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Everything posted by fastbob

  1. No , I haven't been asleep and I am well aware of the numerous posts from people who struggle with CBT but have never ridden a bicycle . In fact it's me that usually asks them whether they have done exactly that . I think the way that I pitched my latest response i.e from a position of mock incredulity , might have confused you a little .
  2. Idly trawling the net checking out prices and I come across this . Of course when the Sportster is paid off and sold next year there won't be a Dyna to be found . I actually suspect this is a scam . It's only done 9,000 miles . I just wish I'd never seen it .
  3. I was happier in the 70's than I am in this shit show .
  4. Not from Scotland but since Covid 19 I always free camp on the other side of the railway and the Clyde midway between Crawford and Abington when I'm on my way up to the Highlands on the B7076 / B7078 .
  5. Well back in my day you still went to some industrial estate or deserted road on the the back of your mate's bike and then he hopped off while you had a ride around . I let an ex girlfriend ride my GS850 all around a big carpark in Wales before she did her CBT . And she passed . Not exactly legal but no kittens were harmed .
  6. I'm confused . You're saying that people turn up for a CBT with zero motorcycle riding experience and literally expect to be taught how to ride ? Surely it would be an idea to get at least a few hours practice in first . How are you going to develop the necessary balance and coordination ?
  7. They actually used to joke about themselves by saying that there are two man-made objects visible from space , the Great Wall of China and the Frank Thomas returns mountain . The fact that satellites carry ultra high resolution cameras had clearly passed them by .
  8. We still have Bikers Paradise in Coventry . They might be able to make you a one off design .
  9. Formerly Frank Thomas . Years ago when I was in the bike shop I visited the place . I wasn't aware that they actually made anything there . I thought all the leathers came from Pakistan .
  10. I used Bank transfer when I bought the Harley . I got the seller to take me to a bank . Hand over debit card , say " Please give this bloke £4,200 " Seller hands over debit card . I get a bit of paper and that's it . Well almost ..........Then the seller says in a horrible mock foreign accent so all the bank can hear " Very good , now I release your family " Great .
  11. When you get it back , have a really close look at the side stand switch .
  12. I know what you mean . I did it years ago on my first GSXR 1100 which was not the ideal bike . This was before the days when we preview everything on YouTube . In fact I'd never heard of it . I just decided to take a left turn at the bottom to see where the road went . Not only did I find myself in a white out but it was raining cats and dogs at the top and blowing a gale . At one point the rain was going up on one side of the road and down on the other . Fighting to stay on the road and stay upright , I stopped briefly to consider the options . And then in my white , howling , buffeting , rain lashed little world I burst out laughing at the sheer stupidity of my situation . I made it to Applecross in the end but it was very dicey . Applecross bay was a mass of huge grey breakers and the wind was roaring through the trees in a terrifying fashion . I spent an anxious night in a tent that was blown flat by the strongest gusts but in the morning all was calm and the sun was out . That's Scotland for you . By the way , have you read about what happened up there this year ?
  13. The Thunk is the lash in the drive train due to a momentary loss of power . It's going to be worse on a Kawasaki because of their strange obsession with primary drive chains instead of direct gear drive . My money is on the side stand switch . Can I have Lt Uhura doing the uncomprehending face this time please ?
  14. I should have read this before posting . Oh well . By the way Exream used to ride a VStrom .
  15. Side stand switch , trying bending the tang that pushes the switch . If that doesn't get it try running on Pri ( Prime position ) on the fuel tap . And if it's still playing up , clean both ends of both battery leads and whatever they connect to with an abrasive and reassemble . Failing all of that , pull all the multi pin connectors starting with the most crispy looking ones . Clean and inspect . If you are still stuck I don't mind popping over to have a look at it .
  16. If you have a plastic plate and a rubber diaphragm inside the master cylinder you can definitely get away with conventional screws for now .
  17. I can be a bit slow at times . I've just realised that this idiot has put the L plate and the angling sticker right in his line of vision !
  18. Do you have a relative in Coventry ? It was the fishing sticker that made me think of it .
  19. Sally's Place , Malvern Hills , right on the Worcestershire Herefordshire border . Highly recommended . Three separate local ice-cream ranges plus home baked cakes and hot filled rolls . Bikers very welcome .
  20. A little awkward for me because I live in Coventry in the arse , sorry , heart of England . However , I do ride to Scotland every year and it's high time I visited the East coast for a change . My late father was born in Old Deer and lived in and around Strichen so I should be genetically programmed to understand you guys . I too plan my runs around ice-cream and cake , sometimes on the same plate . Maybe next summer perhaps .
  21. I don't want to sound self righteous but this morning I managed to secure Housing Payments and a substantial back payment for a vulnerable ex serviceman who was recovering from a stroke and was having a bad time from an unsympathetic landlady . Sometimes a bit of personal contact can go a long way . That's better than a birthday present to me .
  22. Thanks everyone ! Just another day at the office really . There isn't a 0 in this one .
  23. I thought about touring Spain but the thought of strange , embittered old men lurking about in remote ruins muttering to themselves in Welsh has always put me off .
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