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Everything posted by husoi

  1. Sounds more like £15 leaver from your pocket...
  2. There is a "small detail" governments and statistics office (ONS) conveniently always "forget" about is how they lie to the public about the inflation rates. I pass to explain. Products' prices rise normally accordingly to the declared inflation. Or do they? Lets consider something I'm sure everybody have on a more or less regular basis. Small, individual bags of crisps. Apparently the price have stayed the same (in line with inflation) for a long period this according to the ONS. What they don't say is that 5 years ago a bag of crisps would have 50 or 60 gr and now you're lucky if it goes to 30gr. This means that not only we are paying twice the cost of the plastic bag, yes the 30gr include the bag, but because the bag is the same size so costumers don't et suspicious the weight ration crisps/bag has with time being dropping which means we are paying for the bag and around 5 crisps slices. Another example. Last weekend I bought a pack of bacon, another popular product, to find out that instead of the normal 2 or 3mm thickness per slice, if I cover the visor with bacon I would still be able to see through. Same with bread, biscuits and many other products. As conclusion, inflation rate is more 15% than 3% when you do the maths properly.. Of course gov doesn't want us to know it or salaries would start to go up a lot more.
  3. The trick with both the blow torch and heat gun is in the speed of the movement and how far it is from the surface. Usually goes awry when either or both go lower than it's supposed. Most times it is due to people trying to "go a bit faster" by applying more heat for longer.
  4. For those who still think EU is a good thing: "Um terço dos Estados-membros da União Europeia (UE) exportou armas para a Rússia depois do embargo de 2014 que o proíbe, segundo dados do grupo de trabalho, que regista todas as exportações militares dos 27, analisados pelo Investigate Europe." Source: https://24.sapo.pt/atualidade/artigos/ucrania-um-terco-dos-estados-membros-da-ue-exportou-armas-para-a-russia The text read: a third of the EU countries have exported weapons to Russia after the embargo from 2014 which clearly forbids it. According to the work group which register all the military exports from the 27. Analysis from the Investigate Europe. I'll refrain from further comments.
  5. Even with the heat gun you need to have it on low heat and there is a good chance that some part will go badly. Patience is the name of the game. you don't want the surface to go above 50c max Have you tried putting on the electric oven at the lowest temp? Forgot to mention if trying the oven make sure the part is well supported, you don't want to change the shape. If temp is not hot enough try increasing in small increments.
  6. Regret things you've done not the ones you haven't
  7. Little update While waiting for the idiots supplying the vinyl to get their act together I've started the frame to fix the saddlebags. Due to an eye problem, for some odd reason my right eye got affected during the first welding job. Wasn't directly looking at the arc, I'm not that daft... Vertical bits are a 20x10mm tube with a 20x20 short section on the recessed part. Then I'll be finishing the bottom bit with the 20x1mm bar at the bottom. This is just to hold all parts in place and have little strength. After all in place and both frames are welded will make a few holes in the vertical parts to hold it to the box. The holes on the far back of the tube will be larger so the nut will be hiding while a round head bolt will come from the inside. There will be a 25x2mm thick bar inside the box that will be fixed to the top bolts for added support and prevent the box from vibrating too much.
  8. Leather Genie balm www.leathergenie.co.uk Got a free application on my new boots, surprised how quickly it dries. There is a cleaning cream and then you apply the protective balm and dries almost instantly. The boot got really shiny And not too bad price at £20 for the 2 tubs + 3 free sponges
  9. Spent all weekend at Edinburgh bike show on BACA stand. We raised over £300 Was good fun. Then while there got myself a new pair of Alpinestar touring boots, booked a new Bridgestone front tyre for the Pan Enrolled For the BBS (Blood Bikers Scotland) Enrolled for IAM training (required by BBS) with a 20% discount and before the price goes up from £150 to £180 Got a few tools on good deals And a waterproof (Hope it works) cream for the leathers and boots I can't go to the show again...
  10. You should also consider the interest free grants from Energy Saving Trust (depending on where in UK you live). Won't cover all of the cost to replace a gas boiler but it will help a wee bit. Personally, my boiler is 3 years old and no way in hell I'll be spending more money on changing it unless someone will pay the boiler cost. Considering a induction hob to replace the gas but +£250 for a decent quality makes me think how long to recover the money. Having said that, yesterday got a letter from Octopus saying my gas bill will stay £50 under the cap but is going up by £910/yr Electricity is fixed on EV tariff until Oct but will go up 2.25p/kw from then. Standing charges up also.
  11. According to other countries news agencies Russian progress into Kiev has been dampened by the Brave Ukraine resistance. A report from the UK's MoD secret services the Russian convoy have made little progress and has been targeted by the Ukrainian forces and being hit by substantial losses. Airforce strikes have also diminished in the last few days as result of apparent and unexpected efficiency and strong resistance. There are also reports that That idiotic moron by the name of Putin is now removing forces (mostly personnel) from elsewhere in Russia to compensate losses so western world don't see how many Russian soldiers have been lost. This is definitely having an effect on the moral of the Russian forces as it is a well known factor on invasion forces. Conclusion: Well done Ukrainian people. You're showing the west how it's done.
  12. One thing you never do on a bike/motorbike is look in front of the wheel..
  13. I'm a Icrap hater so I stay away from them as much as I can.
  14. Yes we did get the English to help. That's what the alliance was for By the way, it is the oldest alliance still in place So be nice to me
  15. We kicked the French arse 3 times, the romans, visigods and a few others. Do you really think we're scared of that idiot? Last time we had an "adventure" was a Diesh member trying to recruit. It just didn't went well for him, end up being beaten up and had to be rescued by the police
  16. Attending Edinburgh motorcycle show representing my charity Will be waiting for you guys to help you lighten up a few quid off your pockets
  17. I know we're nuts... Russian embassy in Lisbon last night
  18. Proud to inform, first 87 refugees arrived today in Portugal by bus. Authorities have already set up accommodation and preparing job opportunities for those wanting to work until they can return to Ukraine.
  19. I know I should be fitting the new flooring. However.... Started something far more urgent And I always sort my priorities Having seen stupid prices for a decent set of saddlebags for the Shadow I decided that I would just make my own. Why? Well, as many other projects I've done, because I can. Opted for hard cases mostly because I like it better than normal soft ones. Started by creating a template of the shape I want. Because I didn't like it I made this other better version Materials used for the cases, 5mm plywood and some of the waste from the flooring boards Some of construction stages for the cases. These will be 15cm wide. Case and lid. Particularly like the woody look in the inside. Hinges are SS fire hinges. Strudy and quite thick. It should handle all the vibration. Locking will be with these new models with incorporated key. Yesterday I managed to fit the hinges on both The hinges were fitted just to make sure I drilled on the right position. The final fitting will be with nyloc nuts to prevent they coming out and some smart arse trying to get inside them. The final look will be black vinyl faux leather (same used in motorbike seats) I'll update the thread as I progress.
  20. Kudos for the hacker group "Anonymous" According to some press they hacked some public TV channels in Russia and distributed images of the reality of the war. The channels are Russia 24, Moscow 24 and Channel One. The clip had a duration of 38 seconds They also hacked the platforms Wink and Ivi (similar to Netflix)
  21. Read in a Portuguese website some comments about Russian air force. According to some US general it was expected that they would be using far more aircrafts than what they are using. Add this to the fact that a long convoy is stuck because the fuel supply is not as efficient as it was supposed and makes you think if Russia is really that powerful in conventional weapons as west has been always lead to believe... Considering the supposed differential on head count you would expect russian troops to be ploughing through Ukraine
  22. You must try the coffee sauce. Made with cream and expresso. you will be licking your fingers
  23. Probably because of brexit....
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