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Everything posted by Bender

  1. I didn't follow up on quote as I've not really settled on what to replace it with. Least your aware of your purchase
  2. Disco 2.td5 Beware of failing injectors they are prone to going, it's a range rover so basically everything is prone to going. I have a mate with a garage that specialises in them, they pretty much keep them in business lol. I do very little miles so petrol would do me, I did a compression search for an insurance quote on the supercharged petrol, not 1 would return a quote
  3. What engine, been looking at something to replace the disco.
  4. Bender


    Well don't go on holiday To be fair if he couldn't be arsed to post more than once before throwing a tantrum what chance did he stand. Had he followed my advice to say hello he would have had no issues
  5. Bender


    Was it something I said
  6. Bender


    Well first you start by saying hello Welcome
  7. https://www.planet-knox.com/product/knox-ryder-rucksack/?utm_source=Knox+Online&utm_campaign=31d0945a66-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2017_07_28_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_75d551332e-31d0945a66-16707049&mc_cid=31d0945a66&mc_eid=febe3f1726
  8. [mention]Blackholesun[/mention] Look after it you may get more for it when the sun shines again
  9. Best be getting used to driving the French car
  10. [mention]Gerontious[/mention] Well it's a thread about a bike thats Chinese powered so I think general chat is the best place for it. Might move it to pitstop when it breaks down so if [mention]XTreme[/mention] could let us know when you pick it up I will move it 10mins later I agree the gifs are really sub standard, come on pull your gif finger out. Not sure who himself is but we will have a word when we work it out.
  11. So it's not correct them Best take plenty of water with you from now on, never know when it's going to pack in.
  12. yeh i used to respect the mods that roamed these halls , but now ... tenor (1).gif Ohhhhh is that the Chinese worker at the Chinese factory putting together Austrian engines to send to germany, some carbon foot print that Chinese assembled engine has, wonder how many bolts are Chinese, do they use Chinese sealants and Chinese assembly oil in the Chinese engine.
  13. Yup with proven Chinese assembled engine.
  14. That's what I said Chinese, ohhh dear how the mighty have fallen, never mind we thought a Chinese section was needed, it's going to be pretty busy I guess .
  15. So it's not jap, is that the engine made in china?
  16. [mention]Blackholesun[/mention] Well done, sounds like you had a good day, that's the way it's supposed to go. I got my 125 from eBay I think lol, paid 1k, low mileage, took some finding just keep looking you will find one.
  17. Bender

    Oil drain bolt

    It's only drain plug, more than enough thread to tighten that up, it's not under any sort of load other than sealing it's self.
  18. I'm with the rest, just book it and be done, they are used to folks with no prior it's their raise en detre. If you take your self off to practice you may actually be worse off, un learning bad habits it's way harder than learning to do things correctly in the first place.
  19. Stick this into Google off road moto blyth They specialise in off road if they can't help you out they should know anyone in the area that can. If not I have a mate who knows the owner of another training school I can ask him if they can help.
  20. Hi [mention]AndyAlfa[/mention] Did you try Newcastle rider training, owner is called Neil, they have a reasonable size yard for off road training and I'm sure if you tell them you want to do a cbt but you may like a bit extra practice it shouldn't be a problem. I went through the system only a few years back and I found them to be fine. As said if they don't think your ready you won't get out on the road, and when you do its first stop local industrial estate. If you can ride a pushbike you can ride a motorbike, it's just the co-ordination with clutch/throttle/gears that takes practice. Assuming you drive a car you already have reasonable grasp on road craft it's just transferring that to the bike with a few adjustments. Ohhh and now you know someone with a bike thats way less than 300 miles away.
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