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Everything posted by Bender

  1. Bender


    I would like that twice if it were possible pmsl
  2. The only surprise for that is that you found it surprising.
  3. Bender


    Unusually quite from [mention]XTreme[/mention] has your new phone been to complicated? Have you ground to a halt at an abandoned railway with no water. Or God forbid returned to Wales to join the cast of I'm a celeb in the haunted castle or as we say in England the 4 bed council house on the corner?
  4. Much safer, mostly, certainly more sensible and no worries about points on licence
  5. Bond, Brooke Bond Knightrider is easy buy a performance tesla s in black, it's better in every way
  6. Welcome, we have all sorts on here you will fit right in, we even have some one who likes Chinese bikes Lovely pics too
  7. Bender

    help please

    The internet has made people lazy. The same was true on a car forum I used to contribute to. You'd help someone fix a problem and then hear no more, not even whether they fixed it or just a thank you. Except for the guy who contacted me to offer me a job with his breakdown company. One of his chaps had got stuck on a job and contacted me as he noticed I was local. I knew what it was straight away and had adapted a tool to get the offending sensor out. It was a 19mm spanner cut down to fit behind the exhaust manifold which made getting at it very difficult. He'd been struggling for hours. It took me about 5 minutes and the car was going again - much to his relief because he was hugely embarrassed. Next day his boss sent me a pm asking if I wanted a job. I had a friend who had lots of crappie jobs just a run of bad luck and circumstances. He was fixing photocopiers and printers business size machines, turned up at some posh office and was greeted by a loud boisterous character who was threatening to return said machine with a tipper. Fix that thing and I will give you a job, yea he thought usual bla bla, had it sorted in under 30min, apparently multiple previous repairs had failed, not by him, he got a call to go back a week later, was still working fine, what's up he asked, nothing? Why am I back, do you like the sea? Got offered a job on a cable laying ship looking after the office stuff, snapped his hand off and never looked back.
  8. I have a roll of masking tape and a pen, how many do you want?
  9. Ohhhhh I never thought what my followers would be called, I guess you just nailed it.
  10. I'm presuming you have either never watched the life of Brian or you have never watched the life of Brian. You don't have a very good fwend in Rome called bigus dickus do you?
  11. And peace. Peace !!!! ... F*ck off !!
  12. I belive my old man got his hgv by ticking a box and sending in a form, that was way before the 70's
  13. hmm. Not sure the Carthaginians would have seen it your way. Nor the Persians. Nor the Scots for that matter. Nor a shed load of others. I'm presuming you have either never watched the life of Brian or you have never watched the life of Brian.
  14. what have the Romans ever done for us?????? Romans did absolutely nothing for anybody. Other than Aqueducts, Paved roads, Salaries and currency, war strategies, wine, roman baths, innovative construction methods terrain surveying, straight line roads (I know, not on top 5 in bikers list) flag signal for communication (still used by navy) cooked food, food conservation by salt, waterwheel, advertising and trademark, plumbing and sanitation, Towns (large ones) and cities, Roman architecture, Julian calendar (the one we use nowadays) http://www.history-for-kids.com/romans-did.html Other than that. Romans did absolutely nothing for us... And peace.
  15. So far I've managed 15mins of ep1 s1, stuff keeps intervening.
  16. How's that going Shite! Home now! No deliveries! Don't worry, you know how it goes, no deliveries then three at once just like those useless busses
  17. But is it good or bad ? It's good but make your own mind up , it's better than the trailer
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