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Everything posted by dynax

  1. Just wondering if that charger isn't going to be a bit too powerful for a bike battery? I have several chargers for my batteries ranging from leisure batteries to the bikes. I use a 0.8ah charger on the bikes after my 5ah smart charger fried one. It may have a setting that winds it down of course, or you may only use it occasionally, so just kind of thinking aloud here. I've usually avoided using car chargers on bike batteries. It's a proper smart charger, it has seperate modes for bike,car, leisure, has a mode for calcium batteries and battery reviver, also capable of supplying a 12v 5a auxillurary power supply https://www.machinemart.co.uk/p/clarke-cb09-12-8a-auto-battery-chargermaintai/
  2. I was planning on taking Xena out this aft but sadly not to be, i knew the battery was on the low side so i hooked up my jumpstarter to trickle charge the battery this morning, tried to start her after a couple of hours but not enough to get her going, anyway took side panels off to do a direct jump and she fired up no probs, so this afternoon decided to use my MM vat free voucher to invest in a decent charger/maintainer i ended up getting the clarke CB09-12 8A nice bit of kit as it will also maintain my leisure battery
  3. Hope you have had a good one
  4. Well done [mention]Six30[/mention] Looking back i don't think i was cut out to be a twat
  5. As you know there has been a recent campaign regarding MARMITE, and i have to say i am a convert i love the stuff, it is the best thing for practical jokes i have used for ages, try it for yourselves, smear some on the toilet seat and wait for the reaction , or another one walk into the room with it on your fingers and say " have we got any toilet paper"
  6. F*ck you I'm a bigger twat than you Bigger is not neccessarily the best
  7. Firstly i would like to thank Mr Pickwick for the nomination, as quite frankly there is no else fit to be called TWAT of the year, I will give my solemn promise to uphold this title until as such time that it is awarded to someone else ( highly unlikely ), my campaign is to show you good untwatty people why i deserve this highly coveted award, the official polls do not open till tomorrow but being a genuine and honourable TWAT, all is fair in love and war as they say, and i love being a TWAT and will wage war on those that oppose me, so let the battle begin and i will show you all what a TWAT i really am, thank you
  8. I completely agree with this. I read a story a while back about the police ramming a prolific thief off a stolen scooter and after doing his best superman impersonation flying through the air he landed on the road and died. It really upset me seeing the mess all over the road, I cried, I was so upset I almost set up a gofundme page. It was a sad and tragic loss seeing that poor scooter in pieces all over the road I wanted to help with the cost of repairs. They shpuld have run him over a few times, then got his family to scrape up the remains
  9. Looks like operation TWAT is a go then, well to help me with my campaign i have just made a coffee and will be munching away on these
  10. No i still can't feel it [mention]MrPickwick[/mention] i think i should nominate myself and show you what a REAL TWAT is
  11. I like the principle [mention]maxrpg[/mention] but would be hard to impliment if you hired a bike or had legal permission to use someone else's bike, or even rode multiple bikes like takeaway deliveries, but it could be done some how i'm sure
  12. Well after looking at the nominees, i don't think any of them have what it takes to be Twat of the Year, i am disapponted by Mr Pickwicks attempt, but i don't feel the desire from him that he truly wants this recognition, so come on guys and gals, show us some commitment of your passion to hold this award, because remember you are a "Twat for life, not just for Christmas"
  13. They do say variety is the spice of life, and would probably enhance the general appearance of my step Not if I had the skitters and pebble dashed your house Make sure it has some nuts in it, i used have a great time as kid picking bits of pebble dash off, nothing like re kindling a childhood passion
  14. Ah being of chinese origin they probably will You will have to do better than that to get my vote Mr Pickwick How about I come round and dump on your front door step They do say variety is the spice of life, and would probably enhance the general appearance of my step
  15. Hope your wheels fall off your bike Ah being of chinese origin they probably will You will have to do better than that to get my vote Mr Pickwick
  16. Fook me! i never realised we had so many twats on the forum, this is going to be time consuming deciding who my vote goes to, when do the polls open?
  17. I also nominate [mention]fastbob[/mention] although we have had our moments and disagreements total respect to you Hope you have a great 2020
  18. Bikesure, added Bridget to my policy only cost me £75, not too sure how much the full policy will be when i come to renew but i doubt it would too excessive
  19. dynax


    [mention]The GOAT[/mention] My missus suffers with Vertigo from time to time, try taking travel sickness tablets, i usually give my missus Stugeron 15, whatever you take make sure it has Cinnarizine as the active ingredient
  20. I have been looking at getting a compound bow as a might take up archery as a future hobby, it is shame that bow hunting was made illegal in the mid 60's, would have made great practice on moving targets
  21. Buying online does give you more rights than buying from a shop, iirc in some situations you can have upto 180 days to return items, just because you bought it online doesn't mean it can't be returned
  22. It is what it is, a low powered 125 pushing 10 bhp at best but more realistically around 9 bhp, live with it and do your tests asap, or get a better powered 125 for more longterm usage
  23. Happy Birthday hope you have a good one
  24. all the best [mention]manxie49[/mention] do pop in though from time to time
  25. These used to be sold in Woolworths . I think Argos did too
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