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Everything posted by Tiggie

  1. [mention]Ian Frog[/mention] ouch I learnt about it at work, (fish shop) all the chip scoops are aluminum and the punishment for putting them in dishwasher at end of night is severe!!
  2. [mention]Stu[/mention] Fine I'll go google it!! lazy barsteward
  3. [mention]Ian Frog[/mention] I was told by somebody who was very clever about these sort of things that its perfectly safe to put parts in the dishwasher as the chemicals in the tablets/powder are strong enough to dissolve any oils or grease etc Never put anything aluminum in though. It gets a bad reaction and for want of a better word, 'sweats' a black inky substance which takes ages to scrub away. Guess what my wifes paddles on her electric mixer are made out of
  4. So whoever has done this before, what sort of grit should I be looking at?
  5. [mention]Ian Frog[/mention] was just in middle of typing a reply telling you to look a little closer at the post!!
  6. I'm looking at this. Only £20, https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/AIR-COMPRESSOR-PNEUMATIC-SANDBLASTER-SANDBLASTING-GUN-SAND-BLASTER-BLAST-KIT/293410935085?hash=item4450a7912d:g:rNMAAOSw1adeE0Sf Gravity fed, 7cfm, 90psi so well within my compressor specs. Anyway i wont be doing anything serious with it, I've watched a few videos and it looks very therapeutic to do
  7. [mention]Ian Frog[/mention] You are right, I've just looked and they are on ebay for around £20. I always assumed sandblasting gear was north of a hundred. Guess I'll just pick one of them up and modify the tool cabinet instead
  8. I've actually got an old tool chest similar to this one thats waiting to go to tip when it opens again. Wonder if I can convert the bottom cabinet
  9. Thinking of making this at weekend. Looks simple enough https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVu-hv0hvdM
  10. Tiggie

    99 Tom

    I love the fact that originally he just wanted to raise £1000!!
  11. One thing to always do is check different Comparison sites. I found that compare the market usually got me cheaper quotes than gocompare and thats with the same brokers! Shop, Shop, Shop around
  12. I know I know, some will be really rolling eyes at this one but if you haven't heard it before give it a shot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9Dg-g7t2l4
  13. I wish there had been a live version of 'Mr. Banker' to listen to
  14. I was the green army man that year and it wasn't the best choice for the next day Took a long time to get all the facepaint off, I got some very strange looks when I called into mcdonalds at service station on way home
  15. Hope you don't mind this [mention]rennie[/mention], I found this video on your Facebook page when I was searching for rally related content https://youtu.be/Mh8SXwlSQx4 And because you asked I deliver The singing legend in I believe the 2014 Rally https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrrdDQoIrPU
  16. Just looking through my old facebook posts and found this. Love this photo!
  17. I believe I have a video of [mention]Donnie Brasco[/mention] singing though I wont be posting it
  18. [mention]rennie[/mention] I wasn't going to post the link but stu told me to Heres another, can anyone guess who this was? P.s. [mention]Stu[/mention] I want some extra credit for being nice and only posting smaller file sizes
  19. Here is a link to all photos I have. Not all by me, I collected together everyones photos that got posted after each rally I attended https://photos.app.goo.gl/ZYhyfMA44iNMTbqd6
  20. Its made me so depressed looking back through all these! Some fantastic days and nights were had with a lot of top people. Its sad that some of them no longer post on here but thats the way it goes. Sorry [mention]rennie[/mention] I'll stop chatting and post more pics!!
  21. [mention]fastbob[/mention] Beginning and end of season meets are/were done too though I don't think many (including me ) showed up. [mention]rennie[/mention] I've got loads of photos over years, Here's a few for starters, I'll dig some more out later
  22. [mention]Six30[/mention] Not a chance, thats my pride & joy
  23. I've found myself watching these time lapse videos of restorations recently, find them very therapeutic. The guys in this video are incredible, I've shared a motorbike one for obvious reasons but they restore loads of things, even old tools like grinders and bench presses. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=scIWdvJib0c&t=1455s
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