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Words fail me: Part II


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Hah! :D

I almost started a "USA elections" thread a few days ago but was too worried it would cause friction!

I can't quite believe they've done it to be honest, I mean I can almost understand why people would want to vote for him but... Wow! :shock:

The next four years are going to be f**king terrifying for anyone who's liberal, supports gay rights, enjoys having multi-racial friends etc etc..

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This will go the same as brexit. Multiple people/news agencies/celebrities "OMG can't believe this happened"

Markets go haywire

People threaten to leave

Lots of "I didn't vote for that therefore I disagree"

Soon we will hear very little about it. The market will recover (for the most part). Everyone will stop talking about it.

Unless the Americans start some form of revolution to attempt to kick him out of office. Civil war round 2.

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The problem is - Trump seems like the worst option because he is honest, and his honesty shows that his opinions are totally stupid and he's generally an idiot. Hillary is a total liar and very deceitful, I think they've chose the best of two evils.

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One thing I'm not clear about is that Trump (and everyone else) is claiming victory, but the RESULTS are not yet in - as far as I can see the outcome being reported is just on 'projections' whatever that means.

Can't we just wait for the actual results, before throwing ourselves off the cliff ??

Edited by thebiglad
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One thing I'm not clear about is that Trump (and everyone else) is claiming victory, but the RESULTS are not yet in - as far as I can see the outcome being reported is just on 'projections' whatever that means.

Can't we just wait for the actual results, before throwing ourselves of the cliff ??



Looks pretty definitive to me..?

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One thing I'm not clear about is that Trump (and everyone else) is claiming victory, but the RESULTS are not yet in - as far as I can see the outcome being reported is just on 'projections' whatever that means.

Can't we just wait for the actual results, before throwing ourselves of the cliff ??


It's official now, it was projected earlier on.

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The problem is - Trump seems like the worst option because he is honest, and his honesty shows that his opinions are totally stupid and he's generally an idiot. Hillary is a total liar and very deceitful, I think they've chose the best of two evils.



They're both unfit for purpose......but Trump got it simply because so many people wanted to give the finger to the establishment and career politicians.

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Strange world in which we live...

I actually think he might do some good. Hillary would have just continued the status quo that keeps her and her people in a comfortable lifestyle.

Trump is hopefully going to shake the place up and make some changes. He's got balls and he's not afraid to rock the boat.

We could do with some ballsy politicians here in the uk. All of ours are useless...

Edited by Joeman
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One thing I'm not clear about is that Trump (and everyone else) is claiming victory, but the RESULTS are not yet in - as far as I can see the outcome being reported is just on 'projections' whatever that means.

Can't we just wait for the actual results, before throwing ourselves of the cliff ??



Looks pretty definitive to me..?


The Skynews page certainly looks more clear cut, the BBC page still talks about projections, so maybe it truly is a done deal.

UPDATE: BBC website still showing 278 for Trump, whereas Sky page showing 289 - both pages reloaded to ensure latest info.

This is what I mean, I doubt that the definitive vote is in.

Edited by thebiglad
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One thing I'm not clear about is that Trump (and everyone else) is claiming victory, but the RESULTS are not yet in - as far as I can see the outcome being reported is just on 'projections' whatever that means.

Can't we just wait for the actual results, before throwing ourselves of the cliff ??



Looks pretty definitive to me..?


The Skynews page certainly looks more clear cut, the BBC page still talks about projections, so maybe it truly is a done deal.

Well Hillary has rung him to concede and he's given his acceptance speech sooo....

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I don't do politics full stop especially in the US! But what does this mean to the UK?


That's what I've been thinking! All comes down to the foreign policy, and when it comes to it, Trump is an America-first isolationist. His presidency might have some negative economic impact on other countries as he pushes for a better deal for America, but only if he's successful - and that means making boardroom bargaining tactics work on a political level, which will be... messy. Other than that, admittedly it could have a bad impact on Nato; he's talked about pulling funding unless certain changes are made, and from what I last read, his proposals basically turn Nato into an American-run protection racket. Which isn't too far from the truth as it stands... but that doesn't mean we want to go any further down that route :P He might even improve relationships with Russia, which is a big thing in my eyes given the rising tensions. He doesn't seem to have any hangups about "BUT COMMUNISTS", which is positive. Hell, it might even mean that relationships with Cuba can continue to improve over time. Depends whether he can tell Cubans and Mexicans apart. But the biggest implications of a Trump presidency will probably be internal. He'll put up all the walls (both metaphorical and physical), isolate America from the world that bit more, and dabble with economic policies in a likely very hit or miss fashion. Might actually be quite interesting to watch! But not as scary for the rest of the world as say George "The W is for War On Terror" Bush.

Hillary on the other hand is a real proponent of the "Team America World Police" approach to foreign policy, and that terrifies the HELL out of me. She might have done a better job of maintaining the status quo back home, and she certainly wouldn't have spread hate on American soil, but she's proven time and again that she has the same "we know what's best" attitude of Tony Blair with a generous hint of the "I am openly disgusted by the people I represent" of Theresa May. She certainly wasn't going to be another Obama, or even close... hell, combined with pro-intervention foreign policies, she'd probably have been closer to Bush than any other recent president. My biggest concern about a potential Clinton administration was the second cold war factor :shock: There's a worrying amount of posturing taking place on Russian borders these days, lots of American boots (and missile bases). Even some of the biggest war games in history taking place in spitting distance of Russia. Putin's actions make it more than clear that he isn't one to back down. I thought the possibility of an "irresistible force" foreign policy from the Clinton camp clashing with an "immovable object" from the Kremlin was looking like a very real possibility, and where that could go is just too damn horrible to think about.

An important thing to note is that Trump was a HUGE Reagan supporter (both politically and financially), and still seems to style himself as a bit of a Reagan XL these days. "Make America Great Again" was Reagan's campaign slogan, for crying out loud :lol: So if you want a window into what the Trump presidency will be like, it's probably worth reading up on the Reagan administration. I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up doing the same thing as Reagan and relying a bit too heavily on letting other people make the big decisions while he just plays the public face.


Disclaimer: RantMachine DOES know shit about this stuff but he's hangin' pretty bad right now :lol:

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