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Everything posted by Tiggie

  1. Happy Birthday!! saw this and thought of you
  2. I've learnt my lesson after doing that last time
  3. I wonder how many of those posts were informative, useful or entertaining?
  4. rumour has it he removed the button because no-one ever liked his posts
  5. Lifesaver is your last check before committing to the turn
  6. mine goes to the guy driving on the bypass yesterday in front of me who upon seeing blue lights from a police car heading towards him on the OTHER side of the carriageway decides to slam on his brakes nearly causing a multi car pile up
  7. I really had Rennie down as more of a strawberry daiquiri sort of guy, just can't picture him with cider in his hand
  8. I honestly have been doing the same thing I have been judging songs on running time and whether I could get away with it with my voice
  9. looks very much like this but with the plastic foot removed http://www.diy.com/departments/rothley-h710mm-painted-black-designer-leg/254274_BQ.prd
  10. Thats what she said Sorry, I'll go get my coat
  11. which one don't you want him to see you like?
  12. have a look at this post http://www.themotorbikeforum.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=61049
  13. Just thought I would start this for everyone to check in to say you got home safe I had a very easy drive apart from a woman rear ending me in mcdonalds car park while I was parked up!!! only a few scratches a bit of plastic I had to pop back into place so no major drama.
  14. you might change your opinion when you see I have room to pack an air mattress & pillows!! Though I do see the hypocrisy of me taking piss out of Stu for always coming in a car
  15. think he went a bit overboard on stripping bike though
  16. Self taught with a lot of online help I am not in the same league at all as Stu, Megawatt, EAB and others on here but I have still done plenty of work to my bike and cars that a lot of people wouldn't have a clue how to do and would take to a mechanics. I don't like paying people to do work I feel capable of doing myself, whether its electrics, plumbing, mechanical or whatever. So I do the research and ask the questions then just get on with it. If you feel confident enough get a haynes manual for your bike, start off with the easy stuff like changing oil, adjusting chain, brake pads etc, , ask questions on here if you get stuck. As someone mentioned, Alan (megawatt) is very competent with a lot of experience and is currently trying to do a bit of drive-by-spannering where he would teach you the basics as he works http://www.themotorbikeforum.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=61049
  17. http://treasure.diylol.com/uploads/post/image/341947/resized_x-x-everywhere-meme-generator-green-green-everywhere-3efee8.jpg
  18. in other words your coming in the car
  19. Tiggie

    Bike work

    We all know you are an artist with an angle grinder Seriously though good luck with it
  20. if its raining when I get there I'm sleeping in the car Ive had my fair share of putting tents up in the wet
  21. thats ok then, commence upsetting neighbours!!
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