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Everything posted by Joeman

  1. Litecoin is my favorite at the moment. Bitcoin is just too overvalued, but Litecoin is doing really well. Some people predicting it will go up 50% by the weekend.. it dropped today, so i bought some more.. im ready for the rise!
  2. curious to know if anyone else is trading cryptocurrencies.. im into Bitcoin and Litecoin at the moment, just dabbling, nothing too serious.
  3. When I was 18 i stopped at a traffic light on my XT500 ....I had trainers on and my laces got caught around the gear shift I couldnt do anything as I had already started tipping the bike to the left as I went to put my foot down I simply Flopped slowly onto my side with the bike on top of me A nice car driver behind me got out to help me up as I couldnt move..............I dont think we got a full sentence out between us, as we were Both Laughing that Hard it was REALLY Comical I Only wore Bike boots from that day forwards It could have been a lot worse I had a similar accident at a pedestrian crossing when the kickstart got stuck up my trouser leg, just as a girl from my school and her mum were crossing the road in front of me... much street cred lost that day! haha
  4. Be wary of laces.. they get tangled up, you can't take your foot off the peg, and you topple over in a heap on the floor...
  5. what did you do? hack into the airline's weather computer and make it look worse than it really is, or just phone through a fake bomb scare??
  6. Joeman

    Cold day

    Back in 2013 when we had proper snow in Sevenoaks, this was dumped by the side of the road for a few days until the snow melted..
  7. Neither. It's a gap between the window case and the sill. Gap is too small to get foam in there hence the reason for asking if there is a liquid alternative that will flow into the gap and preferably set white or clear not foam-yellow.
  8. I tried, I really did because it's about bikes and so I should have enjoyed it, but don't think I got to the end of the first episode..
  9. Joeman

    Cold day

    My Audi on snow tyres would have eaten that hill for breakfast... I'd just cruise past them all like a typical Audi driver lol.
  10. Low viscosity, now we're talking! Sounds like it would flow nicely under the window case and seal it up properly all the way under.
  11. Yes, it's just a very slight draft in the bay. It's annoying so I was hoping to fill the track with some sort of liquid that would find all the gaps and fill them up and then set.
  12. That might do the trick so long as I can get it in there.. hopefully its really liquid and can flow into the gap.
  13. Thanks guys, the gap is very small, just a few mm, so can't get foam in there and would struggle to squirt silicone in there too. Hoping to find a liquid that would flow into the gap sealing it right the way through, not just the exposed gap. See the separation between the window case and the track its supposed to sit in.. it's tiny.
  14. Does anyone know of a good liquid gap filler? Just discovered that there is a small gap under my double glazing in the bedroom bay window that's letting a draft in. The UPVC window cases sit in a kind of track and due to being an old house I think theres been a slight movement and now theres a gap between the bottom of the window casing and the track its supposed to sit in. My idea is to flow some kind of liquid filler into the track to take up the gap... I thought about using thinned down PVA but wondered if there was something better available?? A really liquid silicone sealant would be ideal.. does it exist??
  15. Seems the Met Police have developed some new tactics... http://bikeworld.co.uk/news/920-undercover-police-drag-moped-thieves-from-bikes-in-new-tactic
  16. Looks great, would look better with a tail tidy though
  17. Haha can imagine the phonecall to autoglass now... Windscreen replacement for a motorbike after a stone smashes through.
  18. A friend of mine burned to death when his barber shop was set on fire. He could have escaped, but he was always told not to run with scissors
  19. Why did the banana goto the doctors? It wasn't peeling very well.
  20. The arrogance!! http://youtu.be/t9IFfdXNKMU
  21. just ordered a new fridge to hold all my xmas beer. Ordered for Thursday morning delivery as its cheaper than next day. Got an ear bashing for forgetting it was the kid's nativity play on thursday, so I called them up and got the delivery moved to tomorrow FOR NO EXTRA COST!!! So that's Next day delivery of my new (beer) fridge for the price of Thursday delivery!! F**K YEAH! Thats an interesting trick I shall remember for the future..
  22. Whilst unconscious they should have put his finger in the chain of that bike, and turned the back wheel slowly..
  23. Should have driven into him.. the media exposure would have been fantastic!!
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