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Everything posted by skyrider

  1. skyrider

    Repair advice

    indeed fleabay can be like opening a can of worms buyer beware
  2. because they are a brainless dipstick
  3. worst thing to do family teaching family to drive get a professional instructor it saves all the upset you are now living through
  4. yep throw that bike a big curve
  5. there used to some paint called floor tread for concrete floors dont know if it's still around
  6. i think the best balanced four cylinder bike i have had has got to be the xj550
  7. patina thats what they usually call rust
  8. most car garages have a licence to print money
  9. you would be better off with a used jap traily
  10. if i ever had another grey import 400 (i used to have a cbr 400 and an nc 30) i would have a cb super four 400 or a xjr 400)
  11. i have always used black leathers all my riding life and they go with any colour bike a lot of people change their leathers everytime they change their bike just to be colour coordinated
  12. Sadly Paul smart died yesterday following a road collision he was 78
  13. i bet he only makes it to the next bend before he has to rest his arms for half an hour (just not practical and neither are those silencers )
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