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Everything posted by Tiggie

  1. Loving the creativity I wish I earned enough money to work only when I wanted to
  2. Just tried on my phone and it's fine, doesn't work on my laptop though
  3. I've seen this on a few groups on Facebook and its usually a laugh so thought I'd see what happens here. Rules are simple. Someone posts a wish and someone replies granting the wish but ruining it in a humorous way. Example: I wish I could spend the night with Holly Willoughby Wish granted, you spend all night stood in a police lineup as Holly picks you out as the person recently stalking her I'll start it off I wish I had a new Motorbike
  4. Tiggie

    Expensive Lesson

    There's one where he's going through his tool box showing different things. "this is an american standard adjustable wrench" followed by this is a chinese version of the same which can be used for metric bolts as everyone knows its all metric over there"
  5. Doesn't surprise me. I've had a friend be told by an insurance company they'd only pay out if she accepted 50% of the blame for an accident which involved her parked car and a delivery wagon reversing into her
  6. Thats not true, I saw an Audi just the other day parked on double yellow lines outside a Coffee shop, it had all four of its indicators going, not sure where the driver was though
  7. Because I'm stupid, lazy, no money other priorities etc etc I have done a few cbts. 1st was when I was 19 on a 50cc moped. I was bricking it but passed. About 5 years later I wanted to start riding properly so booked a cbt and I failed miserably. It was my first time using a clutch and I just couldn't get it. 3 others on the course were belting around and I just couldnt get to grips at all. It put me off bikes completely and it was another 5/6 years before I tried again. It was like night and day this time, in fact we spent the last 15 minutes of the on-road bit in Mcdonalds as the Instructor was more than confident in my safety
  8. I see countless bikers fail to remember to cancel indicators (and not just ones with L plates) so don't beat yourself up too much about that. Just think of it as training for when you go back and do it again
  9. This thread reminded me of the old think bike advert https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3-EDJj-gu2Q
  10. I only have a shitty cheap car all year round
  11. I see your bad song and raise you......... Lily the Pink - The Scaffold
  12. unlucky!! I'll edit my advice to 'you should be ok if you have injectors but maybe not, Its all in the hands of the winter gods who constantly change the rules"
  13. I'm not sure what age an n/a bike is but if it is old enough to have carbs its worth draining them. If its fuel injected you have nothing to worry about
  14. One of our esteemed and high ranking members on here has one. Alas the logo has never been uncovered due to the dirt so I'm told
  15. And I thought I'd had a rough 12 months Hopefully things are on the up for you
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