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Module 2 - members test experiences

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Went for my MOD 2 yesterday, had a 2 hour lesson before with rain and wind, got to test center and as we got off the bikes we were nearly blown over by the wind! It was cancelled! Gutted have to hope for a cancellation as next booking not available till end of October! :(
. Same for me with MOD1 yesterday although weather relented and I passed. All the MOD2s were cancelled
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Well mod 2 final attempt coming on Tuesday fun fun fun.

everything expires on the 7th so im left with the only option to try to finish it on my varadero

as their is no time to get mod 1 and 2 on a big bike.

If I pass I can carry my boy and get panniers and start doing Europe so that's a win

I can also sit behind my gf and try to teach her how to ride the varadero as im buying another and it

would be great if she can have my present one instead of having to sell it to get her a scooter

even if I get a pass I get to look forward to having to resit the whole lot again to ride a big bike

I think its awesome that next month I will have to resit my theory for no reason to do it all again


very well done to Karmin and all the new riders out there.

Stay safe and as I always say if your late be late never rush

How did this end? I have just read through the thread and sound like your having a dog end of a time. I feel for you.

If I was you already with a cbt and bike I would have been going out with an experienced rider friend who could iron out any issues.

I see you keep refrencing people who done a week's course, pass and can ride what they like, or carry passengers, and don't need to take any further brush up lessons, this is because they have jumped through the hoops, paid all the monies and proved they can ride safely and to a certain standard on the roads, but you never stop learning.

If carrying passengers is that important to you then keep up with the tests ect but as you already drive why not take some time build some road craft and attempt your test again but on a larger bike, the only thing you should find harder is the slow manouvers you can't throw it around like you do a 125.

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Yes he will go to gov.uk and type in motorcycle mod 2 safety questions :D

Notice abit of sarcasm here ;)

So no need to brush up on my braking distances and tyre thread limits haha


There's a sticky on this forum called 'getting ready to take your motorcycle driving test' has everything you need to know in there.

Read the stickies ;)

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PASSED 16/10/2014 with a clean sheet.

MOD 1 passed with all the nerves in the world. A 10 minute ride around feeling like an hour I had to wait a week or 2 for my MOD 2. I wasnt particularly worried with the MOD 2 as I am road savvy as a car driver and have used the roads for 2 years on a 125cc.

I go out for 2-3 hours with my trainer in the morning. He takes me on two test routes using roads that might be used on the test. ( And they were !!! It really helped to anticipate correct lane use and speed control on dual carriage ways onto slip roads. ) After the second route, we ride into the test centre and park my bike up ( FACING towards the exit as I dont want to faff about with slow turns with early test nerves ). The examiner was quick and to the point and told me to kit up, sign the paper work and put the comms on. He then did a tell me show me before i got on the bike.

I had - show me how to test the horn ( EASY PEASY ). Tell me how to check the engine oil ( EASY PEASY! ) and then How does the handling of the bike differ with a pillion passenger ( Not too bad, used the bike for hints ). Answer all and then off we go.

We leave and take the routes. Smooth ride, CONSTANTLY looking at my mirrors, even on straights, looking at junctions i passed and anticipated the road ahead. We do 3-4 stop starts, some on a hill some not. Control the clutch, keep it smooth and LIFE SAVERS. Over exagerate them to show im looking and do 2-3 life savers ... because i can. Im just doing it to show the instructor that I know safety is paramount.

Do the routes, hit some busy town areas, go smoothly and not too slowly. I didnt want to be over cautious. Roundabouts and left and right turns. All done. All with indicators and checks.

Next comes INDEPENDENT RIDING. I was brought to a certain area, parked up and then instructed to take a right turn at the lights and follow the signs to XYZ. I did. Now test conditions are spinning around my head and now i need to navigate somewhere id never been to. The thing i kept in mind, if i take the wrong road, do not panic, commit to it. He told me the independent riding was over and then continued to navigate me.

40 Minute ride and straight back into the test centre. Park up like im still being examined and only relax until the bike is turned off.

A quick result "YOUVE PASSED". Passes me a clean sheet, 0 minors , says well done.

I then get on the bike with the instructor infront , ride back to the centre with my head up high.

Done and dusted.


I just kept it clean, rode smoothly and tried to enjoy it.

Hope you all bring a similar story and success. Good luck to all who havnt passed it yet and well done to all those who have.

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I wasn't being sarcastic! You asked if they ask any questions and i was trying to be helpful!


What you did was called banter. Gave the answer with a jest of humour. Dont worry about it =D

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I wasn't being sarcastic! You asked if they ask any questions and i was trying to be helpful!

Sorry didn't mean for it to come out in the wrong way. You was helpful and I did look up bike related questions. Mod 2 day he did ask me a few..

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Hey guys weather looks to be good for my Friday mod 2.

Question for those who have done their mod 2... will the instructor ask any questions before we go out?? Bike related or highway code related ?

Many thanks

. Before. I got pillion passenger and testing front brakes. Easy peasy
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It took me 2 go's at both the modules. First time on mod 1 I just grazed edge of a cone with corner of boot on the swerve, got really paranoid about it before 2nd attempt.

First attempt at mod 2, the school I was learning with swapped the bike out on test day for a different make and model. (I didn't know this as I met them first thing in morning at test centre). It put me right off my stride and after a brief stop before the independent ride, I couldn't get the damn thing back in first gear (stuck in neutral), when I finally did (after explained to examiner why I hadn't moved away and losing marks in process), I was totally off my game, made lots of small mistakes and then hesitated at the roundabout near test centre.

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Second attempt, I did nearly 2 years later with only a week left on my theory test. Tons of pressure but used a different bike school who are ex police riders. Sailed through no problems and really enjoyed the ride and experience. I think if you set out to enjoy, it puts you in a good place. The feeling when both me and the other guy my instructor had passed on the same morning was priceless and the ride home feeling like you 'belong' on the big bike you're riding is awesome. Two years have passed now and I'm finally getting a big bike.

Good luck to everyone with mod 2 and see you all out there.

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Got my Mod 2 in Wolverhampton tomorrow at 5 to 11. And what have we got coming in from the Atlantic? Yep, a bloody hurricane! Oh joy :roll:
good luck


Hurray!! Passed with 5 minors. Very windy ride and some debris flying around the side streets. Asked me about carrying pillion, how to check oil and horn. Pulled into the curb 4 times one of which was the angled pull away round a parked car. Did the hill start on a really gently slope, which can hardly be classed as a hill start. Couple of dual carriageways and left/right turns at big roundabouts, then back to the test center. Had the debrief with instructor in the room and when he said "well done, it's a pass" it was a competition as to who had the biggest grin. Had another guy from our school taking his Mod 2 aswell who came back in as I was being debriefed. He passed aswell, so 2 for 2. Happy day :cheers:

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Got my Mod 2 in Wolverhampton tomorrow at 5 to 11. And what have we got coming in from the Atlantic? Yep, a bloody hurricane! Oh joy :roll:
good luck


Hurray!! Passed with 5 minors. Very windy ride and some debris flying around the side streets. Asked me about carrying pillion, how to check oil and horn. Pulled into the curb 4 times one of which was the angled pull away round a parked car. Did the hill start on a really gently slope, which can hardly be classed as a hill start. Couple of dual carriageways and left/right turns at big roundabouts, then back to the test center. Had the debrief with instructor in the room and when he said "well done, it's a pass" it was a competition as to who had the biggest grin. Had another guy from our school taking his Mod 2 aswell who came back in as I was being debriefed. He passed aswell, so 2 for 2. Happy day :cheers:

. Fab news. Great feeling isn't it?
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Got my MOD2 Passed at the first attempt on Monday 20/10/14 :D as with the MOD1 it wasn't all plain sailing though :roll:

The Details:

I arrived at the test centre with my instructor and another candidate, his test was first and mine second. When the other candidate came back with the examiner he got the good news - He Passed! with a clean sheet :) - Congrats all round :cheers:

When the examiner came back out of his office he didn't seem to be in a very good mood, just my opinion. He checked through my paperwork and we went out to the car park, I read the eye test Regd plate OK so over to the bikes. Show me tell me consisted of "show me how you would check the brake lights work" (checked them both) and "tell me how you would check that your tyres are ok to ride on" tread depth, pressure and condition etc.

On the bikes and off we go, the second junction I came too has temporary road works on the corner of the junction (no lights just cones), at this point I felt it prudent to stop at the give way and make sure the road was clear as there were traffic cones on the road and blokes in the road digging up the tarmac (he gave me a minor for stopping... "hesitation").

We head off down the road and through a village, carry out an angled pull off around a parked car, another pull over when safe to do so. None of which bothered me as myself and my instructor had been down this road and done the exact same thing before the test :) so I knew the road well, at the end of the road is a busy mini roundabout with a pretty much blind entrance for the traffic on the right, not for them entering the mini roundabout but for me seeing them, as virtually everybody speeds on that road cars just "appear" and are on the roundabout almost immediately you see them. Now this very thing had happened with my instructor in the hour prior to my test, I was already moving onto the roundabout when a car "appeared", now I knew the car had had to slow down which means I shouldn't of been there, my instructor told me not to worry about it as the guy was speeding anyway... cut back to the test, as I'm approaching the roundabout all this is going through my mind, I stop at the roundabout (cars are on it) I see a gap and think "if I didn't have the examiner behind me I'd give it a bit and squeeze in there" but I do so I didn't, I waited until I felt I could pull out without "going for it", even then when I did the examiner couldn't get out and we got split up (he gave me another minor... "hesitation").

The next 20 mins go without a hitch, the independent ride was fine... until right at the end. I'm heading for the hospital and I lost him again at a big roundabout, I'm heading towards a set of lights that have been on green for a bit (I know these lights well, I knew they were close to going red) I'm tickling the throttle, looking in the mirror I'm thinking "he isn't getting through these" and Lo, it comes to pass... as I go through I just catch a glimpse of an amber light so I know I'm going to have to stop and I'm already checking for a safe place on the left. Now the problem is as you go through the lights on the left there is a give way filter lane joining the road you're on, then a bus stop, then double yellows, then a left turn road junction, then another 20ft of double yellows, then a parked car. So I'm thinking I'll have to stop in front of the parked car, at this very moment I hear (in quite a stern, pissed off, tone) "pull in on the left" I immediately think "I can't stop here, there's a filter lane... again I hear (in quite a stern, pissed off, tone) "pull in on the left" I'm parallel to the bus stop now and again I 'm thinking "I can't stop in the bus stop" again I hear (in a loud SHOUTY stern, pissed off, tone) "pull in on the left" so I quite literally do my checks and stop, on double yellows on top of a bus stop and within 10ft of a junction... I think to myself "well that's shagged it" After a good 2 minutes the lights then go green and as the cars that are in front of him are driving past me he says (in quite a stern, pissed off, tone) "set off and turn immediate left" I'm thinking "I can't pull out now there are moving cars alongside me" again I hear (in a loud SHOUTY stern, pissed off, tone) "set off NOW", so I indicate and check as best I can and sort of crawl along the gutter until I can make the turn... all the while thinking "well that's doubly that then"

We then do a bit of suburbia and a 20 zone and a bit farther on we make a left turn that tells me we're heading back to the test centre, we then get on a dual carriage way and I hear "this is a dual carriageway, we are going all the way to the second roundabout" which is what I expected. The limit on this dual carriageway is 50 so off I go, I catch up some cars do my checks indicate and pull out, the cars I'm passing are quite spaced apart, the gap between the last 2 cars isn't huge but big enough for me to think "should I pull in" I elect not too and pass him. Now at the roundabout is an arctic truck in the left hand lane ready to pull out on too the roundabout, I can see there's no traffic on the roundabout and I'm thinking "the lorry's going to set off before I get there, which means if I stay in the right hand lane I'll be on the right hand side of the lorry on the inside of him next to the roundabout, I'll stay in the left hand lane, follow him round and pass him on the other side" so I pull in. Then the car I haven't seen in front of the lorry pulls onto the roundabout and the lorry stays where it is...

Dohhh :stupid:

I pull up behind the lorry (as its too late to change lanes now) and hear in my ear, in a VERY SHOUTY pissed off tone "can you tell me why we are behind this lorry..." Knowing full well I can't because I haven't got a mic.

That really is that... I think. (He gave me a minor for that... "Planning").

The last 10 mins went without hiccup, all the way I'm thinking "well that's £150 up the Swanee"

I was surprised when he said I'd passed, Obviously.

Now I'm bike shopping... not sure what to buy, anybody got any suggestions ?

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Had my Mod 2 at Burgess Hill yesterday (23rd Oct)

Had the usual questions about pillions then the old how would I check the oil and the chain. The examiner Mark was really laid back and gave clear instructions throughout the ride. We went through a variety of town and country roads, different speed limits, roundabouts etc. It was all pretty straight forward, had to pull over 5 times (twice behand a car and once up a hill).

It all felt like a nice little ride really, I did have a dodgy moment where I miss judged the angle of a junction and had to slow down when I pulled out which didn't give the examiner chance to follow straight away. I got a minor for that as it was poor planning. I also got a minor for breaking in a corner on a national speed limit road which was pretty fair as it did catch me out a bit, I could have just leant in more but I didn't want to look like I was booting it.

So thats it passed with 2 minors.

Seems that falling off my bike 30 minutes before my test was just good luck!!*

*please note I don't advise falling off your bike for any reason, even if it helps pass your test

Mark is lovely. Mike is my favourite. Didn't like the others much
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