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Everything posted by Bender

  1. Looks good be interesting to read ride report
  2. Bender


    Here's a few of the last cables I had the misfortune to run.
  3. Bender


    One of my mates bought his house because the garage was perfect for turning into a recording studio, being right at the bottom of the garden with loads of lights and sockets. The bloke who built it didn't get planning permission, and in anticipation of being told to take it down didn't bother going to the trouble and expense of burying the supply cable. Consequently there's a length of SWA running across his lawn that he has to try to push the mover under when he cuts the grass. There's not enough slack in it to be able to bury it properly... Buy a few meters to extend the far end get a resin jointing kit they are very straight forward, then bury the thing properly.
  4. Bender

    No escape

    Following on from the cheap sound bar. I managed to acquire a smart TV for free, months old but sound not working, stripped it but it was a problem with the driver output on the main board, it does however have optical out which works fine and it picks up WiFi.
  5. Bender


    Welcome, I like any road in Scotland, usually means I'm off somewhere nice
  6. Bender


    The electrics in our house are always a source of amusement, I replaced the kitchen after discovering a false wall had been put up and every socket in the kitchen was run from 1 socket behind the wall, it came to light as I was getting same mild shocks from our microwave, investigating further I discovered with washer, dryer and microwave on voltage to micro was below 180v and plug tester reveled no earth to half the sockets.
  7. Welcome aboard, don't worry about living in Hull we don't mind. Some very nice roads leaving it mind. Only kidding I had a great time I was last down, it had improved loads
  8. Castril and San Clemente! Your safe, not swam In that one, Near Embalse de Giribaile is as close as I got looked very familiar tho. Glad you enjoying the new steed.
  9. The new plaid s is set for sub 2sec 0 to 60 and 200mph+ top end, it's getting very hard for supercar manufacturers
  10. Slide hammer, I tend to find when I have a bearing that won't come out the inner race bearing surface disintegrates and I'm left with the inner race to deal with.
  11. You can't ne done for speeding You could have been charged with cycling furiously to which camera evidence and police witnesses could have attested too, it only carries a maximum 2years sentence I know you can't be done for speeding on a push bike, nor can you be done for being drunk. A mate was stopped by the police whilst riding home from the pub and they used the Victorian law of riding furiously on the public highway. Unless you are a clergyman and then you can quote the offences against the person act 1861 which states that is an offence to obstruct a clergyman in the performance of their duties...even if they are drunk in charge of a bicycle and going too fast. Will remember that one, never know when it will come in handy lol Push bikes can still be done for careless and dangerous riding, they can also ride on payments if they are afraid of the traffic
  12. You can't ne done for speeding You could have been charged with cycling furiously to which camera evidence and police witnesses could have attested too, it only carries a maximum 2years sentence
  13. He's got to keep the two big bosses happy.... surprised he's not not Cherry Blossom poisoning . I think they're going for the Good Mod/Bad Mod double team angle. Oldest trick in the book! Cops, there's cops, cheese it.........
  14. https://www-bbc-co-uk.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.bbc.co.uk/news/amp/uk-england-london-54452835?amp_js_v=a6&amp_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQFKAGwASA%3D#aoh=16020926744973&csi=1&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&amp_tf=From%20%251%24s Coming soon to everywhere councils want to make some easy money.
  15. 5 mile over the speed limit Battery technology needs to change for costs to lower, but the more companies pushing things forward the sooner that's going to happen.
  16. https://www.pursangmotorcycles.com/e-track/#technology/ I think it looks good, looks more utilitarian than flash. Bosch motor, everything else made in Spain. If it's been designed for Spanish roads should hold up well, range could have been a bit better as could top end.
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