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Everything posted by Decor58

  1. Looks pretty cool, anyone else thinking of attending? 40 miles seems quite a distance for the ride though.
  2. Good luck with the mod 2! New golves that fit should be better than old ones that dont.
  3. New tent just arrived today Just need a new roll mat and possible new stove!
  4. Decor58


    It will vary greatly depending on the condition of the breaks. If they're binding it could be quite stiff. Worst case though, place some wood or something over the piston and whack it with a hammer Clarkson Style
  5. kersh silver b horseynat BB3Lions Decor58 (probable but not definite)
  6. That's the idea lol got to be tactical in your choices
  7. Joined, bet you can't guess which team is me Not sure how well I'll do though, not really followed racing for a while now.
  8. Fair enough, make sense I guess, worth a shot if it could get the bike started.
  9. Fuel gone off? How on earth can fuel go off?? I had similar problem after leaving bike stood outside for a while over winter, turned out the battery had gone, it had power to turn the starter motor a bit but not start the bike. Could it be that the fuel is contaminated? If you've not had a full tank, condensation could form inside and cause a bit of trouble.
  10. That's awful, really sorry to hear about that guys. Was going to rant about having to use chrome at the moment but don't think I'll bother now.
  11. Meals will be sorted out nearer the time Remy, Will be a thread in which you just put your name down for what meals you want so they get an idea for numbers. Most people will get there friday afternoon/evening I imagine. I can't wait for this event and it's still 5 months away lol Think we need one in April as not sure I can wait that long!!
  12. Don't worry, the average mental age is about 18 I think lol Though yeah I'll be 21 this year, if Jin, Chris & Spafe turn up they're about 19? Sure one of them will be along to correct.
  13. Ruthie depending on where I'm living at the time, more than likely loughborough, I should be able to ride up with you if you want. Depending on whether Bex makes it and if I have to carry some of the camping stuff, I may be able to help out with carrying some of your things as well if you want. Can get quite a lot on my bike
  14. Oh yeah, I forgot about fancy dress. I definitely know what I'm going as this year, bought an outfit not long ago for a christmas party but it got canceled. Can't wait Hope ya manage to get the time of work TC, especially if your fancy dress is as amusing as last year.
  15. Might want to put out a warning about the steepness of that bloody hill this time!!! Though yeah, it was a brilliant weekend last year, will look forward to it again this year!
  16. http://www.themotorbikeforum.co.uk/view ... =2&t=36018 Still not confirmed TC, though 16th seems to be the aim.
  17. Pretty sure you mentioned that you'd probably organise a trip to pothmadog regardless of where the rally ended up being anyway KER5H. I would love to go myself, it sounds really good, unfortunately my exams are the first three weeks of June and I'm supposed to be going on holiday in the last week. So it doesn't look like I'll be making it this time. Hope you all have fun though.
  18. OP said it Chris. I was looking at swapping tyres last time. Emailed a few tyre places, one said he refused to stock Maxxis as they were poor value for money. Though as a replacement for my BT045, which is the predecessor to your BT014 I believe, they recommended Avon Roadrider AM26 or continental Go. The continental was the cheapest. In the end though I stuck with my BT045, they a pretty gripping and my last rear lasted me about 5000 miles and I do like to lean right over in good weather but also do a lot of motorway riding, it's quite impressive. The only time they've let me down is on ice, diesel and a load of gravel, but I don't think any tyre would have done much better. I don't know how long the front last but it's a very long time. Edit to add: As with Techno, I'd never get a tyre because it's cheap, even though I'm a student I still make sure I save up to make sure I can get a decent tyre that I know wont let me down.
  19. Glad it all worked fine!! Sounds like you need to get some heated grips and better gloves though lol
  20. You can use a sander to take off the protective layer but there are two major problems with it: 1. You're wasting good rubber you could be riding on! 2. Even if you do this you still need to take it easy for a couple of rides while the tyre beds in. Just don't accelerate to hard or lean too much for the first 100 miles, not exactly hard tbh.
  21. Too high ampage could damage the bike, but for the short time that is required to jump a bike, the small difference doesn't effect anything too much.
  22. I have literally just jump started my bike of a friends car using standard method. Connect everything up, start car, leave 2 mins, start bike, disconnect. Worked brilliantly, dunno how much more power is in a van battery but if it's not much bigger than a car it should be ok.
  23. With the more expensive helmets you are usually paying extra for things like anti-fog visors, better noise dampening, sun visors, better quality plastics and mechanisms, maybe a little lighter etc. Though for the most part you are paying entirely for the name. As already said, find a few helmets that you like the sound off, read some reviews, do a google search and you will find a great review site that has done a lot of helmets and has a good unbias outlook. Once you found some you like check the sharp rating then find out which ones fit, by that point you should have it down to a very narrow range. You could do them three in a different order but thats just the way I'd do it.
  24. At best a decent exhaust will offer 4-5 bhp extra, it's likely to be a lot loss for a mid-range silencer 3 tops most likely 1-2bhp, so personally I'd say just go for it with respect to the power, no one is going to question it. As to fitting it, it's just take off the old one, maybe 3 bolts, make sure the ends of pipes are clean, add a little exhaust sealant, put together again (same 3 bolts you took off) and wipe excess paste off. Shouldn't take more than 20-30mins Though will then have to wait for the past to dry, this can be done by leaving the bike to idle, until exhaust gets to operating temperature + 5-10mins extra. Don't rev it during this time. ♦Put a new can on mine not long ago, was really easy.
  25. Decor58

    Water in tank

    Thanks for the advice guys, I left it a day or two as was unable to get any maths or more petrol if I drained it. Had a go at starting it on the off chance a couple of days later and it worked! I've no idea what happened, guess maybe it wasn't water, might have simply been far too cold but the bike works fine which is what matters Thanks for the replies (sarcastic ones as much as useful ones lol)
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