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Everything posted by husoi

  1. All insurance will cover EU countries. You will have the list of included and excluded countries in your policy documents. Enquire with your insurance for the need of green card. You need to remember to take your bike's documents as some countries will ask for this (Vo5). What you really want to make sure you have is the breakdown cover. STAY AWAY from addon from insurance companies as they will rip you off, what they offer is never what you need. Greenflag have nice prices for EU breakdown cover and allows for multivehicle cover. All the other big players will have similar EU cover. unless of course you are travelling outside the EU, then you have to make your search to fit. Another thing to consider is the city centre green tax (each country have different names). Like OLEZ in the UK most countries will have limits for what type of vehicles can circulate in city centres. I always carry with me a bulb replacement kit, French are always changing their laws regarding highviz and breathalyzers, for the cost of a couple quid isn't worth the hassle so I have a pair too. The obvious GB sticker..
  2. What level of PhD do you need to operate it?
  3. husoi

    Happy birthday

    Happy birthday for the twins
  4. Can't see that picking up to be honest. Like steam cleaners, why you want fried air?
  5. You won't be the first to ask "silly questions" For sure you won't be the last That's why we have the forum, so people can ask whatever they have in their minds and we have fun answering them. Not always with relevant information as you will find out...
  6. I can see a touring trip going to your neck of the woods
  7. Then because of idiots like in the second clip bikers have a bad reputation...
  8. Nissan started with the 24kw batteries that would go up to 50 miles. Then the 30kw with a range of 60 - 80 miles Leaf 48kw with 120 to 150 miles The newer 62 kw (the one I have) goes 180 to 210 no sweat. Yes the battery drains quicker in cold weather, batteries don't like temps below 5c and as you will run the heating system it reduces the range. Once you get used to the "reading" of the battery %s you can easily work out the distance you can go on one charge. Driving style and speed are the 2 most relevant factors regarding human interface. (the above ranges are based on my own experience. T&C apply )
  9. I know that trees under 5m distance will increase home insurance as they are a high risk.
  10. Because demand is getting high and maintenance is really low around 4p per mile compared to 17p per mile on ICE they are valued. The second one I was offered a cracking deal because it was during the covid peak and dealers were trying to get their hand to any car they could. Being a long term Nissan costumer gave me priority and I got the car in 2 months instead the usual 9 to 12 months waiting list.
  11. Company cars don't work for me because I don't do much business mileage. first one I did 59k miles second 35k this one is on 24k in 1 year
  12. Because in my case I have 217 BHP from standing still. It's amazing how quickly you set out from the traffic lights. but at a cost. Priceless to see the GTI's and M3/5 seeing you go like an arrow
  13. Aren't sequoias a protected species? You maybe want to check with the forestry guys before getting the clippers out...
  14. Well, I'm on my 3rd Leaf and won't go back to fuel. Yes it takes a bit to get used to the different style of driving if you want to maximize the range. Fortunately, at work I can charge so have been travelling almost for free for almost 1 year. I can easily make 180 miles on a charge in winter and well over 200 when temp goes above 10c Worst thing on EV's is how quickly they chew the tyres If you don't have XL ones they are gone in 15k miles
  15. I just use an app called MOT checker (android). Add the reg number, you can set a reminder for 30 days and gives you all the story for a few years. Even checks that your road tax is in order.
  16. husoi

    Europe roadtrip

    From Liverpool I would rather go across to Hull (3hrs ride), ferry to Rotterdam and when you wake up next day you're in the continent. Better than 5 long hours at the start of the touring trip. Much better roads, likely to find far less roadworks. Then the roads on the other side are a lot better
  17. Don't: walk under ladders, Let a black cat cross your path, cross knives be the 13th at a table Eat poison mushrooms (very bad luck)
  18. I'm not superstitious. It's bad luck.
  19. Adam when having his first erection: Eve, You better back off. I have no idea where this is going...
  20. Them, I meant them, the other guys
  21. They changed the way instructions are written to help men who don't read them to justify why we don't...
  22. There are some battery chargers that will recover the lead battery. The downside is you will need to order it from China and wait a few weeks for it. The battery won't fully recover but you will be able to squeeze another year from it. 2 years ago I replaced the Pan's battery and the "dead" one has been working in the trailer as internal light and phone charger power supply. This is just now showing signs of absolute death The best test is to connect a multimeter (Volts) and fire up the bike. Voltage should sit t 12.5V more or less after you turn the engine off. Turn the lights on and voltage would drop to 12V or thereabout. If voltage drops rapidly then you have a sulphated battery and death is imminent.
  23. husoi


    LED's have now become legal in the UK. I would start by having a look on them. Just don't go to Chinese crap ones and don't go mental with the high power ones. Anything below 30W should be bright enough.
  24. I have little problems lifting my 300kg Pan onto the stand. As @Stu says, it's all in the technique and know how to put your weight on your foot while standing on the centre stand. I would imagine each bike have it's own "trick". On all of them, practice makes perfection.
  25. "Sad day" today. Princess Nicola is going...
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