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Everything posted by Yorky

  1. https://www.sportsbikeshop.co.uk/motorcycle_parts/content_prod/244260
  2. £110 to check your tyre pressure ???????????
  3. I totally agree with Bender on this one. Knowing that you are appreciated and not simpy taken for granted counts for a lot in my book.
  4. I bought that set. Good quality
  5. That's why God invented rain, and gave you lot up in Scotland plenty of it.
  6. Sounds like Hoggs will be waving at a lot of scarecrows next week
  7. Yorky


    Likewise, I don't consider that selfish. I usually do my foreign trips alone for all the same reasons. Occasionally two of us go together but we both know that we are not obliged to ride the same route or go at the same pace. We both know the days final destination and find our own way to get there. Far more chilled than being in a group with everyone trying to outpace each other.
  8. https://www.bonhams.com/auction/24494/lot/167/c1980-honda-cd200-benly-project-frame-no-ma01-2003340-engine-no-ma01e-2003352/ Looks like what you've been told is correct
  9. Well I hate to state the obvious, but if indeed you have tried EVERYTHING, then what suggestions are you hoping for??
  10. "All good things come to an end", as the saying goes.
  11. I think exactly the same. But so am I
  12. This will very quickly get very expensive!!
  13. As I've said before, +1 for the Creg
  14. Bit of a theme going on here. I also used to work on the forecourts in order to top up my apprenticeship wage so that I could afford a bike. Petrol then, pre-decimal, was around 6s6d a GALLON, so you could get 3 gallons for less than £1.00
  15. You're safer at the back of the fast group than at the front of the slow group. Fast group riders generally know what they are doing, far less so in the slow group.
  16. Normally 9 o-clock is off, i.e. 90deg to the right. Why not simply remove the feed to the carb and see what happens ??
  17. Yorky

    Adblue ???

    Cheers Manxie, that's pretty much what I'd guessed. Cheapo gear it is then
  18. Yorky

    Adblue ???

    Is all adblue for diesel engines equal ?? I know it's mainly water but there seems to be a lot of discrepencies in the price per ltr dependant upon manufacturer. Is this justified or just a rip off ??
  19. Yorky


    Who's list ??, and where are you "going" to buy them ???
  20. Ah, right!!. Very confusing then
  21. I'm with you, the lights are an arrow for straight on so in my mind do not apply to left turns.
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