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Colin the Bear

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Everything posted by Colin the Bear

  1. Called flooding. Cylinder is cold, If too much fuel air mix enters it condenses and wets the plug inhibiting the spark, so no bang and engine stops. Setting off on a small 2stroke is a bit of an art. Increase revs, let clutch bite, but not fully in, slip clutch keeping revs up with throttle. Let clutch in when moving. Practice makes perfect. Hope you don't live in a smokeless zone
  2. See ...post something daft and they all turn up with useful suggestions Method in the madness
  3. Fork oil seal stuck. Whale oil beef hooked
  4. Deauville.......you'll be used to cold tea then
  5. With everything drawing from the battery, there's very little left to make a spark. It's a hassle, but, turn everything off for maximum spark
  6. I believe the engine comes from a WWII scout car, but that may be Jap propaganda. Friends who ride 'em also like steam engines. Their advice would be:- The engineering is more akin to a traction engine than a fine watch. Be firm and assertive but not rough and never in a hurry. Feel what mood the bike is in and adapt your riding style. They all love them. Saves you money on getting the teas in on a group ride too, cos you're never there first.
  7. Guzzi with clunky gearbox, who'da thought.
  8. Silk every time. Genuine silk mind. I have a balacalava too. Takes up hardly any room and works unbelievably well. Goodness knows why worms need lagging so well
  9. I put that in google. Lots of info on there. Do you have a computer and the internet? Ooops silly me , of course you do
  10. Mine recommends to run the engine for a few minutes , let it stand for 2 mins and check level in sight glass. If you check it cold the low level light comes on after a few mins. Follow the book for your model
  11. Electric toothbrush and autosol. A dremel with a polishing mop and some rouge.
  12. I thought this was a standard. Everything I've had has had one. Why not magnetise your own. Next time you scrap a microwave, pull out the magnetron and remove the magnets. Very strong. I've been using a pair to magnetise screwdrivers etc for years, fished my keys out of a drain with them too
  13. Probably not, but worth checking that the tank breather isn't blocked. Open the filler when it stops and listen for an inrush of air
  14. I used a fancy car oil that was on offer in the old 1100 Virago. When it was cold the clutch would slip. As it warmed up the clutch stopped slipping. It's a v twin with good torque and not much power so maybe this highlighted the fault. Maybe it wouldn't affect a smaller bike but I won't be doing it again. I'm running on morrisons own at present. The older , higher mileage the engine is , the less critcal the oil is. However with a high reving, high performance track day bike, with a blueprinted engine running fine tolerances, the oil can make the difference of a few tenths of a second per lap. The most important thing is that you have some in and it's not too dirty, the rest is semantics and opinion
  15. Some drain plugs use a copper washer, so it squashes and seals. It's recommended to replace these when changing the oil. I never have and have never had a problem. If it ain't broke , it don't need fixing. It probably is a squashy type washer/seal. Poke it back in and don't overtighten it.
  16. You have run over a cat and the ghost of this cat is haunting the car. You need an exorcism
  17. A piece of duct tape strategically placed over the light will stop it bothering you.
  18. I have drag pipes on mine , so can't hear much when it's running. However after a spirited ride on a summers day the thing is clicking and pinging for about an hour as the hot parts shrink and cool at different rates. Clicks and pings when warming and cooling are normal. Rattles, bangs, knocking and screeching indicate a problem
  19. Coolant needs changing. "Antifreeze" quality deteriorates and rust inhibitors degrade. Follow the book, one job at a time and it will become part of your routine.
  20. Off the top of my head Hein Gericke, J&S, Silvermans,
  21. A bus pass But seriously Leather trousers are a must for cold riding. The amount of heat lost through the air cooling of your limbs is vast. You have to shut out all the draughts so a big scarf or neck protector will make a difference. Silk under gloves and balacalava, silk mind, make a big difference. Longer gloves, long enough to come over your sleeves, keeps the wind out. Don't go overboard tho, don't wear so much lagging that you can't move as you need to. Porridge helps too
  22. Change oil and filter every year, even if mileage requirement not met. Oil goes off, so to speak and needs changing.
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