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Everything posted by husoi

  1. Unless you actually ride a ST1300 and are escorted by a 125...
  2. Finally have my new passport. Took them a whole week to send it. Just need to wait for the Euro to come back up, should have bough some when it was at €1.18. And some croatian Kuna. Next, service the Pan, checks on the trailer to make sure everything is working. Fit the new side mirror (don't ask...). Ended procrastination on the luggage list so next will start filling the bags.
  3. Starting to pack all my stuff for the holidays Monday will service the Pan and fill pannier bags with my stuff. Final checks and load the trailer.
  4. Hello, everyone. In case any of you want to have information about how to spray all different parts of a motorbike. This guy is a Brazilian professional with a tone of videos with several techniques and all different parts of a motorbike sprayed. Most clips have subtitles available in English. Enjoy
  5. An item everybody should have as a tool is a bit of double sided gel tape. very strong grip and you can use it as @fastbob and @Mississippi Bullfrog say. A bit at the end of a stick. Around £5 on ebay
  6. husoi

    Satnav help

    Maybe you want to use a dedicated offline app instead. Something like Navigator NavigatorFree | MapFactor GPS Navigation App Although Waze will work the same when not connected for a short period of time.
  7. Tease them and Scotts will charge down and take over. Hurray President Princess Nicola
  8. Now you guys try to erase that image from your mind...
  9. husoi

    New PM

    What's the point if then you're having a wall on the border...
  10. Can't have that. What will happen to Princess Nicola of Scotts then?
  11. A great Woman, a proper head of state with a strong connection to my home country through the oldest alliance in the world. One question comes to mind. Why on earth does a 7x year old guy doesn't step aside and handover the crown to his son allowing the country a more modern up to date King...
  12. Good morning. Shadow's stator gone faulty...
  13. Isn't a flip-up... You are aware that you can get a carbon fibre helmet for £250 - £300?
  14. Wee update, EHIC card arrived a few days ago. Yesterday got my new ID card (Yes we have those back home) Passport dealt with and will arrive probably by Monday the latest according to Consulate staff. I'm now practicing my art of procrastination in making the list of stuff I will need to take... Swimming shorts and beach towel are in the pile already together with shorts to roam around the camping site. Weather forecast is showing a "mild" temperature 20 - 25c with few clouds and light breeze throughout the 2 weeks In the UK side, no surprises there, strong chance of rain all the way down to Hull.
  15. Just make sure the pads adjust to the disks and gaps are where they are supposed during the first few miles. Give it a strong breaking a couple times to make sure everything is going well and enjoy the new brakes
  16. I am a member of a charity and I don't get a penny. All travelling, hotel, food comes out of my pocket. Most money that goes into charities is spent on 50k plus wages for people sitting at a desk.
  17. You will be paying £400 wages for someone instead of actually giving the money to those who need it. Plus tax to the gov.
  18. Everyone seems to be in such a hurry to scream 'racism' these days. A customer asked, "In what aisle could I find the Irish sausages?" The assistant asks, "Are you Irish?" The guy, clearly offended, says, "Yes I am, but let me ask You something... If I had asked for Italian sausage, would you ask me if I was Italian? Or if I had asked for German Bratwurst, would you ask me if I was German? Or if I asked for a kosher hot dog would you ask me if I was Jewish? Or if I had asked for a Taco, would you ask if I was Mexican? Or if I asked for Polish sausage, would you ask if I was Polish?" The assistant says, "No, I probably wouldn't." The guy says, "Well then, just because I asked for Irish sausage, why then did you ask me if I'm Irish?" The assistant replied, "Because this is Halfords."
  19. I used to have heavy duty painkillers for my joints and arthritis. Found out that my GP was an idiot and all I needed was a daily dose of 375mg of magnesium and a top up with paracetamol when it gets a bit worse. On both bikes I fitted some 2cm gel pads and the 70 miles numbness become 130 miles
  20. Good morning everybody An interesting concept in the news today. The main problem of film industry (and similarly many other industries) is that they have grown too much for their own good. According to a film specialist, there are too many films and still too many movie theaters. People have become tired of same thing over and over where the only change is what you're looking at for 1,5 hours. I think this applies to many other. Take restaurants for example, how often you see a menu being renewed? or even the decoration revamped. With money shrinking on a daily basis we have to make decisions on spending that obviously doesn't please "leisure industry" Time is changing...
  21. I'll be using mine during my trip to Croatia next month. Hopefully will be able to add some more info on this.
  22. Just got the email confirming the application for the NHS card is approved and will be sent by post. Also the email with the booking for the ferry.
  23. Had my next door neighbor flying one of those mechanical midges over the house and garden. Funny enough after I show him the finger (Mr. Bean style) the drone never show up again.
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