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Everything posted by Hoggs

  1. Pretty sure the board has IP tracking so he will Oh and I think you can ban IP addresses...
  2. Get out. Stu ban him! Actually I am going to hold the blame on you for mentioning that horrible word in the first place # HAHAHA well that backfired on you Glorian
  3. Yeah but it's full of people and worse... children
  4. Ahoy hoy! You don't need to send off your license after getting your CBT Only after you pass your MOD2. CBT is valid for two years so if you don't do your full test you will need to do it again. Also the theory is valid for two years and you can't do the big test without it so don't do it too soon if you're not planning on taking the tests for a while
  5. Google maps just loves sending you down to the M25 doesn't it!! Weirdly maps is telling me it takes longer to get to Orford Castle from London than Norwich. It's a good 2 hour run direct, plus faffing about whilst Glorian gets us lost + back.... so I am a maybe...
  6. Sheesh how many mirrors did dovi break off season?? Moto3 was epic
  7. Non bikers are silly people Also congrats
  8. Group picture!! So points to everyone for Walden Castle! I can't remember who is and isn't doing this so I'll just name everyone! AleyJ, MrBrightside, Phil, Glorian, Gin, Bonniebird, Hoggs, Tango, JRH, http://imgur.com/qQP7oiX.jpg
  9. We all missed you Was nice putting faces to names hope everyone got home safe
  10. as epic as this is ... I still don't want any.
  11. I'm gonna say it's not removable as it doesn't seem to have any gaps for the visor clips to come out. .....shopping time?
  12. *checks diary* I can do the weekend of the 14/15 May?
  13. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! But I would recommend proper boots with ankle and shin protection
  14. Hello! As I recall they teach you to keep it in gear, foot on rear brake and NOT touching the front brake. You should keep it on for the duration of your stop and when safe to do so release the brake and move off. Slowish get aways are better than hooning it off or stalling. After you've passed then you can start hooning it off the line
  15. Hello! Short answer is its gonna be expensive to pass your test if you want any kind of formal training. Including cbt and theory and three days training plus mod 1 and mod 2 is gonna be ballpark £600 Your cbt is valid for 2 years and you can ride up to a 125 with L plates. Not allowed on motorways As you're over 24 you can do the direct access scheme (Das) which upon completion means you can ride whatever you can afford to insure You will need to do a bike specific theory test (practise questions and hazard awareness videos available for free online for practise) think that's about 25 quid. This is also valid for two years Mod 1 is slow speed stuff and mod 2 is your road test. You need a valid cbt and theory to do these and mod 2 cannot be taken before mod 1 is passed These must be taken on a minimum of 500 (I think....) cc bike and as you said you won't be able to be insured on a privately owned bike to do this. In theory you could practise on a big bike on private land and just hire a bike and instructor for a couple hours to go to and from the centre on but really everyone is gonna need some proper tuition to pass. Also the centre bikes may be different so you'll be on an unfamiliar bike which won't help! I'd chat with your cbt place to see what courses and prices they offer. Good luck with the cbt have fun and keep us updated
  16. Ha! Don't like kids, never wanted kids, OH doesn't want kids. Pretty happy with my life without kids!
  17. Aww hope she feels better soon HA! Well start saving now for the next one
  18. Having kids is a terrible thing which is why us sensible people stick to the mechanical kind of baby probably almost as expensive as their fleshy counterparts in the long run though... but you don't get in as much trouble when you lock them in the garage for misbehaving.
  19. but I do seem to recall the nhs got someone (bt???) To try intergrate their systems. Paid a ton of cash and got sod all so far and there's a clause to say if the nhs terminate the contract they have to pay another f***ton of cash. I still remember the very amused lone Bulgarian who came over and was outnumbered by journalists at the airport asking where the rest of them were "......er.... Bulgaria?"
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