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Everything posted by Yorky

  1. Yorky

    Small vans

    The disadvantage of a trailer is that if you want to take the bike any distance that includes an overnight stop en-route then the bike is on full display to everyone, and may not be there in the morning.
  2. De-Walt are part of Black & Decker, which became a brand to avoid.
  3. When trying to manoeuver them in the garage etc they are big, heavy and cumbersome. The moment the engine is running and you are doing anything over about 2mph the weight just disappears and they are sublime. I was always a sports bike kind of person but the ever increasing risk of no longer having a licence made me change, and I've got to say it hasn't been a bad experience, and as @Capt Siskostates, the torque is fantastic.
  4. Optimate or similar ?
  5. Bikes shouldn't need deflectors as the beam is straight ahead.
  6. I would have thought that the quack would consider 6 cans a day for 3 consecutive days to be too much??
  7. The words "insurance" and "logical" have NEVER belonged in the same sentence. It's all a case of "how much can we get off him".
  8. Absolutely of no interest to me personally but I think the idea is brilliant
  9. In my opinion a comfortable distance is 200 / 250 miles a day. Yes, more is easily do-able, and I've done it, but it takes away from the enjoyment. Lots of coffee stops / lunch etc. and reach your nights destination late afternoon.
  10. I would say that if you are looking to learn how a bike works / is built, then you would be better off buying a rough around the edges runner and doing a refurb job. That way you can take it apart in your own time, taking photo's as you go, and you are sure that you have everything for a running bike.
  11. Well if you'd gone on holiday and forgot your toothbrush !!
  12. Does it come with those two adornments on the stern ??
  13. I hope they are paying you R&D rate
  14. Ooooh, that's a thankless task. I know, the wife complains about it every year.
  15. Check out Lomo dry bags. Various styles and as watertight as a ducks a**e. Hold it on with Rok straps and it's going nowhere. https://www.lomo.co.uk/product-category/dry-bags-boxes/
  16. What @S-Westerly said. For what you described as a "cheap" job it looks cracking.
  17. Yes, they may be a heavy bike but they have a large profile so side on to a strong wind could be very dodgy.
  18. Don't worry, he'll more than recoup that in 2 weeks
  19. My BMW R1250RT came standard with a centre stand, and for a heavy bike it's quite easy to use, even for a shortarse like me.
  20. I run Tubeliss http://tubliss.com/tubliss/#panel-intro in my "off roader". Not a cheap option but pressures can be varied, you can actually ride with a flat tyre due to the inner bladder, and it effectively gives you a tubeless tyre that can be repaired with sticky string on the trail if you feel the need.
  21. Yep, got to agree with that. Anything can have issues, it's how they deal with it that matters
  22. And that sums up the stupidity of the insurance farce.
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