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Everything posted by Joeman

  1. Ok that looks cool.. i need to get me one of them!
  2. Bluetooth range isn't far enough for useful distance between bikes. There is an app that lets you chat via WiFi. WiFi range is much further.
  3. If you have to out a foot down youre not controlling the bike properly since a properly controled bike will balance without the need of a foot down.. Ever pulled up in a petrol station, stopped, put your foot down and slipped on diesel? Putting a foot down won't always save you..
  4. Nice idea, build it all into a satnav type device that you can share you phone screen to and you could have Spotify and Google maps on your handlebars!
  5. Yeah, easy enough to make your own version. I thought about producing them and selling them but like you, I'm a software guy, and this is very much hardware so not something I'd want to sell and deal with the idiotic customer complaints.. I made my own version, there is a thread here somewhere about it. It works well enough which is why I still have unused ones in my garage.
  6. I've got two of those, both unused. They sent me one and the connectors were round the wrong way so they sent me a second. Not fitted either of them yet!
  7. classic mistake of making it look pretty with the numbers/colours flowing nicely... engines dont work like that. If you look at a map setup on a dyno or using an auto tune, they wont be as pleasing to the eye - random numbers all over the place!
  8. A single 30amp relay would be enough, but a second won't hurt. Put the main fuse as close to the battery as possible.
  9. Take a look at Denmark too. Some very good tax incentives for Brits moving there for work.
  10. American problems https://i.imgur.com/nLLUurJ.gif' alt='IMGUR>'>
  11. I'm certainly considering it. Just don't know where to go!
  12. It's a conspiracy to make everyone think trucks are dangerous so they can replace with drones..
  13. I've found the footage!! https://i.imgur.com/INmRNjY.gifv
  14. They are coming from China! Does that make them Chinese or just made in China I found a sticker on my BMW saying made in Hungary! That confuses matters..
  15. Gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "Nipples like bullets"
  16. I'll take this bet I would too, but then we don't ride Chinese 125's!
  17. Car drivers won't hear it through wound up windows with the stereo playing.
  18. Joeman

    Sky TV

    I'm in the same position - fed up paying for sky. I have sky movies, Netflix and Amazon prime. Something has to go! I was considering Freesat-HD. Don't think it's going to be as good as sky though.
  19. Not really that different at all. In both scenarios, the rider is doing something they have likely done many times before without issue, when suddenly someone else deliberately assumes control of the bike without permission. Once the other person has control the rider can surely no longer be deemed at fault, and the person in control should accept responsibility for damages regardless of their good intentions. But who's to say the OP wasn't some idiot who thought it would be funny to smash the riders bike up and saw the opportunity to do so? Not saying he was, but an outsider watching the event could easily make that assumption. The only difference being the OP probably apologised instead of laughed at the outcome. No matter how vigilant you think you are, and how in control you think your are, there will always be an opportunity for someone motivated enough to take control and wreck your bike.
  20. If he had full control why didn't he throttle back, apply the brakes or hit the kill switch? If he was in control and chose not to then it's his responsibility. If he couldn't then it's again his responsibility. Ok, so when a bike jacker jumps you at the lights, takes your bike and runs over a school full of children, we'll blame you for not being in control of your bike since you didn't take the keys out or hit the kill switch... No excuses about not expecting someone else to touch the bike..
  21. But he did have full control, he just didnt expect someone to grab the throttle and crank it open!
  22. I saw them live once. That was a crazy experience!! Got soaked in cheap cola as they spray it into the crowd.
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