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Everything posted by fastbob

  1. So buy five more valve stem seals and flog them on eBay for a profit .
  2. fastbob

    See ya

    The general public love a Harley .
  3. fastbob

    See ya

    Rugby bikefest is on the 26th ..
  4. fastbob

    See ya

    I think I get what you're saying despite it being arse backwards . As a model Civil Servant I am clean shaven and well scrubbed . It is only when I turn the key and unleash the thunder of my all American freedom machine that I am transformed into a filth encrusted Road Warrior .
  5. fastbob

    See ya

    This is exactly when you should buy a Sportster . Please trust me on this . Since I finally let go of my GSXR 1100 and bought my Harley I have enjoyed biking so much more . I've been on runs , met new people , been to custom shows and bike nights and spent more time laughing , singing and just grinning at the sheer impractical absurdity of the thing than with any other bike . My mental health can wobble on occasions and my Asperger's needs kicking into touch from time to time but joining the Sportster community has really helped me weather life's storms . I refer specifically to the Sportster Sickness Facebook group . Why not join for a bit as an observer just to get the flavour of things . https://youtu.be/75Lz7eZYb8U
  6. Here you go . https://www.facebook.com/groups/370516823357919/permalink/1147477212328539/?sale_post_id=1147477212328539
  7. An 883 would be ok as a learner bike . The engine might sound a little intimidating but it's very controllable . For those who struggle , the clutch mechanism can be easily replaced with an easier to pull version . The ride height can be lowered further with shorter shocks but at the expense of suspension travel and there is a wide choice of handlebars available . If you want a rubber mounted engine look at anything from 2004 and if you prefer EFI over a carb , look at post 2006 . Any more advice , please feel free to ask .
  8. I've got no issues with using FB to find bikes for sale . In fact I've just joined the CG125 buy and sell page to see what's going . I hardly need mention that you don't part with money up front . If you see something you like , get the seller to post a video of it running with close ups . What's not to like ? As for eBay , that's where I got my Harley but I didn't bid for it . We did a private deal and circumvented the process but you have to tread carefully because eBay has algorithms that detect such goings on . As for Gumtree , although I did eventually sell my GSXR , I was pissed around by all kinds of lonely w**kers who had no intention of buying .
  9. I'm struggling to stay awake all the time . I'm beginning to suspect a mild Long Covid symptom .
  10. There's nothing on eBay . As previously mentioned , you might be able to get one fabricated . You could , of course , use it as a good excuse for not carrying a pillion .
  11. Basically , your engine is a Chinese copy of a copy ...etc of a Honda C50 / C90 Cub . So I thought you might find this interesting , I certainly did .
  12. I think I'll do a run to Matlock tomorrow .
  13. I bought a red and white Harley Davidson and when I looked at the V5 it was registered as a Massey Ferguson tractor . When I complained to the seller he told me to just use it for ploughing fields . Oh well , Oi dangle me Durzells and mangle me Wurzels...
  14. You must have seen the TV series . It's been grinding on getting less and less funny for seemingly an eternity .
  15. Something like this would be a great laugh at an amusement park or at Butlins but it's not a motorcycle .
  16. No need , it's in your post . It's a Doohan l Tango E Scooter . Apparently it's registered as a Mobility Scooter . So Not far off the mark then .
  17. Oh yeah . Well it makes a change from Guangzhou . That's where everything I order seems to come from .
  18. I can't see any reference to where it's made but I'd make an educated guess at China .
  19. I've got a roller bearing crank .
  20. For that money , why not ? It's just a bit of fun after all ..
  21. Most of mine are scaled up rubber models with a brushless motor and rudder only .
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