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Everything posted by bonio

  1. XSR is a cracking looking bike.
  2. A scam for sure. Probably worth reporting it to ebay. But the guy will probably just open another account.
  3. Nope: it's a fresh booking made for this trip.
  4. Yup - the seat on my GS was as good as new after 50000 miles.
  5. bonio


    ooo. you're on the the doorstep of some of the best roads in the south east. Here they are, in glorious tecnicolour (yellow = bends, orange = more bends, red = most bends) (credit: roadcurvature.com)
  6. That could prove to be the most expensive tenner you've ever spent
  7. A272's a great road, except for the 50 limits And the traffic But still nice on a quiet summer evening.
  8. bonio


    For the first year you just have to suck it up, but at least it's in the knowledge that the next year will see it come down a lot. If you decide to go third party only, make sure you can afford the loss yourself if the worst were to happen, and make sure that it really is cheaper than fully comp. Sometimes, third party can work out more expensive...
  9. You might crave more than 122 ponies, but I doubt you'd ever use them.
  10. Did Suffolk to Devon. To wet and cold to stop for tags.
  11. You were just a few miles away! No biking here though; chained to the desk.
  12. Went for a walk in Minsmere after dinner. Crazy birds. Here's a short clip - bad video quality but it's all about the soundtrack. https://clipchamp.com/watch/gYdV5D63fzU (or if you use FB, it's better quality here: https://www.facebook.com/1358419544/videos/10226411462777069/)
  13. Tightened a wing mirror on the MV. Fitted grip puppies (never used them before, will try them out). Changed the front sprocket on the VanVan and inflated the tyres. The DRZ looks like it's been rolling in a muddy field. Could do with a wash.
  14. If anyone can use this, you're welcome to have it. Just PM me your address.
  15. Nice idea. I'll be honest, the Peaks has always left me mystified. People say how great it is, but all I've found are traffic and towns and then sweet patch for 3 minutes and another 30 sign *sigh*. So I'd be signing up for this straightaway if it I lived nearer. All the best
  16. At least the Sinclair C5 came in white.
  17. I rode it! Had to go to Ipswich for a second jab of vaccine or placebo - don't know what. Zoomed down the A12 to get there as the staff were waiting in for me, but had a good ride back on the twisty roads via Framlingham. The roads were in great condition - all the crud of winter's gone - so a cracking ride. Loads of bikes out.
  18. So @Breezin, if you're skipping through these here posts on your phone or whatever, stop, go back, and read this one a second time. It's all the advice you need.
  19. The Bobber is beautiful. It might be a modernist monster, I'm also partial to the Thruxton.
  20. Wife would like recessed spots in the kitchen. Isn't going to get them.
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