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Everything posted by elizabethf

  1. To be fair beyond 55mph many 125s will struggle, but the CB should be ok doing 60 consistently and in a stble manner. I used to ride my CBR at 60 and it felt normal. That said it took me a couple of weeks to be brave enough for 60 roads, I had to build up my rides over time to get braver! It will come, 60 will feel normal eventually!
  2. So I said I'd come back to this when Id had more time with it and I have to say I still love it just as much. It feels good at fast speeds, and due to the torque you set off around others in quite an quick and impressive manner (well I think). The only downside is to really push it you are best leaning forward rather than staying sat upright and if there is a bit of wind or gusts then it reaaaaally sucks to be on a national speed limit or motorway. Fuel economy = good enough. I can manage about 160 miles until im down to the last bar - ive never got to the stage where's it's flashing at me to fill up! That said, that's if Im riding 'economically' position and the seat comfort means I dont ache the next day if Ive been riding all day I have since changed the exhaust to a scorpion and it has a nice grumble to it now. Cornering - really easy, if anything my own confidence holds the bike back but that will come with time. I still say if you're fresh out of the test centre this is what you need to seriously consider. If you're small, seriously consider. If you want a light commuter but not a small engine (eg 300cc mark), then again, consider.
  3. I would recommend speaking with your local school to see if they get use of a test centre pad on a weekend? TBH though i think until you're ready to take the test you'll struggle to get in! You need to befriend a business with an off road, concreted area like a car park really! Or do you have any abandoned runways/airfields somewhere?
  4. It's a weird looking thing.... not sure how I feel about it tbh! Pretty hefty as well at 360kg haha. It's very Harley isn't it? I agree with the Americam market comment.
  5. In honesty MOD 1 is probably easier on a bigger bike!
  6. Ice is the one time I prefer to walk... that said I did my MOD 2 training on days where there wasnt much ice in the city but out on a couple of country back roads you'd put your foot down and be met with a thin layer of ice....
  7. Anyone doing this? https://www.facebook.com/events/608494892933157/
  8. Hahah Im only all weather because it's my best way of getting to work! I dont get parking at work and I live a 40min walk away so it takes less than 10 mins on the bike and I can park it wherever without taking up a car space
  9. Well done! Fair weather rider here too though a few times this years it's been sunny but a bit chilli so I've used my exhaust to warm my hands too. Might consider heated grips for such days - they're not expensive. First thing I added to my bike was heated grips as I ride pretty much all year unless it's REALLY bad (ice and high wind, maybe snow but that comes under ice.... Ill ride in heavy rain if desperate or been caught out by it but Id rather wuss out and take the car lol)
  10. Yeah this.... Sorry for your experience, I had a similar when I did my first mod 2, a fail and no minors, just some idiot and their use of indicators (it's on the CBT and test info area)! Its frustrating but unlikely to happen on your next attempt. I wouldnt bother arguing it, a lot of stress and you will likely get the same result. But relay the experience to the instructor, if the test centre gets a pattern of complains they get sent for retesting or removed off MOD 2 testing
  11. Lol my commute too! To be honest its not the worst. Just keep your eyes peeled especially around junctions or coming up to roundabouts....basically anywhere there's queues and you get tempted to filter - you're not the only person looking to save time so people will just pull out at random! Sometimes we have to move out of our comfort zone to make it part of a normal routine. If you dont feel confident, dont try and filter past or overtake people, just stay behind other traffic and observe on your first go, have a look at where you may be able to easily find gaps in future etc.... you'll be there in no time Ive only had one crazy mum-mobile pull out of a school junction, I wasn't evening filtering at the time and she gives me the evils as I slowly work around her... Fortunately the spidey-sense had kicked in prior as she was being impatient since reaching the line so figured she may [choose to] not see me and had already slowed up in case i needed to stop or move round!
  12. Who gives a s**t how much it cost if its what you really want and you can afford it! Have fun
  13. Yes I think the placement is cute, and I prefer the ring in comparison to the metal and placement for a tragus! Its quite close to your head and snuggled nicely in your ear so it should be too awful for sleeping, obviously the first couple of days it may throb a little while it heals. The worst thing for it is catching your hair on it while it heals! Helmet shouldnt be too bad. The only issue = earplugs (and earbuds)! You wont be able to put them in while it's healing really as I find I have to lift the ring in order to put them in. And once it has healed, it does make it hard to put them in (and make them stay in!). mine have a habit of falling out on that ear when I remove my helmet as the piercing stops it being a really tight fit!
  14. Personal preference. Most of the ones on one leg will eventually join together beautifully so ill be more like a colouring book than someone on a ship hopefully
  15. I don't really mind if it doesn't work (honestly I'm not expected it to. If the NHS in 5 years and their tests / medications can't get them to stop, I doubt a hole through my ear will) but I do want piercings in that sort of area anyway, as I like the look, and figure if they have a 0.1% chance of stopping the migraines too then it's Win Win. Honestly my biggest worry with them and the scaffolding is where it will get in the way of taking a bike helmet on and off. How did your mrs find that? Does anyone have any experiences with piercings and getting caught in your helmet? (No Prince Albert jokes please... I'm looking at You @Six30 !) That daith thing fixing migraines is a myth! How can a hole in a cartilage truly fix an issue like that? I have one and I still get headaches etc as always. In fact getting the damn thing left me with a headache the rest of the day lol
  16. There;s no story to any of them other than 'can you draw me this because I want this' lol The only two with meaning are the dog, she's mine (and as a puppy she loved carrying sticks and leaves), and the symbol meaning strength! That one I had to be careful with, I made a point of making them check the lines carefully! lol
  17. Tattoos: fair few, mostly on my legs. I like colour! I think my fave is either the astronaut orrr the little Kanti symbol behind my ear. Let an apprentice loose on this one:
  18. It was my worst habit as a new rider! My first few rides I had to think really hard about it (guess id got too used to it turning off automatically in a car), at least now it comes as second nature but i know there will be times in the future i forget.
  19. I've done this. Also having small hands Ive done the opposite where Ive reached for the indicator whilst playing with the clutch, meaning my hand is totally outstretched, and ive missed the indicator slightly! Fortunately my road position or lane has meant Ive got away with that one. I do always do a slight glance down to check the actual indicator or for the green flashes on my dash to make sure now though! I only made the mistake of leaving indicators on once - a van pulled out in front. I went to do a hand gesture but realised it was my fault really If I spot a rider doing it i put my arm out and move my fingers like they are flashing, it seems pretty universal to make people check their indicators!
  20. That peanut butter lid has come in useful a couple of times for popping under the stand!
  21. To be fair arranging to sell a big item over Easter was always gonna be a nightmare due to bank hols BUT if he is collecting on Tuesday he can go to the bank beforehand? It's just a normal day! It's not like it would be a long process, wait in line if there even is one, ask to withdraw a decent sum of cash, get cash, leave. 15 mins tops.
  22. Hahaha, the fear every time I got on the bike lingered for about 6 weeks!
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