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Everything posted by Joeman

  1. ? GP - General Practitioner.. not a Specialist or an expert or anything reassuring like that, just General..
  2. Never trust anyone with the word "general" in their job title..
  3. That's some serious processing power there, but it still walks like it's crapped it's pants!
  4. I passed my full bike test on 22 December. Not sure I even had proper winter biking gear back in 1993! So no excuses, get it done!!
  5. It's a good helmet, I had one in black. Better in some ways than my Shoei
  6. Get a balaclava and wear it underneath to fill out some space!
  7. It's why I keep a very small SD card in my camera now. It records on a loop, overwriting the older footage. For an accident you just need the few seconds leading up to the crash, not the 30mins of lunatic mayhem you survived before the impact!
  8. I just tried phoning the tinnitus helpline. They told me to leave a message after the tone. bast*rds!
  9. Too symmetrical!! Need to swap a big one for a little one just on one side to keep the trademark BMW asymmetry
  10. Good excuse to buy a 3D printer and make some sort of countoured case that blends nicely with the curves of your helmet.
  11. The first load of sport-DV cameras were good. I used one for a while. I bought a second one with updated firmware and it was useless. Mobius cameras are excellent.
  12. J&S are always up for negotiation. I've been in there before got the sales guys all excited, then said "so what discount are you going to give me if I buy all this stuff now". They know full well they have to give a discount otherwise many people will simply walk out and buy online, so be cheeky and ask for your discount! That's why these discount events are bad in a way as its a reason for them to say no more discounts, but prices are not fixed so haggle them hard!
  13. If the bike can't do it, get a Speedo healer. https://www.healtech-electronics.com/products/sh/
  14. Welcome. I had that with a new helmet once. I just had to blow my cheeks out to compress the foam abit. With time it was ok.
  15. looks and sounds great, but i reckon its fake. they've taken a model bike, spinning the back wheel with a drill and playing the sound of a real bike... the engine noise and gear changes dont match what the guys fingers are doing..
  16. https://support.agv.co.uk/support/solutions/articles/5000626661-is-there-a-service-for-testing-my-helmet-if-i-have-dropped-it-crashed-in-it-
  17. Joeman


    So not your primary transport, happy to take it on a track and IOM with all the risks associated (potentially binning it).. a cheap bike you don't mind smashing up is the way to go. You could spend more on the same bike with service history etc but that won't prevent it potentially letting you down. If this ends up being a good bike you get a good gsxr with low mileage at a good price. If it costs a bit of money then you still have a low mileage gsxr at a reasonable price, and if you smash it up you haven't lost as much as you could. Worth the punt I'd say..
  18. Joeman


    If it was me, I'd take the punt. I know how easy GSXRs are to work on and it wouldn't be a daily rider. Spares are easily available at sensible money and as I said before you could easily run it for a few miles and sell for what it cost or more.
  19. Another way to think about it is that helmets are designed to absorb energy so your head doesn't have to. Applying a little Newtonian physics we see that A 1kg mass (empty helmet) falling from a 2m height has 19.6joules of energy. Assuming your head in a helmet weights 6kg, a fall from 0.33m generates 19.4 joules of energy. So your empty helmet falling 2m just absorbed about the same energy as if you had your head inside and dropped from 33cm... Helmets are designed to save us from much higher impacts than that, so again I would doubt the helmet sustained any damage. But it's your head, not mine, do whatever makes you sleep best at night.
  20. Thanks for the opinion, I'll probably test it over the next couple of days to see if anything changes, if not, then I'll just continue as normal. Sure, if in doubt buy a new one... But watch this.. start at 7:11 http://youtu.be/Ovd3KGu6BgU
  21. Joeman


    If you do decide to buy it, buy it online not in store. You have more legal rights buying remotely than you do if you buy in store.
  22. Nothing inside heavy enough to compress the foam from the inside and if no damage visible on the outside then the shell didn't flex enough to compress the outside of the foam. Personally I wouldn't worry.
  23. Joeman


    Go take another look. Use your suspicion as a bargaining point and knock the price down a bit.
  24. Reckon making that headlight less like a barn door and more aerodynamic might have shaved a few tenths off your quarter mile time
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