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Everything posted by Tiggie

  1. To be absolutely fair to the guy though I do have to say this. When I went on his website and watched his animation for a bit my computer fans started up & sounded like a jet turbine so he might be on to something
  2. [mention]Mr Fro[/mention] I have no clue how you found that!! I did a pretty extensive google and came up with nothing Hats off to you
  3. [mention]Six30[/mention] I originally thought it was you on a lockdown induced wind-up
  4. Tiggie

    sinclair C5

    I wonder what one would be like with an arcturus engine?
  5. And by the way I can promise you that propellors don't work in space
  6. I very much doubt he will be getting banned In all seriousness I don't understand why you thought to ask a bunch of bikers about your revolutionary new design and not instead gone to the more scientific engineering based forums that are abundant on the web.
  7. Definitely got a sump plug! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AB61DX3YdHM
  8. To answer the original question there is an invention called a flame arrestor that might be applicable https://youtu.be/vrSOhhHIXQ8 https://www.protego.com/products/flame-arresters.html
  9. Perhaps you could 3d print a model. Obviously it wouldn't work as an engine but it would be a useful tool for you to use. Probably a company somewhere you could go and get it done at
  10. If you go on the website you will see it's not a dream, they have actually built the engine and are currently working on a smaller lighter version. Realistically that's what you should look to do with your design I feel. All the simulations in the world can't beat an actual field test
  11. Tiggie

    Ogri Books

    I have the Ogri lid as my spare its a bit too tight for my head though, gives me earache after a while
  12. Tiggie

    Ogri Books

    I think I still have one! I hope so anyway
  13. Another option if the garage is local and the mechanic is friendly is to bribe them into picking it up
  14. Tiggie

    Ogri Books

    Why the feck didnt I keep my old books?!!!! I used to have all of them years ago
  15. [mention]goat[/mention] makes a good point. Far more likely to sell with an mot
  16. You don't need to tax it but if you are riding it to garage for mot it'll need insurance. You can get day insurance though if it was myself and the garage was close enough I wouldn't bother. Note that is what I'd personally do and I take no liability
  17. Theres a company in California who have made something quite similar you might want to look at. http://www.gotekenergy.com/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5m1meR3dueo&feature=youtu.be Thats from 2014, they are currently working on making a smaller version for use in air compressor technology apparently
  18. [mention]rennie[/mention] Did you go back on the motorway? I cant believe that would of been fun
  19. [mention]Bender[/mention] Must be a prerequisite of being a mod
  20. I'm not touching that one, a lot of members have 'disappeared' over the years while hoggs has been around
  21. [mention]S-Westerly[/mention] Very hard to get a fosters over there though!
  22. I went to Australia last year and found this. Anyone remember the old ad's? Australians wouldn't give a......... I bought a crate of this stuff to have on a night when I was there, wasn't bad. Alcohol was bloody expensive too!
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