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Everything posted by husoi

  1. Its a red one 1986 19,305 or thereabouts MOT since 19/11 with a clean pass. Waiting on a new voltage regulator to arrive and will be ready to go.
  2. Been considering to sell my shadow 700... Not as high as £3000 and it's a charm.
  3. Coming from the dentist 15min ago and still only feeling half of my face, a question come to mind. Does dentists work in a confined space?
  4. Bunch of leaches. My ex was almost sacked because she didn't want to join unison. The money people pay for those useless people is a good salary saving. Been working since 1985 and never needed anyone to sort my pay or work conditions. If I'm not happy I will move on and nobody knows what is best for me. Worked 6 months for a council and the union rep would spend the day doing nothing other than chatting to his gf and reading the sports section of the newspaper.
  5. Can I nominate a group of lowlife people? All Union reps, leaders and that kind of scum. Useless Tw@ts calling strikes around xmas so they can have days off.
  6. Another point for the electric motorbikes
  7. I will filter on any stationary traffic and then up to 40mph depending on size of the vehicles ahead. I will stay clear from being stuck on the side of a HGV or bus/coach. Always make clear to the drivers both side that I'm going to pass in between and if one moves away I will be "nice" and wave a thank you. It's nice to be nice and I always keep in mind that I have caught up with them and I will be long gone when they get out of the queuing traffic. IAM advises that it is acceptable and safe to filter up to 30mph.
  8. Something that hasn't been mentioned yet. Make sure you know how to control the bike with the extra weight. You don't say if you will be riding alone or with pillion, regardless, as reduced as luggage may be, it will result in longer braking distances. Needless to say, that you wouldn't be the first biker where the not so well fixed luggage tried to go away while you're not looking. A few weeks ago, a friend had an accident because the sleeping bag decided to join the belt drive on her water pump (HD).
  9. I can't be bothered in creating a new thread for this For those with troublesome knees like me I have been using an elasticated band on my left knee, the worst of the two. Showing signs of time with the problem of not having any thermal effect. So I decided to put my thinking hat and come up with this. The only thermal obvious item would be... Exactly a pair of thermal socks. Just need to do a bit of a cut like this Et voilá A nice elasticated thermal knee protection for £1.35
  10. Hi @Fazzer6754 welcome to the forum. You will find some useful or not) info about touring in here. Personally I would say for you to start with shorter trips (up to 1,500miles) See how comfortable you feel on long stints. My last trip I was stopping every 75 to 100 between breaks, but I'm well over your age. First thing you need to consider is how comfy the bike is, can you improve on it? Although my touring trips are on a ST1300 I managed to increase the distance between breaks by adding some gel pads on the seats. Don't ride until you're knackered. Instead stop as soon you start to feel uncomfortable, have a walk around a hot/cold drink and get back on the road. You will find out that not allowing to get very tired when you stop will allow shorter breaks and the stint will run better covering a longer distance. Another thing to consider, don't rush. touring is about enjoying the trip not just get where you have planned to arrive. Ferry is your best mate on touring because you will still be making ground while resting.
  11. Had a clean MOT on the shadow this morning. Later a 3hr training
  12. Better damaged cap than the entire final drive casing. of them for £12 isn't something I'll complain about.
  13. This should last me a few weeks...
  14. Today's NOB: ME!!!! Managed to break the cap for the final drive on the shadow after inspecting the shaft oil
  15. It's a chinese thing. Yesterday received what I thought was the brackets for the new headlight for the shadow. When I open the box had a pair of grips This was the second time I tried to buy the brackets, first time the package was "lost" in China. Aliexpress gave refund on both straightaway "You're a very good costumer and we value your business..." Don't even need to return the grips. Let's hope 3rd time lucky with the brackets. If anyone is interested in a pair of grips...
  16. If you need company... Ebay has a complaint system, why don't you raise a dispute?
  17. Had you got it from Aliexpress and you would have a full refund.
  18. They are a proper disappointment. Last time I saw them there were no machines around. Not even a wee spanner...
  19. I know I shouldn't laugh.... Run over by own car
  20. Very good morning everybody. Received today my xmas own gift. a new set of intercom current ones although still in perfect working order, battery still in perfect condition after 9yrs it's time to get something a bit newer. So, meet my new Lexin GTX. Smaller than my previous set A very fancy case 5 different skin covers just in case you don't like the black one A shed load of accessories, including several speaker pads, 2 mics (flexible and rigid for flip up's) sticker or clip fixing and extra skins. Tried it for a bit outside the helmet. Sound seems very good and very easy to use. Can't wait for the weekend to give it a try
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