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Everything posted by Joeman

  1. That's how the keep prices low. They charge for amendments rather than factoring ammendment into the initial price. Still a lot of money for 5mins of admin you could do yourself if they had a proper website..
  2. Seems expensive just for an A2. you can do the full DAS for not much more.
  3. I'd say two years riding count something... How can you prove that to someone you want to rent a bike from and ride on public roads? You can't, which is why nobody will rent you a bike unless they ride with you as your instructor.
  4. Plug looks fine, the keyboard however looks like a health hazard!
  5. yes they are very cute.. "Puppers of Darkness" as they are called.. LOL https://thumbs.gfycat.com/RepulsiveIdolizedDassie-size_restricted.gif' alt='GFYCAT>'>
  6. Renting out bikes to people with zero training and zero experience of big bikes sounds like a really sustainable business idea!
  7. I bought some cheap mouldable ones off ebay. Mix two types of putty together and stuff it in your ear and let it set. They kind of worked but not very well.
  8. I once chased a fireengine through a floor! It made a great bow wave so if I stayed right up close behind my feet didn't get wet.
  9. Yeah I like those. Shame they didn't go with the single sided swingarm and those cans just look silly Apart from that, they look very sexy!
  10. London. Go big or go home.
  11. Have you ever seen what comes in a jetting kit? You will cry if you spend 30quid on one and you don't get any gains
  12. Digital laser thermometer. That's what I use. Cheap from Lidl. But engines do get hot, it's just what they do! My bike regularly runs 90 to 100 degrees Celsius and I feel he heat bellowing out from under me, but that's normal.
  13. With the engine running it shouldnt be showing 0rpm. It should be about 750rpm, so just below the 1.
  14. If the shed is wide enough for the handlebars it's wide enough for you to be sitting on the bike as it goes into the shed. Low roof might mean you have to lay on the tank, or have a hinged roof!
  15. It's going to topple over! Safer to have the shed roll back on wheels.. But easier if you could just open the front and side, wheel it in, then close the side and front of the shed..
  16. Like a skateboard for your bike! Sounds like a recipe for disaster to me...
  17. Should have got a genuine BMW one with the bike! Take it back and tell them to fit it..
  18. Take the plug out (when's it's cool enough!) And see what it's like. If it's running too lean the plug will let you know .
  19. Sounds good, glad it's sorted, makes me want a project bike now!
  20. That's why I thought the hole looked odd. Looks like it will let too much air through.. See if you can adjust the carb to make the slider go down more. Looks quite open in the video.
  21. Yeah that's what I meant, the hole is outwards.. Anyway, with the filter off, try putting you hand over the carb to choke it more, see if that's starts.
  22. Google image search I found this: http://www.yellow13bikebreakers.co.uk/ekmps/shops/yellow13bb/images/yamaha-sr125-carburettor-%5B3%5D-10340-p.jpg No hole. So was right the first time
  23. That big hole looks odd. Does it have the hole in the slider both sides? Can you turn in 180degrees?
  24. Is that how it came apart? All you needed to do was move the little clip one notch towards the pointy end of the needle! Take the air filter off, put it all back together and look inside the end of the carb. Make sure when you twist the throttle the needle and silver part move up and down.
  25. You done something wrong! Put it back as it was and try again. Moving the needle one notch won't kill a bike.
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