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Everything posted by Steve_M

  1. Errr... are you sure you don’t mean you’ve been in a court for soliciting?
  2. Good evening. I’ve just watched This video and winced at the opening sequence. Interesting reviews, though.
  3. Good morning. I had a strange conversation with my son last night. It’s his birthday soon and he’s asked me to buy him some noise cancelling earphones as a present, to replace the ones he lost. He’s an expert at losing stuff. It is, I would say, his core skill. On this occasion he claimed it wasn’t his fault. Yea, right! As it happens, they appear to have been stolen while he was trying to talk a girl out of jumping from a bridge. He’d taken them off and dropped them on a bench to talk to her. Another guy managed to grab hold of her and my lad then also grabbed hold of her and held her until the police arrived. His headphones had gone when he went back to retrieve them. Dead proud of the boy. He said it was the scariest thing he’s ever done in his life. He will be getting a case of wine to go along with the earplugs for his birthday.
  4. Therein lies the problem with having a clean car. The slightest bit of Saharan desert shows up.
  5. Good evening. I had a nice little trip out to Screwfix on the bike today. Out by the shortest route, and return by the route that Google maps recommends (it doesn’t think that a road on the shortest route is passable). This view makes me stop and pause for a moment every time I see it.
  6. Interesting article. The change your Google settings link embedded in the article is handy I just want to find the setting which stops the YouTube adverts for finance headed by Farage. Like I’d trust his opinion.
  7. I take it you don’t use Google.
  8. You’re just not trying. There’s still plaster on the walls.
  9. Now that takes me back. Saturdays, walking over to Villa Park from Aston Cross, past the (Mitchell and Butlers?) brewery with a fabulous smell of hops then, shortly after, past the HP factory which stank to high heaven.
  10. Camping? I thought this was a decent, civilised forum. Such language.
  11. Err, yes. We had a slight odour in our dining room not long after we bought the house. We employed someone to sort it out. It seems bodgit and scarper builders incorporated had done some dodgy plumbing to take the stack out of the house and it had broken as it passed through the wall underground. The guy doing the work, familiar as he was with this sort of situation, was working on it in five minute shifts pausing to get breath at regular intervals. I stayed out of the house other than to offer him cups of tea.
  12. You leave my bollox out of this, they’re out of sight and doing no one any harm...
  13. Welcome to my world. Tyre pressure gauge, mobile phone and good quality European breakdown cover has worked for me so far.
  14. Some years ago I joined the Old Gits on one of their tours. I have since based my own touring checklist on theirs, modified slightly to our particular needs. This Checklist link is indicative of what we carry.
  15. Steve_M

    New rider

    In your position I would join the Trail Riders Federation.
  16. Adnams Broadside. Always good. The programme is excellent. Highly recommended and, if you have Amazon Prime (I get it as part of my Vodafone mobile phone package) it’s free.
  17. Good point. Well made. I blame the beer.
  18. Watching “The Road” London to Beijing on Amazon Prime. Well worth the time and my (free) subscription.
  19. Some of you might have noticed that among my interests is Judo. Too old to be actively competing (actually, I have a mate who’s 73 and still competing, but he’s a rarity and a legend in judo circles) I still enjoy watching. I’ve just watched a British lass, Chelsie Giles win a gold medal at the Tel Aviv grand slam event, beating a multiple world champion and Olympic medalist on route. She was ranked number 7 in the world before this... I think I’ll have a drink to celebrate.
  20. My good lady reckons I could run a vehicle on self produced methane.
  21. Do it. There is one safety consideration to bear in mind. Don’t blip the throttle at standstill at a junction. We were advised to hit the kill button every time we came to a stop just to be safe. I’m not a throttle blipper but still took the advice.
  22. I’ve ridden a couple of electric motorbikes. Does that count? I rather enjoyed the experience and, if they solve the cost, range and charging issues, I’d buy one.
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