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Everything posted by husoi

  1. Lesson to learn. Don't buy shaite parts...
  2. You maybe want touring boots and replace the insoles with gel ones. It makes them more comfortable and touring boot are usually better if you want to go walking
  3. Found this the other day. Fork seals are less than 1yr old
  4. Back to Bridgestone tyre on the Pan. The new T32 and for the first 50 miles it is a treat Goodbye 40mph wobble
  5. That's incorrect. There are 3 waitrose stores in Scotland
  6. I jet wash then use a sponge to wash it with car detergent and jet wash to rinse on low power setting. Always careful with wheel bearings and I don't aim the jet to them. Then use the chamois (same as for the car) to dry it. Doing this since 2015 when I bought the Pan and never had issues. I use the sponge with a bucket because I always wash the car and the 2 bikes at same time because I can't be arsed to do one only.
  7. Try to watch this with a serious face...
  8. Going full license will allow you to ride pretty much anything. So for the license bit I would suggest the full one. Bikewise I would say that a 125 or even a 250 are good starting point but they don't ride the same way as a 400 upwards. Weight, power, handling etc ate all different from a 125 and higher cc makes the difference more noticeable. At the end it all depends on what you're looking for and the purpose you have for the bike. What is your upper limit on cc and size of bike? Keep in mind that being over 150kg is a bit of a push for a 125. Also the weight distribution will be greatly unbalanced.
  9. They will give up the idea as soon the flood of wrong readings come through. You just need 1mm move to change the speed reading I do believe that UK law allows the accused to face the accuser which means whoever took the footage will have to go to court. I would challenge the competence of some idiot with a smartphone...
  10. Why don't you go riding instead of posting daft questions?
  11. Proof that Glasgow was once under water Still looking for the trawler...
  12. Having a roll of 3mm foam underlay gave me the idea to make the boxes softer and hide any deformations on the wood. Next will be gluing the vinyl over it and do the final fixings
  13. Enrolled for IAM Sat afternoon will have the first meeting for Blood Bikers Scotland. working on the saddlebags Sun meeting with BACA
  14. My Pan European is fully faired and it's excellent for touring. The shadow is naked and I even removed the windshield. It's good for the shorter trips and lower speeds. You should try one before following anybody's advice, as sound as the advice is it's not your personal experience.
  15. Top of the morning ppl First "Friday bike day" of the year Travelling 50 miles to work with temps between 2.8 and 9.5c Fog at times but well worth.
  16. Worked at a place (NDA still in place) where the software package was to be upgraded to a newer version. Would be done overnight and other than looking different it would work fine when we started in the morning. 1 month later wasn't working and after lots of grief we went back to old version. The new version took almost 1 year to be working properly.
  17. I'll blame Microsoft, Trump, Putin, Bolsonaro, the north Korea muppet, Covid, Icrap (obviously) The weather, The shinny thing in the sky that disturbs my nap. Rain, wind, gas price, oil price, petrol price, the green stuff in supermarkets. Shortage of crisps, Brexit, the EU, Middle east, Africa (I'm sure they have something to do with it and I'm still waiting on my $40m from my Nigerian friend)
  18. husoi


    I never understood the need or usefulness of an union. I've worked in some "unionised" institutions and never saw anything good coming from them. My ex partner was at risk from being sacked because she refused to sign up to Unison and when a dispute arise with a union member, Unison couldn't care less who was right but instead made all they could to have their member job safe while my ex was at risk of loosing her job. While on a council (too embarrassing to give names) I saw the union rep working for never more than 2 hours a day (and I use working on a very loose way) while the rest he would spend reading the papers, checking personal emails and chatting to his girlfriend. I left the council because even working half asleep I would work far faster than any of them. At any point in my long working life that I wasn't happy with my conditions, I just organise my onw union and sacked the boss. Yes, I know, this is as near being TOTY as I can get
  19. You have to love them...
  20. Out of curiosity. Thinking of the members that like me are not close. Would "repair while you wait" be an option? Obviously for small repairs.
  21. Very good morning Everybody Just emailed my resignation after accepting an offer for a position to another company Means longer journeys on the days I'll be working in the office. On the plus side, a more enjoyable ride to work on fridays Car park have EV chargers so that's a plus and the extra pence is the cherry on top.
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