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Everything posted by Joeman

  1. Fill em up with tyre slime so the punctures get sealed as they happen. Nothing to lose if youre chucking that many tyres away!
  2. Stuck in the house with the baby. Same. Spent the morning pushing him about in his buggy, the afternoon driving him about so he could sleep in the car, and now I'm stuck on the sofa with a sleeping baby on my chest.. I have achieved nothing useful today.
  3. This post cost me 12quid! You are so easily led Joe Yep, I am.. Amazon 1-click doesn't help!
  4. Nope, the problem is the Militant cyclists who want to ban all cars and convert all roads into cycle lanes. There are loads like that on twitter and they are the most arrogant bunch of retards you could ever imagine to meet. To them I say If you hate motorvehicles so much and you truly think they should be banned then treat them like a nut allergy - Avoid anything that's been in contact with a motorvehicle and see how long you last... D**ks
  5. PHARAOH: we shall build religious monuments. they will baffle future science. SUBJECT: should we leave them a note to explain how we did it? PHARAOH: yes, take this down SUBJECT: ok PHARAOH: cat, dog, snake, bird, cat, man with the head of a cat, dog, cat, bird
  6. make him work as a cleaner on a burns unit. let him see the blood and suffering that people go through, break him psychologically so that he can no longer live with his guilt and see if he takes the easy way out..
  7. its a Trail Tech Eclipse headlight https://www.trailtech.net/8-headlight
  8. I think the motorway services are safer! Everyone there is a driver/rider. No scummy cycling yobs there to push your bike away.
  9. Suprising with the "snowflakes" round here
  10. When my wife gets drunk, her inhibitions in the bedroom completely disappear. It might sound good to some guys, but when she got in last night she shit in my slippers and called the lamp a ****.
  11. Happy birthday!!! Cheers for the great community
  12. With it all on camera you have the perfect aliby for beating the crap out of them.
  13. Purchased a deodorant stick today. Instructions say "Remove cap & push up bottom!" I can hardly walk but when I fart the room smells lovely!
  14. I've been back at work two days this year. This is what I've learned: Trains are useless - both days they've leg me down. Trying not to go boozing after work is also useless. In two days I've been pursuaded to the pub 50% of my evenings!
  15. Buy a cover with a Chinese brand logo on so the thieves leave it alone!
  16. Sad news today. After years of medical training and hard work, a mate of mine has been struck off after one minor indiscretion. He slept with one of his patients so can no longer work in the profession. What a waste of time and effort. A genuinely nice guy, and a brilliant vet.
  17. My ride for tonight.. Will upload a video soon.
  18. If you're not wearing a jacket, presume you're just wearing jeans? Legs injuries are real too, and I think more common than upper body injuries.
  19. I'm in Denmark at the moment, put some washing on, went back to check if it was done and this is what the machine said to me!!
  20. The candle has two ends, burn them both!
  21. It's that time of the year when we need to start thinking about New Years resolutions! Mine are: 1. Stop making lists. B. Be more consistent. 7. Learn to count.
  22. Joeman

    Hey everyone

    It's still under warranty, take it back to ducati!
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