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Everything posted by Hoggs

  1. I did think this!! But then how do you get it home?
  2. I apologise in advance for inevitably and inadvertently swearing in front of your children
  3. Whack it in as the Midlands, covers most things
  4. at this moment in time, yes. I will just tell the missus to pack light I'm closest! I get first dibs on space! Oh wait... I have nothing to take
  5. My lid has a flip down sun visor. Best invention ever.
  6. my condolences. There's this thing called internet shopping nowadays it's amazing
  7. Haaaaa! I hope rant doesn't have curry before we go....
  8. You should tweet the science guy from it!
  9. Go back! I'm pretty sure no one else will have parted with cash for it! Don't encourage him!!!
  10. Aww sorry to hear that phooey You'll always have us to keep you company!! I've just made it worse haven't I. ...
  11. Our bikes are too good for his video
  12. ugh they could spray it to exactly match my bike and I wouldn't go near it!!! .... well except to spray it black I quite like the DS3 though. They're supposed to be quite fun to drive
  13. I hate Nissan Jukes. It may be an irrational hatred, I'm sure they are great as they are bloody everywhere. But my opinion of you will go down if you get one
  14. Is it only easy if you have some kind of technical know how? Is it kinda like a surgeon saying "appendix removal is fairly easy, but be warned if you do it wrong it can 'brick' your patient leaving it useless"
  15. A proper one with a chain Also it was nice knowing you all..
  16. Maybe not.. but my plans are a lot nearererer
  17. pft. Some of us had previous plans
  18. Woohoo we can laden Josh up with all the booze!
  20. Lots of fun! Yeah bit padded but fun seeing the training. Dunno why DC keeps cropping up everywhere though!! Shame he didn't get another run in. Think he maaay have just edged 80
  21. Hello and welcome! Do you have anything else on the bike keyring? I ask because the other week I had a weird rattling noise.... took a while before I realised my disc lock key was rattling on the yoke weirdly I must have put the key in the other way round all the previous times!! Hope you get to the bottom of it soon
  22. Nice hopefully the weather gets nicer quickly so you can get some nice summery riding
  23. Yeah I don't really like stoner but hats off on how well he rode the ducati.
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