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Everything posted by Yorky

  1. This holiday isn't turning out too good is it??
  2. I've started looking for a new set of tyres yesterday. Jeez!!!, what's happened with the prices????. Best price I can find for a pair of Michelin Road 6GT, locally, is £335 . And I'm not sure whether that includes fitting, but I'm assuming it does. The only saving grace is a £30 cashback offer from Michelin which runs until the end of April.
  3. Yorky

    North Coast 500

    You were doing so well until that last sentence
  4. I always enjoyed it from Creg-Ny-Baa, great view and a pub for refreshments.
  5. Watch this YouTube clip, she explains everything
  6. OK, so they are private not company. How does devaluation compare with an ICE, I'm guessing they were still relatively new(ish) vehicles when you got rid.
  7. Are these company cars??, and how long have you kept each car?? I am still pesimistic about the claimed mileage range and can imagine the depreciation being worse than an ICE, but I have nothing to back up these thoughts so I'm truly interested in the answers.
  8. It looks to be in very good condition?, I'm sure someone must be missing it but how you'd find them I've no idea.
  9. Yep, Tayna batteries are good. Ordered one on Thursday PM and it was with me by 09.30 on Friday. Cracking service.
  10. Don't take advice from bad people.
  11. I totally agree with those sentiments, and like you I use only shaping points.
  12. If you're using Garmin Basecamp then it will not let you miss out a "Waypoint", indeed it will continuously try turning you around/send you back if you do miss it, until such time as you tell the device to "skip waypoint"
  13. Well you won't lock the wheels on anything if it has ABS!!
  14. Slip a new one in at the beginning, "Delete todo app"
  15. https://www.amazon.co.uk/bsp360-Set-Compressor-Quick-Coupler-Connector/dp/B01M8O7I4F/ref=asc_df_B01M8O7I4F/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=389455173012&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=2395134739031424314&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1007266&hvtargid=pla-834575496172&psc=1&tag=&ref=&adgrpid=79329977946&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvadid=389455173012&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=2395134739031424314&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1007266&hvtargid=pla-834575496172 These are what I have on all my air fittings. Don't know whether these are the most popular type or not but they work fine.
  16. So it sounds like skywatching is akin to motorbiking. You always aspire to the latest and greatest when something half the price will do much the same job. It's amazing what you can learn by listening to those in the know :-)
  17. I think @bonio has summed up your options very precisely. The only bit I would add is that there is no such thing as a "sports tourer", that is all salesman hype. I know because I tried to find one for many years, and it was a costly excercise. A true tourer will never handle like a sports bike, and a sports bike will never be truly suitable as a tourer. The two elements just don't mix.
  18. Sorry, I can't help in any way, shape or form on your question. But I did find this on eBay. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/334723125702?hash=item4def0d91c6:g:MgkAAOSwyk5j1sza&amdata=enc%3AAQAHAAAAsCAbHsTotLGcNbnl2h%2FZk94KiJZ9nHgA8dPltezMoWxAXSB0ojf47TcDtkJ5I8hvbLWwbUVidbG0KX5oxueA%2F89qCtntf4nmNPSHTmdKDPlx%2B96HyCEgwmrJYbaXUoRvNldCTIS0gm8LxZJgedUeAFamCf4eq58LYRy1BvU4%2B1ZsIjlfOx0vlnzII%2F2NQVE9wb7wP1XmSXsZc9D%2BmL%2Fqk6%2B7gc8WH3dzJ%2B%2FMkOrrA90C|tkp%3ABk9SR_C7mpLCYQ
  19. Yes, I'm sure someone does.
  20. If that wasn't Tiggie but some scrote riding away on your nicked bike I think you would be grateful.
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