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Everything posted by Joeman

  1. Anyone mentioned looking at the throttle position sensor adjustment?
  2. It's ok, I'm infiltrating the community. Setup a Twitter account to gain followers, make it look like I'm "one of them" and I gain loads of followers, and then BAM! I turn coat and make them all angry so they attack and retweet my crazy messages loaded with Amazon affiliate links.... They are going to pay for my early retirement, or at least a tank of diesel for my planet destroying audi
  3. Blah blah blah blah blah... All good in theory, but the brand new BMW R-Nine-T that i rode exhibited a very distinctive wobble at low speed, most noticeable when filtering slowly through tight gaps as it felt like the bike was weaving. And last week when I was in the BMW dealership speaking to the sales guy about potentially buying a GS1200 I mentioned it to him and he knew what I meant and attributed it to "character". So it's not just me that can feel the boxers wobble.
  4. If the broken wire puts the fuel light on, join it to the other wire to put the fuel light off. How many miles a day do you do to use 10squid a day??
  5. Great looking bike. Never ridden a guzzi, do the wobble side to side like the BMW boxers do?
  6. Leaf it out wood yew, those are rotten tree jokes
  7. Here's something provided by a militant cyclist.. does the motorcycle community have anything similar?? Or are we not that petit?
  8. Try this https://www.gov.uk/driving-nongb-licence
  9. When did you pass your car driving test? If before 2001 then you don't need a CBT.
  10. Welcome.. Read this: https://www.gov.uk/ride-motorcycle-moped/bike-categories-ages-and-licence-requirements
  11. I'm trying to start a rumour that the new suggestions of compulsory helmets for cyclists is the first step towards cyclists having to display number plates... Soon they will be forced to wear helmets fitted with number plates so they can be identified/prosecuted when they ride like tw@ts.
  12. Well that got boring when they got themselves into a corner and failed to respond.. blocked them now so I don't need to deal with them. Wish we could block certain idiot cyclists in real life the roads woikd be a much better place.
  13. Haha because they are too engrossed in attacking me! But what they don't realise is that I'm currently not working and have plenty time to do my research and throw back real facts whilst they are likely at work wasting company time and having to slip away to the bathroom to tweet back. I might even get them sacked! Haha
  14. Twitter is funny. I just had one angry cyclist trying to say that 98% of cycling accidents were the fault of car drivers. So I provided the 2017 ROSPA stats that shows only 57% were deemed to be the fault of other road users (43% the fault of the cyclists)... He promptly blocked me from viewing his inaccurate and totally false tweets. Not only are they idiots, but they refuse to listen to the truth and continue to spread false information!
  15. It's a 14year old bike, things will need a little attention.. nothing to do with being a triumph! Do clutchless gear changes so you don't let the revs drop between gears. Your problems don't sound that bad tbh.
  16. I've been battered by the cycling brigade on twitter all night! Suggestions that they might benefit form some cycling specific training seems akin to suggesting Americans should surrender their guns! It's like the cycling brigade see it as their constitutional right to ride on the roads with no training and any suggestions that training might save lives results in personal abuse... Just as we see on the roads from the angry sweaty cyclists.. Anyone else on twitter want to come and join the fun??
  17. Lidl socks and base layers are great value and keep you warm. Get some.
  18. Look at the crap I'm having to put up with on twitter. Again. Look at these idiots
  19. Never heard of a pre-cbt before? Is that a real thing or just a way for the bike schools to earn a bit more cash? Sounds like it wasn't a waste of time though. All bike time is good bike time, keep running through the movements so when you get back on the bike it will be easy!
  20. No secret that I think cyclists are idiots even though I myself use a pushbike to get to the train station in the morning. I'm constantly getting into Twitter fights with cyclists who think all other vehicles should be banned and the roads be converted to cyclepaths... But working in London I've seen my fair share of cyclists riding like idiots and "cyclist only" accidents on their new fancy cycle superhighway! So in a way I do wish they would get their own infrastructure so that when the accidents continue to happen and they can no longer blame cars/trucks for their inability to ride, I want to see what bullsh1t they come out with next... Here's a great example of cyclists being idiots. http://youtu.be/5RH5HBq5hOg I think statistically motorcyclist are more at risk, but you don't see us lot bleating about needing to have our own infrastructure do you. 100% of cycling accidents could be avoided simply by not getting on the bike in the first place!
  21. Gaming advice? Stop gaming! Much better things to be doing with your time and money.
  22. Think what we have here is a sleep deprived MrFro with his baby brain and a drugged up and frustrated TC getting upset with each other about silly stuff like words on a screen.. Chill out guys
  23. Nothing wrong with scooters! I used to love thrashing my gilera around London in rush hour. There's a reason the criminals all use them, and that's because in an urban environment, nothing beats them. And at that's prices if it keeps going as long as you need it, you cant go wrong
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