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Everything posted by dynax

  1. [mention]Richzx6r[/mention] my missus is very easy going, which is pretty cool otherwise i would have shot her by now
  2. Are you in America? I though it was only them that gave guns to nutcases. Does explain all the bean cans though. Sounds very cool. Pics? Air guns, CO2 powered, got 3 revolvers, 1 rifle and a pistol/rifle combo This is my sofa range and a couple of my revolvers
  3. You may find some answers on Youtube, sorry that no seems to be able to help, it's not something i have experienced either, good luck with getting it fixed or replaced if it can't be repaired
  4. Got an indoor shooting range, and also making some holsters for my revolvers, so that relieves some of the boredom
  5. Were they dressed up as power rangers and doing kung Fu I've always wanted to see two people in one piece leathers have a fight for this reason. To see it on telly is one thing, but to see in real life would be funny as _ _ _ _
  6. If you want to take your bike out for some exercise then do it, but push it don't ride it
  7. Doubt it! hasn't got the twatishness needed
  8. I think if i was going to take my test id deffo get a bigger bike. It would be great if those that didn't want to do DAS could go a progressive route, and once passed on A1 would get provisional A2 and able to ride upto 400cc on L's
  9. Were they dressed up as power rangers and doing kung Fu
  10. [mention]gymwitch[/mention] no reason not to do your test, you can do it on your own bike if you are happy to stay with your 125, this is the route i am going as i can then lose the L plates and carry a pillion if needed
  11. No idea, but in this first year i have spent around £40 on fuel and done just shy of 800 miles with just over half a tank of fuel still left
  12. When has anyones opinion ever counted in these situations, it's like pissing into the wind, the more you try to fight it, the more it comes back at you with even greater force, they have to be seen to be offering a choice but we all know this will come into effect no matter what, and once implemented there it will appear all over the country in a couple of years
  13. .....you might want to read this, https://consultation.hackney.gov.uk/parking-services/motorcycles/
  14. well then .. sell yours and buy a 125cc .. They are already
  15. Sorry I forgot to list and the plastic one in with the tent... And the copper / plastic headed one. I don't think I have a rubber one, although when I have tidied my tools up and checked it might become a necessity.. Ps I really don't know what the one on the left is for... Maybe working leather or cloth or saddles, for horses... Any guesses... IMG_20200403_113133_6.jpg It's for dressing leadwork on roofs etc I used to enjoy flashing on roofs
  16. You got TOTY in the bag........you can't drop out now. That would be like refusing an Oscar! Not dropping out my plan will clinch it
  17. I know that i haven't had it, and even before lock down i was doing self isolating as a precaution, Glad you have got through it [mention]fastbob[/mention]
  18. I am still here guy's no flouncing on my part, just busy planning away on my next project
  19. Which could give a clue to why it won't start
  20. I would think a wind up, he might be starting to crack under the pressure of lockdown
  21. The only thing i can think of is the O2 sensor not working if it has one
  22. Probably go to a heavily crowded place or maybe a packed lift and fart
  23. That is the idea, you get basic training, then you learn as you ride
  24. I don't really think the CBT is adequate for what it allows you to do so putting someone on a bike without this doesn't make sense to me Yet they can go and ride a 50cc without displaying L plates and carry a pillion, allowing A1 would be safer
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