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Colin the Bear

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Everything posted by Colin the Bear

  1. Advanced courses only teach you how to ride legal. Bit dull really http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z28/Colin_the_bear/police_chase.gif
  2. and the pins the caliper slides on. Tho I use silicone grease there. All exposed moving parts need protecting from the salt and weather.
  3. New discs are cheaper than six months in a body cast or a funeral.
  4. Copper grease is a legal requirement, for professional brake tech's in this country. It helps prevent brake seizure from corrosion caused by winter salt. You need to read up and apply. Less is more tho, beware of contaminating friction surfaces.
  5. Contact your local VSOC. Virago Star Owners Club. just google it. Very nice people with a wealth of knowledge. Turn up at a meeting with your bike.
  6. Brakes should feel hard. Any "squeezyness" in the pedal/lever means there's a fault, either air in the lines or the lines are perished and expanding under pressure.
  7. I was under the impression that steering head bearings were of the taper type. The trick with taper bearings is to have them tight enough to take out any unwanted movement ie free play, but not to have them tight enough to restrict rotational movement or damage them causing premature wear and failure. If you over tighten and leave the bike standing for any length of time, the rollers will press a notch into the race. You'll feel this notch as you steer form one side to the other, passing through straight, as a click. They need greasing too
  8. In several other threads it has been suggested to remove the master cylinder lid, to facilitate the back flow of fluid, and to use a g clamp with a piece of wood to wind the piston in and protect the caliper.
  9. At this point I'd be looking in the manual. Bike?
  10. The rust will disappear the first time you brake.
  11. NB WD40 is not a good penetrating oil. It's great at what it does do, but there are better specific penetrating oils with all sorts of additives that will save you from shearing bolts and stripping heads and skinning knuckles. A tin in the toolbox or shed will come in handy for years.
  12. Triumph owners forum might be a good place to post your find.
  13. If it's not broken , then why fix it?
  14. The other end of the wire goes to the battery eventually
  15. 2 rears to 1 front is normal wear ratio. Never had more than 4k out of a rear. Some report getting over 10k. If I wanted to go that slow I'd take the bus. I'd replace the rear with the same as the front till you replace both. Maybe try a dual compound next time. There are several that run a harder strip of rubber down the middle. Youll be pleasantly surprised how well the bike feels with a new rear.
  16. Maplins are as near as your keyboard and letterbox One on this page for £5.99 http://www.maplin.co.uk/search?criteria=voltmeter
  17. A disc lock is fine for a big heavy bike to stop it being wheeled away. The cheeky oiks will just pick up a 125 and carry it away. Use a chain to chain it to something
  18. Hi Viz can't overcome the cloak of invisibility that descends when you mount the bike. I have to wear it at work and it does help spotting pedestrians and stationary hazards. However the movement of the motorcycle is incomprehensible to some road users and they misjudge and misread speed and direction. It's not the eyes that don't see you , it's the brain that can't perceive you. Get some noisey pipes. The noise seems to make them get out the way
  19. And when you call them on the phone beware....they're used to crank calls
  20. Racing incident. Simple as. Hamilton's fast, he just needs to learn how to be a racer. Rookie mistakes. To finish first, first you must finish. Sometimes an overtake strategy needs a couple of laps to execute. If you're going to be ruthless , you have to be completely ruthless. See Schumacher for details (but not these days. Boy he's mellowed)
  21. What you should do and what happens are poles apart. Anything can happen out there. Most people toss the rule book in the bin with the "L" plates. Lots of drivers out there with no licence, so no insurance and no ability or knowledge. Lots driving under the influence of.... Drink , drugs, limited ability, kids, pets, mobile phone, row with spouse, row with boss, old age, youthful vigour, love, lust, lack of sleep, poor eyesight, wrong glasses, hangover, need a p!ss, need a cr@p, hunger, thirst, pompous self righteousness...http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z28/Colin_the_bear/laught.gif
  22. Order yourself a Bindaloo and you'll have more than a Burnt Munroe
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