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Everything posted by Bender

  1. Please feel free to take the proverbial out of Chinese products but racial stereotypes will be deleted [mention]dynax[/mention] is still fair game though
  2. Just keep an eye out for cracks, not like your deserted roads are smooth.
  3. https://www.southbayriders.com/forums/threads/116878/
  4. I'm sure there was a 2011 with 60miles on it did the same.
  5. Did they do a re design of the front forks on them, I seem to recall some pretty nasty accidents with them snapping clean off.
  6. That would be you, xtreme and fastbob once he's worked out why his bike is Rusty. It's not rusty anymore . It's a mystery
  7. And who will answer the questions. Anyone who knows or can offer some solutions That would be you, xtreme and fastbob once he's worked out why his bike is Rusty.
  8. My dad had his cataracts done some 20yrs ago hes been fine since and still driving.
  9. I think just one general sub section should do Chinese bikes, engines, phones.
  10. You could bump a car backwards in reverse gear but not a bike surely ? Yes but not very well as ignition is rarely set exactly tdc
  11. Bender


    Ungabunga, welcome home captain
  12. I have to obviously disagree with [mention]XTreme[/mention] and suggest there was not enough background info on the folk that keep this place going, you need to go more in depth into, busses, cider, fried fish and bending to really get a grip on how this site works, oh yes motorbikes too.
  13. New whywhy phones don't have support from Google as they had to stop supplying due to the perceived risk of Chinese control over the company. Due to government restrictions, Google’s apps and services are not available for preload or sideload on new Huawei devices. Samsung actually closed its Chinese factories and although no numbers are available it may have outsourced some of its cheap phones to 3Rd party companies in china. The vast majority of its phones are not made in china and are manufactured in its own plants.
  14. As Liam Neeson almost said. We know you are the father, we have a very particular set of skills. Skills we have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make us a nightmare for people like you. If you pay up now that will be the end of it, if not we will find you and we will make you pay....... Yours the csa. Welcome to parent hood
  15. Although not wishing to put you off, are you talking about laser re shaping of the lens too? I know someone who had this done and it lasted little more than a year. As for laser re shaping it would be a no from me. https://www-dailymail-co-uk.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-6497495/amp/The-laser-eye-surgery-patients-driven-suicide.html?amp_js_v=a6&amp_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQFKAGwASA%3D#aoh=16017306612820&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&ampshare=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dailymail.co.uk%2Fhealth%2Farticle-6497495%2Famp%2FThe-laser-eye-surgery-patients-driven-suicide.html%23aoh%3D16017306612820%26referrer%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fwww.google.com%26amp_tf%3DFrom%2520%25251%2524s
  16. It is not an inevitability it is a risk, ride like a tit beyond your skills and that risk will increase to the when not if. Ride sensibly, keep learning, take nothing for granted, keep the bike in good order, expect every other road user is going to try and hit you or not see you and it all becomes a much lower risk.
  17. Excellent, unfortunately you want the "how many times are you going to crash poll"
  18. Bet you felt like a right plank Sorry for the barbed comment
  19. Good luck, friend of mine suffered something very similar. Stay safe on the bike.
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