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Everything posted by Bender

  1. Although air fed I could live without, nocks off a few hundred
  2. No no no nono no just no, did I say no. It definitely sounds like you said yes I'm a big fan of them handheld masks https://www.ebay.co.uk/i/233488152934?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=710-134428-41853-0&mkcid=2&itemid=233488152934&targetid=933543334754&device=m&mktype=pla&googleloc=1006948&poi=&campaignid=9446018368&mkgroupid=102653677624&rlsatarget=pla-933543334754&abcId=1140496&merchantid=115732202&gclid=CjwKCAjw5cL2BRASEiwAENqAPvnFr4rax3N33lXdbrrW9TfM4Lf8J-32mAUogM-SKRAaMiif-Jyt0BoCpokQAvD_BwE
  3. No no no nono no just no, did I say no.
  4. Hmmmm I just been looking at a welding mask which cost more than the welder..
  5. I have the gel type impact hardening stuff but it's still supposed to be replaced, def worth checking
  6. Sorry no There will no doubt be another welcome back thread in 3 months though so stay alert maybe 4 months depending how I feel Appologies for disturbing you
  7. Sorry no There will no doubt be another welcome back thread in 3 months though so stay alert
  8. Sorry to sound negative but we're you awake at cbt, all of this is explained? Welcome ☺
  9. [mention]XTreme[/mention] So many shades of green, the garden is nearly finished, just a few more trips to tip and a new fence on the other side.
  10. They might fix it for me You could claim for a new one when they send it back broke.
  11. I guess handing over a dud cam aint against the law
  12. Mine is more for evidential rather than viewing pleasure.
  13. The ghost mounts just clip in and out and the lense rotates, you could easily try it on both and see which is best for you
  14. I assume this is easily detached if you leave the bike in a carpark? From a lot of the replies I'm feeling more inclined to go for one that is bike attached rather than helmet attached, plus this one seems a reasonable price as opposed to some I've seen. Very little evidence that supports an increased risk from helmet mounted cam, main plus on a helmet cam is it points where your looking, so gets better view of what's around you.
  15. The newer ghost drift xl is waterproof, lasts longer 9hrs and needs no case
  16. Drift ghost here too, you can have it set so it only records at the push of a button, the 4k drift has a remote which is much easier to set recording save feature, it works by recording a pre selected length of time before and after the trigger point. Down side if your wiped out you probably won't be pushing the button, most other note worthy events can be saved though and no worries about self incriminating.
  17. Battery angle grinder, if and when it dies it will be immediately replaced.
  18. Bender

    Total novice

    Yup get cbt booked, buy a good used jap 125, it will hold its value then get as much road time as possible.
  19. Bender


    Mostly commuting, how comfy do you want to be. https://bikes.suzuki.co.uk/bikes/adventure/v-strom-250/?source=ppc&gclid=Cj0KCQjwn7j2BRDrARIsAHJkxmynZhxCbXxXqnKzU3ULBauqJceqTv_hXIk0WY9wsM2l-GFDuIF-HyoaApIMEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds Where abouts you based?
  20. Clean and dry plug as Stu said, turn fuel tap off, put lead on plug and rest it against engine, spin over you should see how good spark is, spin it a little longer with plug out to remove any excess crap from cylinder, put back together.
  21. I'm sure he would be happy it's being used Did some one say wood, just filled one of our log stores
  22. It's just extremes plan to turn this place into his other forums, devoid of members and long gone. Nostalgia is not always a godd thing
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