have been glued or summat.
  19. I've been using these for over a year and find them to be perfect for what I want. With the black insert they completely deaden the sound. What I will say though is that occasionally when taking my helmet off they've become dislodged and fallen out without my noticing. Just need to be aware that they might. So far I've managed to lose 2.
  20. Nice sunset with Brean Down and Steep Holme in the background? Weston super Mud doesn't often look that nice.
  21. Brean Down and Steep Holme in the background? Looks better than Weston super Mud usually does. Bloody hell posts are going weird.
  22. Yeah. One old guy doing that is quite enough thank you.
  23. That around half the population can still vote for him given his actions over the past 4 years in unbelievable. But I suppose parallels can be drawn with other countries too! Had the democrats found a more convincing candidate than Biden who is basically an anyone but Trump candidate or not become excessively "socialist" which is electoral death for many Hispanic voters who are refugees from socialist paradises of Cuba and Venezuela they may have done better. Personally I can't stand Trump but I don't think I'd have voted for Biden either. When you get the degree of polarization of politics that's become the norm in the USA you tend to get the political parties following the noise and here we are. It's probably going to go the same way in the UK and other European countries too. Anyone who classes Boris with Trump needs to look harder. He's even more useless and Trump maybe mad but he does hold a line unlike the jelly bean known as Bojo.
  24. Well that probably explains why my newly built house has some very wonky doors!
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