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Everything posted by Bender

  1. https://www.howtomotorcyclerepair.com/how-to-diagnose-motorcycle-vaccum-leaks/ Don't set fire to it in the process.
  2. The boys have locked the border down again then? Wasn't aware that you shared a border with south Africa or indeed that many zulu were present in spain.
  3. Bender


    I guess humor is sometimes a funny old thing to decipher on the Internet, God forbid we come across like a cycling forum.
  4. Dirt bikes not dirty bikes Welcome
  5. Welcome. Have you considered changing your riding style and not writing a bike off?
  6. I was waiting for it Bender! Haven't you got any noobs to bully today? If I could be bothered I would quote every anti Chinese supporting thing you have ever posted, but that would take a long long time I'm sure you will be very happy together and besides going by your current bike count I expect you to change it the following Thursday.
  7. Nothing like looking forward to a Chinese thumb
  8. Bender


    Welcome Take no notice of [mention]XTreme[/mention] he left a 3rd world country and ended up in a Spanish dictatorship that is by his own posts almost completely abandoned or falling down, except for the odd drunken dago on his door step.... Good luck with the journey
  9. I'm only insured to work upto 3m on a ladder insurance goes mental after that, although I doubt any of the pikey gutter cleaners have such issues. Wheelie bin cleaning is apparently viable.
  10. And you don't take silly offers, they either didn't want to take the risk on an old bike or thought they would take a punt on getting it for essentially free.
  11. If your selling to any business your not going to get top price for it, they have to sell it on, make a profit, pay tax, have overheads and if selling back to public offer some warranty.
  12. Re think? Understatement. I know of a couple of folk who have gone into franchised schemes, the only thing they they did was feed thousands into others bank accounts. He sounds like a prime target for amway or tupperware. On the subject of your electrical course did it get you to a level to be registered with neceic or the likes?
  13. I don't think that's too bad an offer, they obviously didn't set out to make somewhat would kill phones, presumably it is not an issue across all bikes and all phones, I would think strapping any consumer electronic device to a motorbike comes with some degree of risk.
  14. Did you think it was a dolphin having a rest
  15. What's yours called? Exxon valdez 2 I'm not allowed to give it's full name but suffice to say it's owned by a large Scandinavian company that is big in ferries as well as tankers. From full speed ahead to stopped is not that bad. A shade under 3 miles under control. A crash stop which will probably break the engine or at least the chief engineer takes less than 2. For reference this one weighs in at 159,000 tonnes. My biggest which has long since been scrapped was a somewhat larger 509,000 tonnes. Google "Esso Atlantic" if you want to know more. So it's similar to a harley then
  16. Its not a boot its a Schooner. Dingey.jpg Wish I had one of them right now. What's yours called? Exxon valdez 2
  17. Is this your boat, obviously I use the term boat very loosely
  18. Turbos and timing chain can all be done on the car without removing the body, it is fiddly to say the least.
  19. You should have kept it, worth fortune now, I went from an 850 mini to a 4.2 jag rr was frugal
  20. Why do you always assume the worst, six? He could be with the AA - you never know With a rangerover rac is optional, alcoholics anonymous is obligatory. The very first rr was fine, fit electronic ignition and carry some oil it would cross the world, anything post 3.9 and Asda and back is a push.
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