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Everything posted by Tiggie

  1. I do kinda want to see people doing the red dwarf ankle shake
  2. I saw a video once of Coke being used to clean out an EGR valve and it worked so I can believe it will do the trick. Theres just something about introducing sugary water to engine parts I don't like
  3. It's like a bar of putty. You take off a piece and with some soapy water rub it over the paintwork. It is really good at getting road tar spots off and brightens up the finish.
  4. Gardening here too recently. I'm absolutely fecked My lovely wife was nice enough to take a photo while I was hard at work The stone border you can see wa completely overgrown with grass and weeds to the point you could barely make out the stones Like a lazy tw@t I didn't touch it at all last year so that hasn't helped, I've promised myself to do it more often from now on! What does annoy me is the large overgrowth you can see at the back isn't mine its the neighbours. They haven't touched that hedge at all that I've seen since we have lived here (+5 years)
  5. [mention]Stu[/mention] I have just spent far too long looking at the strange tool circled. Thinking it was some kind of 1 handled piston extractor but not quite sure how it would work. Then I realised what I was looking at........I'm going back to bed
  6. [mention]fastbob[/mention] Nope, I've got nothing, very tidy looking machine
  7. Completely agree with this assessment. And as he has a Harley he is very experienced in oil leaks
  8. An old boss of mine said same thing after meeting him in Turkey He was just downing bottles of wine and had the reddest alcoholic nose you could believe apparently
  9. [mention]S-Westerly[/mention] you should see the size of my tail
  10. Here you go everyone. The authentic TMBF rally experience
  11. [mention]XTreme[/mention] I've seen that. Looks a shadow of what he was.
  12. [mention]gymwitch[/mention] I remember him well. "right leg , hospital; left leg, cemetery."
  13. [mention]gymwitch[/mention] Yes thats him, I won a ticket to a meet & greet. Even in his 50's he looked like he could cause some damage
  14. When I was a teenager Paul Daniels & Debbie came into the shop I was working at to buy some bits. I wasn't sure it was them until they left and my manager confirmed it. Apparently I served a really famous footballer too but as I cant stand the game I didn't know who he was and wouldn't of cared either way I've met several American Wrestlers over the years, Ric Flair, William Regal, Ken Shamrock, Mick Foley & Roddy Piper. Roddy Piper was incredible to me as I was a huge fan as a kid and he turned out to be everything I could hope for. You could tell he was genuinely happy to meet his fans and spent time talking personally to anyone who wanted to.
  15. I skipped over the bit that said shiver and assumed you was talking about an RSV as that's the first bike that comes to mind when mentioning aprillia. And then you both started agreeing that it was an entry level bike and I got scared and confused
  16. I'm worried now that i've accidently discovered where he hides his victims and i'm next
  17. Whats that massive hole in the ground? Are you digging your own grave?
  18. [mention]Mickly[/mention] Unleaded vs Premium
  19. I run a fish shop so usually put down i'm a fryer. Found if I put manager down it knocked £44 off for the year
  20. Tiggie


    [mention]Marino[/mention] After watching that video I think I'll keep to my back garden and stay out of the front. My house is on a very popular cycle/running route
  21. [mention]S-Westerly[/mention] Replace your can of wd-40 with dettol and you're good to go!!
  22. Could be that the old air filter was a performance one and its been replaced with a standard
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