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Everything posted by Tiggie

  1. Tiggie


    So Motorcycles should be fine provided you wear a full face lid
  2. I need to cut the grass before I can put the tent up
  3. Go on then, I'll dig a fancy dress out of the cupboard
  4. Tiggie


    The road I live on is a cycle and walking route. I think Halfords must of sold out of bikes there has been that many going up and down over last week. And that's not including the regular lycra brigade
  5. Found this on the Autotrader Website that might be of some use Link to full article: https://www.autotrader.co.uk/bikes/content/coronavirus-advice-for-bike-riders
  6. I'm still waiting on bottle of oil and a filter from Halfords, ordered it yesterday and paid £3.99 delivery. Not here yet. Robbing barstewards
  7. Maybe we've been misunderstanding this Drag Racing all along
  8. Thought I'd be nice and give a genuine answer. The cars that run on old veg oil (Biodiesel) are diesel engined. Motorbikes are petrol engined so the answer is no, its a different kind of combustion in a petrol engine to what biodiesel needs to work. And yes before anyone says anything there are a few diesel engine bikes out there but I can bet the op doesnt have one and neither do you!
  9. It would be fine trust me I remember a guy I knew years ago who topped up the oil in his car from a used 4ltr container that he had. It didn't turn out well because one of his sons had emptied the remains of a bottle of brake fluid in there by mistake. Ffs don't spoil the surprise, I nearly had him taking it
  10. One of the (many) reasons I miss my wife's dad so much (he died a few years ago) was that as a truck mechanic he could give me all the oil I wanted. Along with gloves and cans of silicone spray, tubs of grease, fuses, fasteners etc etc. Yes I'm a cheap northern monkey too
  11. [mention]Stu[/mention] I'm not delivering Pity though as you could of definitely had it, probably about 8 litres altogether
  12. [mention]Stu[/mention] in that case I'll let you have it as long as you promise to put it in your bike
  13. Several bottles are VERY old! I know one of them was from an oil change I did on my wife's Renault and she hasn't had that car for approx 8 years!
  14. Yes but only beef dripping, none of that vegetable oil stuff. The trick is to pour it into the filler cap while its still hot, otherwise it takes ages to spoon it in when set Trust me on this, I run a chippie
  15. [mention]Stu[/mention] Thats probably what it'll get used for, though I have a massive bottle of Gear Oil that I usually use for that. Guess I can just mix it all in one big bottle and put a warning label on saying not for engine use
  16. So I've been clearing my garage out in a state of lockdown infused boredom and have found several bottles of half full oil from years past. The question is what to do with them? Seems a waste to just take it to the tip for recycling but I cant think of any further uses for it
  17. [mention]Stu[/mention] I did get the hoover out! Wife was not impressed I think what really annoyed her is I was more bothered about my cat getting cut than her or the kids
  18. I'm liking it too. And as a bonus it won't take forever to clean if it flips over again You really wouldn't believe how many bits of black safety glass I'm still finding out there!
  19. Back during the storms I found my small glass garden table had flipped and smashed everywhere (not my table but gives you an idea of what the damage looked like. In fact worse than this picture as half the sodding glass went on my lawn and i'm still finding little black squares of the stuff ) As i'm a lazy b@stard the frame has been sat in a pile of things waiting to go to the tip. Yesterday I had the thought of just making a new top for it. Wood is from an old pallet I swiped from loading bay at work for last years bonfire (overestimated how many I needed to burn so just shoved one down side of garage for a rainy day i.e. was easier than disposing of properly ) Thought I'd give it a stain with an old tin I found in back of garage And there you go,at the very least it kept me entertained for a couple of hours yesterday afternoon
  20. Nicked from someone else : He entered the church as a sinner and left a holey man
  21. I'd adjust it to whats comfortable for you
  22. HD riders do seem to be amongst the most ignorant. It can depend on where you are though, when riding snakes pass for example, you see that many bikers that it becomes a chore to keep nodding
  23. One of my favorite work memories was sending our saturday boy to B&Q for a lightbulb repair kit 30 minutes later I got a phonecall from the manager of B&Q to say that he found our lad and his saturday boy looking up and down the aisles for one
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