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Everything posted by Joeman

  1. So long as you paid a small portion by credit card, the whole purchase is protected.
  2. Did you buy some when it hit bottom? If you did your be in profit again now. I bought some more litecoin at £170 per coin, it's now back up to £230 per coin.
  3. Massive drop today. Good time to buy in..
  4. Seems twinings aren't happy about this pic being out in the wild!! ">
  5. Loads of bikers on twitter - post and see who responds. Keep the make and model secret so you know who's camera it is otherwise loads of people will try to say it's theirs!
  6. Hope he's ok, the time of the updates is late evening, and he's been on some wacky drugs lately for his medical conditions.. all seems a little rash so hoping he's ok...
  7. Looks like he's gone back through his last few posts and updated them...no idea what's going on, but he's not happy that's for sure!
  8. They really are behaving like spoilt middle-class tw@ts with their sarcastic little digs at the police. The police are staying quiet. Lol
  9. All the twitter cyclists getting upset with Essex police.. "> The driving is terrible and he really should be taken off the road, but the evidence isn't strong enough to convict and the cyclists are livid! Naturally I'm trolling them...
  10. There's a sequel.. have you seen it? Brilliant pair of films!!
  11. Easily bought for cooking purposes. https://www.discountcream.co.uk/96-pro-whip-cream-chargers-269-p.asp
  12. You can secure it in a physical wallet that’s offline and can’t be hacked. Any thing on line , there is a risk ... Copied The wallet option isn’t much better. Wallet services are potentially prone to the same security and reliability pitfalls as individuals, though hopefully they do a better job of guarding against them. Customers also need to worry about fraud or incompetence by those who operate the wallet service. There have been a number of cases where the operators of Bitcoin financial institutions have lost client funds because of alleged security breaches. Because there’s no Bitcoin FDIC; customers have just been out of luck. It's a real concern with online wallets yes, or wallets created online since you have no guarantee the private code hasn't been stored on the site or intercepted on its way to you. The most secure way is an offline paper wallet with a code that you generate yourself. The chance of ever guessing a private key is virtually zero so if it's on paper and you're the only one who generated and saw the key, your chance of being hacked is very very low.
  13. *hits Joe on the nose with a rolled up newspaper* No, bad Joe, no. I think the forums broken. Nobody took the bait!!
  14. Yeah, leave it on. You don't have to access the battery to out the bike on trickle charger. They all come with a socket you wire to the battery and leave hanging out. Here's a photo of my bike showing the charger socket :
  15. I had a go with a sky Q box tonight. Terribly cheap feeling remote control, and the user interface is appalling..
  16. I've got sky, Amazon and Netflix. Sky-Hd is ok but films limited. Amazon has some good content but they do cheeky stuff like giving the first few episodes for free then charge for the last. Netflix is best for movies. I use the Amazon fire TV to run the Netflix app. Amazon prime is good for free next day delivery.
  17. Erm... So what are we seeing here??
  18. Centrifugal. As the wheel spins, the force acting on the valve is in an outwards direction. As the wheel speed increases, so does the centrifugal force (g) to a point where it overcomes the rubbery bit and the metal bit moves towards the rim. High enough wheel speed will give enough centrifugal force to exceed the shear limit of the rubber and off it goes. The force is quite large - if you consider those spinny things used in astronaut training - the person gets quite badly squashed down and pass out under single digit g. Assuming a 17" rim and a 10 gram valve, your valve will undergo somewhere in the order or 350-400g at 70mph. Just because I like stiring things up. It's not centrifugal force that makes your angled valves rip out, it's the fact the valve isn't strong enough to provide sufficient centripetal force to prevent it ripping out. Like a heavy weight spinning round your head on a bit of string, it's not the centrifugal force that breaks the string when you get too fast, it's that the string can't provide sufficient centripetal force to keep the weight spinning - the required force exceeds the tensile strength of the string so it snaps and the weight flies off in a straight line as there is now no centripetal force causing it to move in an ark.. Centrifugal force doesn't exist.
  19. It's actually the absence of sufficient centripetal force that's the problem..
  20. 7yr old: Mum, what happens if you eat lots of tinsel? Mum: probably emergency surgery to prevent obstruction somewhere in your digestive system. 7yr old: *blank face* *small voice* you get tinselitis.
  21. Joeman

    dog owners

    Calcium from bones. My old dog did poos that turned white because we fed him on a raw diet that included bone. I think these days with heath and safety and dog food having to be safe for human consumption they've had to take the bone out.
  22. Cyclists littering the roads... And it's supposed to be more environmentally friendly... Grrrrr.
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