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Everything posted by dynax

  1. Unless you can burn hydrogen or other green fuel I can get paid to include my signature. If the world ran on my engine I doubt the world would be cruel and I not get paid. Don't be too sure about that, given the opportunity you will get screwed over and then screwed over again, with any invention you must first find out if anything else similar has an existing patent, and if it has what are the similarities and do they differ enough the have a your design patented seperately, also the cost of patents has increased dramatically over the last few years, and don't count on posting your designs to yourself and keeping in sealed envelope any kind of protection this is a myth that won't stand up in court, good luck but i think you have fekked up big time by showing your idea before taking the necessary safeguards to protect your designs
  2. Phone around some of the providers as some are still doing CBT's for key and essential workers but only with proof, and you might have to use your own bike
  3. dynax


    Welcome back [mention]Hoggs[/mention]
  4. Hello and welcome I noticed the lack of posts too, probably having a clean out
  5. We had a little sideline going of selling refurbished fires and ovens, he brought them home and i serviced them and then we sold them and he fitted them Cool ! Very tidy business plan. Cheers Ian Too many regulations to make it worthwhile nowadays though, and not long after i started working full time myself i left home, i do miss the '80's though it was a fantastic time to be growing up
  6. He was a gas fitter for British gas, back when it was called NEGAS in the '70's, and later in the '80's when it was British Gas North Eastern he was C&G qualified till he retired in the late '90's Best of both worlds trained to the highest standard and worked for the organisation that taught the finest shirking and theft for home projects ! Don't ask me how I know. Cheers Ian We had a little sideline going of selling refurbished fires and ovens, he brought them home and i serviced them and then we sold them and he fitted them
  7. He was a gas fitter for British gas, back when it was called NEGAS in the '70's, and later in the '80's when it was British Gas North Eastern he was C&G qualified till he retired in the late '90's
  8. What Mark has done is tremendous and hopefully in time his lad will realise how lucky he is to have a real father rather than be plonked in front of some screen while his parents ignore him. Dynax you are a different matter I shudder to think the risk your old man was taking with all our lives lol. Cheers Ian Couldn't agree more, more parents should be hands on with their kids and educating them
  9. Gave Xena a good cleaning, only used some speed polish and a rag but went round everything, wheels and spokes all the chrome all the paint, took care of a couple of hours
  10. I was the same my old man taught me how to solder lead and copper pipe when i was seven, welding and brazing at ten, and was using all sorts of power tools from around eight
  11. I hope all goes well for him, but i can't help thinking that the bast'ds in gov't are just going to use him as a political pawn as to how proud they are of our servicemen in times of need, he already did his service once, there should have been no need for him to feel the need do it again, the gov't cut the funding for the NHS they are responsible for finding the money to pay for it w'nkers
  12. I never expected my bike to be a pussy magnet ' alt=''>
  13. The Gov didn't give a fek about him before he became a national hero, let the man be and just give him dues and not use him for political justification, gov't hypocrites
  14. Ride of the valkyries my fave Wagner piece
  15. It's got f'all to do with the virus, it's just highlighting their incompetence even more as most will be on skeleton staff, and the ones that are still working will be the stupid ones
  16. Not sure if anyone has already posted this, but thought it was quite apt at this moment in time
  17. dynax


    Cheng Shin Maxxis Tyres and CST tires are a wholly owned subsidiary of Cheng Shin. The company began as a producer of bicycle tyres and has since expanded into other types of tyres, including for motor vehicles. In 2015 Cheng Shin had worldwide revenue of over $3.85 billion. Cheng Shin Rubber - Wikipedia
  18. true, just look at how much talk someone loses when they take their dentures out
  19. Another member of the great unwashed
  20. dynax


    Now though it seems to be getting worse with lockdown, every twat seems to own a dog and let them run free, walking down the path i feel like Fred Astaire doing the bloody Two step
  21. dynax


    nothing is pointless with motorcycles, your life depends on it being 100% reliable and roadworthy, any jobs no matter how small or seemingly insignificant are all important
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