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Everything posted by dynax

  1. after my crown for sure.... think he needs therapy to be honest Nah! crowns are so yesteryear i would rather have a Tiara
  2. That sounds like one heck of an epic ride, i hope you take plenty of photos and videos, would be great watch
  3. Someone from the highways dept had 1 too many sherberts when they drew out that route
  4. Bought a leather toolbag for bridget which arrived today, will put it on her later then will take her tool shopping sometime and fill it up, will have to wait till i'm flush though you know how women like to spend money
  5. [mention]FallingDown[/mention] like it, I could always fit some LED's to Xena and light her up like the Goldwing riders do too some of these look Harley styled https://www.google.com/search?q=goldwing+parade&client=firefox-b-d&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwib2piKyeznAhUVnVwKHfiUD6IQ_AUoAXoECA8QAw&biw=1440&bih=708&dpr=1.33
  6. Happy Birthday, have a good one
  7. They would just think you were Chinese and hate you for an entirely different reason I'm afraid. Probably not worth the effort then, unless i get myself some pink leathers and pretend to be a gay Faux Harley rider
  8. [mention]FallingDown[/mention] Great idea and i have the perfect username " ChineseHarleyRider" it has a great ring to to it and fits well with the song " Paperback Writer"
  9. Hmm this could be a close call this year, i might have to start a Chinese Owners Group
  10. A subscription to TMBF and have your name in orange
  11. Don't be too eager to let it drag on, read the small print in the T&C's, sometimes not always you may be liable for the cost of the hire bike
  12. The main problem with the Arizona and to an extent the Michigan is they tried to make the bikes lightweight and with a short wheelbase as a cruiser, they don't mix together to well, short wheelbase bikes are nimble and can turn on a sixpence, but once you start altering the geometry of the front forks most of that control is lost, and corners need to be more relaxed and not taken too sharply, countersteering will help but you will need to practice to find the bikes and your limitations
  13. Cruiser style bikes can take some getting used to, which bike in particular are you riding
  14. So you've gone from losing your licence if you're pulled to it just being something you wouldn't do. No i haven't, any number of scenario's could happen that would lead to a disqualification, but hey ho not my problem, what other people do is no concern of mine, i only care about my actions and what ever i do is within the boundaries of the law, which suits me fine
  15. I think you're stretching a bit there mate! Maybe but why take the chance, i wouldn't ride with a drunk pillion, i would chuck them in a taxi or make them walk
  16. ... So you won't lose your license then. What are the other factors that can come in to effect? Not being in control of the vehicle, driving without due care and attention, and whatever else the Police can charge you with
  17. Are you sure about that? Carrying a drunk pillion is not illegal ( although should be ), but the consequences could be, first and foremost as the rider in control of the bike YOU are responsible for your passenger, if the passenger is not safe to be on the bike it should STOP there, after that other factors can come into effect
  18. Don't do it full stop, you will lose your licence if you get pulled
  19. It all depends on what you want in the future, so far you have been riding on a CBT for 4 years, there a couple of ways you can gain a full licence, you can go the full A DAS route through a school, or if you only intend to stick with a 125 you can do the test on your bike and get an A1 full licence, the test is the same for any category, you will need to do the theory test first £25 ish, then Mod 1 £15 ish, then Mod 2 £75 ish https://www.gov.uk/motorcycle-test
  20. When all said and done what you ride is neither here or there, the main thing is you enjoy it and get the pleasure from it
  21. [mention]S-Westerly[/mention] What you have is a "WANT" not a "NEED" perhaps what i should have said is that a 125 would be suitable for most peoples basic needs
  22. With todays modern 125's the reality is these machines are all anyone actually NEEDS, they are suited for every type of riding that being commuting, popping into town a weekend pootle or a full on tour
  23. Buy the bike that makes you smile everytime you see it
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